Beckendorff Junior High
School Supplies List 2024-2025
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Beckendorff Junior High Sixth Grade School Supplies List The following supplies are pre-packaged & available for sale online and can be picked up at the Beckendorff Blast. * These items need to be replenished throughout the school year. 1* Package 12ct. twistable colored pencils Pencil Bag ( Social Studies) 1 Hand held pencil sharpener with shavings receptacle Pencil Bag 1* Package of Crayola Twistables Pencil Bag ( ELA) 1* Highlighter marker (preferably yellow) Pencil Bag (Reading) 3* Black or Blue pens (no glitter, neon, or metallic pens please) Pencil Bag 3* Red pens Pencil Bag 1 Scissor 5" pointed (Fiskar or other brand) Pencil Bag 12* #2 Pencils Pencil Bag 2 Mechanical Pencils Pencil Bag (Math) 1* Pencil lead any size Pencil Bag (Math) 2* Pink erasers Pencil Bag (Math) 4 Large glue sticks .77oz. 2 turned into Science, 2 in pencil bag for other classes. 1 Green Poly (Plastic) folder with brads and pockets Social Studies 1 Mead 1 Subject 5-Star Spiral notebook, college rule, 100 pages Social Studies 1 100 count packages of lined 3x5 index cards Social Studies 2 Black composition books with hard cover-not spiral ELA 2 Folders with brads and pockets any color ELA 5 3x3 package post-it-notes 1 for ELA and 4 Science 2 100-page, 1 subject, wide ruled, spiral notebook (1 per semester) Science 1 1" binder any color Math 1 Package of Dividers for binder Math 1 Packages of Graph paper. 4 squares per inch, 50 sheets Science 2* Packages wide ruled filler paper 200ct. 2 packages kept in locker/folders 2 Box of facial tissue (Kleenex or other brand) Turn into 1st period teacher Your student will also need to purchase all the following supplies and materials. These are NOT included in pre-packaged supplies. Quantity Item 1 School assignment notebook (will be available for purchase at the BLAST ) 1 Pencil bag ( will be available for purchase at the BLAST) 1. Novels: Students are strongly encouraged to purchase the class novels for home use and annotation, as assigned in Reading 6 Courses. Information will be provided by Reading instructors. 2. PE/athletics students will be charged an annual laundry fee of $15.00. The PE instructor will collect the fee during the first week of school. 3. Backpacks should be 12x18x6 or smaller. Backpacks with wheels/pull handles do not fit in lockers & should not be used. A few additional unique supplies may be required by individual teachers. Print Beckendorff Junior High Sixth Grade School Supplies List Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Katy Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Katy Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Katy Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Katy Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Katy Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Katy Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
Beckendorff Junior High Seventh Grade School Supplies List The following supplies are pre-packaged & available for sale online and can be picked up at the Beckendorff Blast. * These items need to be replenished throughout the school year. 1* Packages 12ct. colored pencils Pencil Bag 1* Package Highlighter markers (yellow, pink, blue, green) Pencil Bag 12*#2 Pencils Pencil Bag 3* Black or Blue pens ( no glitter, neon, or metallic please) Pencil Bag 3* Red pens Pencil Bag 1* Expo dry erase marker(any color) for math class Pencil Bag 1 Scissor 5" pointed (Fiskar or other brand) Pencil Bag 3* Large glue sticks .77 oz Pencil Bag 2 100-page, 1 subject, college ruled, spiral notebook (1spiral per semester) - Social Studies 3 Composition notebook, black and white hardback (not spiral) Two for ELA and one for Science - English and Reading Science 2 Poly (Plastic) folder with brads and pockets - English and Reading 1 3x3 package of post-it-notes - English and Reading 1 70 or 100-page, 1 subject, spiral notebook for PreAP math only Math - PreAP 1 11/2 in. or 2 in. binder for PreAP math only Math - PreAP 1 Pocket folder for Academic Math - Math - Academic 1 150-page, 1 subject, wide ruled, spiral notebook for Academic Math - Math - Academic 2 AAA Batteries - Math 3* Packages of wide rule filler paper 200ct. 1 pkg is turned into Math 1 pkg is turned into ELA 1 pkg is kept to use in other classes. 2 Boxes of facial tissue (Kleenex or other brand) To be picked up in advisory Your student will also need to purchase all the following supplies and materials. These are NOT included in pre-packaged supplies. Quantity Item 1 School assignment notebook (will be available for purchase at the BLAST for $3.00) 1 Pencil bag ( will be available for purchase at the BLAST) 1. Novels: Students are strongly encouraged to purchase the class novels for home use and annotation, as assigned in Reading 7 courses. Information will be provided by the Reading instructors. 2. PE/athletics students will be charged an annual laundry fee of $15.00. The PE instructor will collect the fee during the first week of school. 3. Backpacks should be 12x18x6 or smaller. Backpacks with wheels/pull handles do not fit in lockers & should not be used. A few additional unique supplies may be required by individual teachers. Print Beckendorff Junior High Seventh Grade School Supplies List Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Katy Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Katy Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Katy Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Katy Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Katy Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Katy Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
Beckendorff Junior High Eighth Grade School Supplies List The following supplies are pre-packaged & available for sale online and can be picked up at the Beckendorff Blast. * These items need to be replenished throughout the school year. 1* Packages 12ct. colored pencils Pencil Bag 1* Package Highlighter markers (yellow, pink, blue, green) Pencil Bag 1* Package of markers(12 count) Pencil Bag (English) 1 12" plastic ruler, 1/16" standard and metric Pencil Bag or Binder (Math) 24* #2 Pencils Pencil Bag 3* Black or Blue pens (NO glitter, neon, or metallic pens, please) Pencil Bag 1 Scissor 5" pointed (Fiskar or other brand) Pencil Bag 3* Expo dry erase marker(any color) for math class Pencil Bag (Math) 3* Large glue sticks .77oz. 1 turned into Social Studies Keep 2 in Pencil Bag 1 2 inch 3 ring binder ELA and Math 5 Tab dividers for binder ELA 1 3x3 package of post-it-notes ELA 1 1.5 inch 3 ring binder Social Studies 1 1 inch 3 ring binder Science 2 100-page, 1 subject, wide ruled, spiral notebook (1 spiral per semester Math 3* Packages of filler paper 200ct. 1 pkg turned into Math 2 pkg are used for ELA and Science binders 2 Boxes of facial tissue (Kleenex or other brand) Turned into advisory teachers Your student will also need to purchase all the following supplies and materials. These are NOT included in pre-packaged supplies. Quantity Item 1 School assignment notebook (will be available for purchase at the BLAST) 1 Pencil bag ( will be available for purchase at the BLAST) 1. PE/athletics students will be charged an annual laundry fee of $15.00. The PE instructor will collect the fee during the first week of school. 2. Backpacks should be 12x18x6 or smaller. Backpacks with wheels/pull handles do not fit in lockers & should not be used. A few additional unique supplies may be required by individual teachers. Print Beckendorff Junior High Eighth Grade School Supplies List Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Katy Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Katy Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Katy Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Katy Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Katy Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Katy Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |