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W E Greiner Middle 8th Grade School Supply List 2024-2025

W E Greiner Middle
8th Grade Supply List

Go Yellow Jackets!

W E Greiner Middle - 501 S Edgefield Ave Dallas, TX 75208-5999

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W E Greiner Middle

8th Grade School Supplies List

  • 1 Clear Backpack
  • 1 Pkg of Pencils/Mechanical Pencil
  • 1 Personal Pencil Sharpener
  • 1 Pkg of Erasers
  • 1 Pkg of Pens - blue, black, red
  • 4 Composition Notebooks – college ruled
  • 4 packages of notebook paper - college ruled
  • 1 Pkg of Graph Paper
  • 1 Pkg of Colored Pencils - 12 pack or 24 pack
  • 1 Box of Crayons
  • 4 heavy duty folders with pockets & prongs
  • 4 pack dry erase markers - multiple colors
  • 6 glue sticks
  • 1 Pkg of Highlighters - multiple colors
  • 1 Pkg of Markers - fine line
  • 1 Pair of Scissors
  • 1 Ruler
  • 1 package index cards - 100 count - hole punched with ring
  • 1 Roll of Tape
  • 2 pkgs of post it notes
  • 1 Flash Drive
  • 1 Pencil Box to keep all material/supplies with them


White collared shirts without logos

Navy blue shorts, pants, or skirts. Skirts and shorts need to be knee length.

Hoodies are not allowed, but students can wear sweatshirts or jackets that are white, blue, black, grey, or yellow in color.

W E Greiner Middle 8th Grade Yellow Jackets School Supply List 2022-2023

Go Yellow Jackets!

W E Greiner Middle Dallas Isd District Insructional Calendar for

W E Greiner Middle Dallas Isd District Insructional Calendar for

W E Greiner Middle Dallas Isd District Insructional Calendar for

W E Greiner Middle Dallas Isd District Insructional Calendar for

W E Greiner Middle Dallas Isd District Insructional Calendar for

W E Greiner Middle Dallas Isd District Insructional Calendar for

W E Greiner Middle Dallas Isd District Insructional Calendar for

W E Greiner Middle Dallas Isd District Insructional Calendar for

W E Greiner Middle Dallas Isd District Insructional Calendar for

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Dallas Isd Statement on Racism

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Board declares that the lives of Black students and our Black community members matter. We as a Board are therefore committed to continuing to address systemic racism towards Black students and will continue to prioritize and target their academic achievements.

To this end, Board members in collaboration with the community will identify high need issues and shall reconvene with the Superintendent in [30] days to begin to effectively address the issues by using the tools, systems, resources and talent that exist within our district and community and equitably investing resources for our students and their families to achieve marked and measurable improvements for Black students within Dallas ISD over the next year.

Click on the grade level below to see the other school supply lists for W E Greiner Middle

6th Grade | 7th Grade | 8th Grade |

To update this 8th Grade School Supply List for W E Greiner Middle please send us an email including the updated list to:


Thank you!

See below to find other Dallas Isd Middle School
2024-2025 Eighth Grade School Supply Lists

David W Carter High School Eighth Grade School Supplies List
Thomas Jefferson High School Eighth Grade School Supplies List
W E Greiner Middle Eighth Grade School Supplies List

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