Arthur Circle Elementary School
School Supplies List 2024-2025
Back to School Supply Shopping List for Arthur Circle Elementary School
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School Name: | Arthur Circle Elementary School |
Mailing Address: | 261 Arthur Avenue Shreveport, LA 71105 |
School District: | Caddo Parish School Board |
County: | Caddo |
District Calendar: |
Arthur Circle Elementary School Caddo Parish School Board District Insructional Calendar for 2024-2025 Arthur Circle Elementary School Caddo Parish School Board District Insructional Calendar for 2023-2024 Arthur Circle Elementary School Caddo Parish School Board District Insructional Calendar for 2022-2023 |
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To update this School Supply List for Arthur Circle Elementary School please send us an email including a updated supply list to: Thank you!
School Supply Lists in the Post Covid-19 World! |
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Arthur Circle Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List $20.00 School Fee $20.00 School Fee Change of Clothes (Does not have to be a uniform. Include shirt, pants, underwear, & socks. Please place in plastic bag & label with child's name) 1 Red and Blue plastic mat (No more than 2" thick when folded.) 2 Plastic, folders with pockets 1 Pair of Fiskar Scissors 1 Box washable Crayola markers, primary colors 3 Large box of Kleenex 1 Pkg. #2 Pencils, 10 count 1 Marbleized composition notebook 3 Bottles of 4 oz. Elmer's glue - (no gel) 6 Small glue sticks 3 Boxes 8 count large size crayons (Not the "So Big") 3 Boxes 24 count regular size crayons 1 Pkg.. 9 x 12 White Construction paper - (no pads) 1 Box Watercolor Paints 1 Package Colored Construction Paper - (no pads) 1 Backpack (large enough for pocket folders - (NO WHEELS) Only label the mat, backpack and change of clothes with student's name. Student's names are not needed on any other supplies. Print Arthur Circle Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List Caddo Parish School Board District Calendar 2024-2025 Caddo Parish School Board District Calendar 2023-2024 Caddo Parish School Board District Calendar 2022-2023 |
Arthur Circle Elementary School First Grade School Supplies List $20.00 School Fee 4 Spiral Wide-Ruled Notebooks (Solid colors - 2 red, 2 blue) 1 pkg. 9 x 12 Manila Drawing Paper 1 pkg. 9x 12 colored construction paper 4 Boxes of 24 count crayons 1 Plastic Green Pocket Folders (no brads) 1 Pair of Fiskar Scissors (blunt tip) 2 Marbleized Composition Notebook (black and white) 1 Sturdy nylon zipper pouch 2 Large boxes of Kleenex 2 Pkgs. #2 Yellow, Wooden Pencils (10 count) 4 Pkgs. of pencil top erasers - 15 count 4 Jumbo glue sticks 1 Pkgs. Wide-ruled Loose Leaf paper 1 Backpack large enough for folders and binders - (NO ROLLING BACKPACKS) Please do not label your supplies. Supplies should be Supplies should be replenished as needed Print Arthur Circle Elementary School First Grade School Supplies List Caddo Parish School Board Academic Calendar2024-2025 Caddo Parish School Board Academic Calendar2023-2024 Caddo Parish School Board Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
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Arthur Circle Elementary School Second Grade School Supplies List 2 Pkgs. #2 pencils (NO MECHANICAL) 2 Boxes 24 count regular size crayons (no larger than 24 ct.) 1 Pair Fiskar scissors 2 Pkgs. Wide-ruled notebook paper 1 Large glue stick 4 Wide-ruled spiral notebooks (Red, Blue, Yellow, Green) 1 Large box of Kleenex 2 Pkg. Manila Drawing Paper 6 Pocket folders with brads (Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, and 2 other colors of your choice) 1 Pack pencil top erasers 1 Backpack (NO WHEELS - size to fit inside a locker) 1 Pkg. Colored Pencils Please label all supplies. Do not bring trapper keepers, binders, or school boxes or other school supplies not listed. Supplies will need to be replenished through the year. Print Arthur Circle Elementary School Second Grade School Supplies List Caddo Parish School Board Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Caddo Parish School Board Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Caddo Parish School Board Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
Arthur Circle Elementary School Third Grade School Supplies List $20.00 School Fee 4 Red checking pencils (no pens) 6 Plastic Pocket Folders with brads - one of each color Purple, Green, Yellow, Red, Blue and Orange. 1 Composition Notebook - Black and White Marble (Not Spiral) 1 Zipper Pouch for supplies - NO BOXES 3 Pkg. Wide-ruled Loose Leaf notebook paper 2 Large glue sticks 2 Boxes 24 count crayons or twistables 1 Pair sharp point scissors 3 Pkgs. #2 pencils (NO MECHANICAL PENCILS 2 Large Boxes of Kleenex Supplies should be replenished as needed. NO ROLLING BACKPACKS or suitcases - only back-packs small enough to fit in a locker. No ballpoint or gel pens. Please use a black marker to label supplies with child's name. Print Arthur Circle Elementary School Third Grade School Supplies List Caddo Parish School Board Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Caddo Parish School Board Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Caddo Parish School Board Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
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Arthur Circle Elementary School Print Arthur Circle Elementary School Fourth Grade School Supplies List Caddo Parish School Board Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Caddo Parish School Board Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Caddo Parish School Board Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
Arthur Circle Elementary School Print Arthur Circle Elementary School Fifth Grade School Supplies List Caddo Parish School Board Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Caddo Parish School Board Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Caddo Parish School Board Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |