Kindergarten Supply Checklist 1 Box of Crayons 12 #2 Pencils 1 Pink Eraser 1 Pkg Washable Markers 8 Ct. 2 Glue Sticks 1 Bottle of School Glue 1 Bottle of Hand Sanitizer 1 Box of Tissues 1 Pkg of Wipes…
It you’ve ever thought about getting into the crypto currency space, now is the right time! Starting a college fund with crypto is easier than you think and could potentially increase many times over, over the next few years. You…
We’re living in a new world, post Covid-19, that has made us take a close look at how we interact with each other at school and the new types of supplies that we need to be safe and successful in…
Back to school supplies for Kindergarten 2021
We are now living a world where remote learning has become a common way for our children to get an education. Most, if not all, of the school districts across the country have adopted a hybrid education model that includes…
I see thousands of school supply lists every year and I’ve noticed a few things, on most school supply lists, that are very important in this new post Covid-19 world we are living in and felt I should compile them…