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Piccolo Elementary Specialty School Kindergarten School Supply List 2024-2025

Piccolo Elementary Specialty School
Kindergarten Supply List

Piccolo Elementary Specialty School - 1040 N Keeler Av Chicago, IL 60651-3598

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Piccolo Elementary Specialty School
Kindergarten School Supplies List

1 Pkg Large pencils
1 Box Large crayons
1 Pkg Washable markers
1 Pair of Scissors
1 Pkg of Glue sticks
1 Box Kleenex 1 Roll of paper towels

It's important for you and your child to be prepared for his or her first day of school.

Parents can spend the summer months gathering all the supplies your child will need to start the school off right. Making sure your child attends classes on time every day and is well supplied with the recommended supplies will put them in the best possible position to perform well in school.

This school supplies list provided by, The City of Chicago School District, is subject to change per teacher request. Please contact your child's school to get a complete list of the school supplies needed for the upcoming school year.

Build a starter kit of kindergarten school supplies and add to it as needed before the school year begins.

The kindergarten teachers at Piccolo Elementary Specialty School will typically update their school supplies list on a yearly basis, we try to update this list accordingly, however, we advise you to check with your child's kindergarten teacher and double check with the school, Piccolo Elementary Specialty School, to see if there have been any changes to this year's kindergarten supply list.

A couple of things to keep in mind when ordering your kindergarten supplies, comsumable school supplies tend to run out long before the school year ends so take advantage of the back to school offers and stock up on the basic supplies, your child's kindergarten teacher at Piccolo Elementary Specialty School will thank you for that, and more importantly, your child's presence is the most important thing, the supplies are second to that and your teacher will be more than understanding if you are unable to purchase all of the supplies on the list. Have a wonderful, safe and happy school year!

One of the most important pieces of information for you every school year is the City Of Chicago Sd 299 District Academic Calendar. There, you will find your child's schedule for the entire school year including holidays, staff development days, half days, testing days, first and last day of school, etc. See the calendar for City Of Chicago Sd 299 below.

Piccolo Elementary Specialty School City Of Chicago Sd 299 District Insructional Calendar for

Piccolo Elementary Specialty School City Of Chicago Sd 299 District Insructional Calendar for

Piccolo Elementary Specialty School City Of Chicago Sd 299 District Insructional Calendar for

Piccolo Elementary Specialty School City Of Chicago Sd 299 District Insructional Calendar for

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Click on the grade level below to see the other school supply lists for Piccolo Elementary Specialty School

Pre-Kindergarten | Kindergarten | 1st Grade | 2nd Grade | 3rd Grade |
4th Grade | 5th Grade | 6th Grade | 7th Grade | 8th Grade |

To update this Kindergarten School Supply List for Piccolo Elementary Specialty School please send us an email including the updated list to:


Thank you!

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