Belvedere Elementary
School Supplies List 2024-2025

Mega Bulk Back to School General Supply Bundle Kit - 70 + Items

Back to School Supply Shopping List for Belvedere Elementary

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School Name: Belvedere Elementary  
Mailing Address: 6540 Columbia Pike Falls Church, VA 22041-1127  
School District: Fairfax Co Pblc Schs  
County: Fairfax  
District Calendar: Belvedere Elementary Fairfax Co Pblc Schs District Insructional Calendar for 2024-2025
Belvedere Elementary Fairfax Co Pblc Schs District Insructional Calendar for 2023-2024
Belvedere Elementary Fairfax Co Pblc Schs District Insructional Calendar for 2022-2023

To update this School Supply List for Belvedere Elementary please send us an email including a updated supply list to:

[email protected]

Thank you!

School Supply Lists in the Post Covid-19 World!
Clean, Label, and Store - No Sharing! Mask Up!


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Belvedere Elementary
Kindergarten School Supplies List

1 package of washable makers
2 containers of playdough (can be from a dollar store)
4 boxes containing 16 crayons (please, no boxes of 48 or more crayons
1 large backpack (NO wheels please, with name, address and phone number written inside)
1 package of dry erase markers
1 ream of computer paper
12 glue sticks
1 bottle of white glue
1 container Clorox wipes (boys)
1 box of tissues (boys)
1 container of waterless hand sanitizer (girls)
1 box of gallon size baggies (girls)
2 plastic 3-prong two-pocket folders
2 marble composition books
1 pair of headphones or earbuds (can be purchased at a dollar store)
12 pack of pencils

The supplies will be communal property, with the exception of the backpack, therefore do not write your child's name on them.

Print Belvedere Elementary
Kindergarten School Supplies List

Fairfax Co Pblc Schs District Calendar 2024-2025
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs District Calendar 2023-2024
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs District Calendar 2022-2023

Belvedere Elementary
First Grade School Supplies List

10 large glue sticks (no liquid glue)
1 large box of tissues (girls)
2 containers of hand sanitizer (boys)
1 Backpack (name, no wheels)
1 box of 48 crayons
1 pair of scissors
12 pencils
1 pack of washable markers
5 two-pocket folders (plain - no design)
1 box plastic Ziploc bags (snack size)
1 ziplock bag (gallon size)
1 container of sanitizing wipes
2 big pink erasers
2 composition notebook
AA batteries (optional)
dry erase markers (optional)
1 pair of headphones or earbuds (can be purchased at a dollar store)
We will share supplies. Do not put your child's name on the supplies please!

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First Grade School Supplies List

Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar2024-2025
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar2023-2024
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2022-2023

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Belvedere Elementary
Second Grade School Supplies List

1 school box (must fit inside desk)
2 boxes of tissues
6-8 white glue sticks (no color)
2 (10 pack) #2 pencils
2 big erasers
1 pair of scissors
1 box of 24 crayons
1 box of colored pencils
3 black marbleized Composition notebooks
3 (2 pocket) folders (pockets at the bottom)
1 backpack (NO wheels on the bottom)
1 bottle of hand sanitizer
3 containers of sanitizing wipes
1 box of gallon bags
1 pair of headphones (no earbuds)
4-8 white board markers

Print Belvedere Elementary
Second Grade School Supplies List

Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2024-2025
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2023-2024
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2022-2023

Belvedere Elementary
Third Grade School Supplies List

Base School
1 pair of metal scissors
1 expanding file
2 folders
6 spiral notebooks
10 glue sticks
2 bottles of liquid glue
1 box of crayons
1 box of colored pencils
6 erasers
1 inch/centimeter ruler
1 school box for school supplies
2 boxes of tissues
1 box of markers (not permanent)
4 highlighters
1 box of Ziploc bags
1 pack of 3x5" index cards (white please!)

It would be helpful to label each of your child's supplies with their name using a permanent marker.

3rd Grade AAP

2 pairs of metal scissors
1 plastic red pocket folder (homework folder)
3 plastic pocket folders (any color but red)
1 plastic purple folder with brads
1 plastic blue folder with brads
6 marble composition books
15 glue sticks
1 box crayons
40 #2 Ticonderoga pencils
2 erasers
1 inch/centimeter only ruler
1 zippered pouch for school supplies
2 boxes tissues
1 box markers (not permanent)
1 highlighter
2 packs of 3x5" index cards (white only)
1 box Ziploc bags: girls (gallon) and boys (quart)
1 package wide ruled lined white paper

Please do not name any of your supplies! Throughout the school year there may be need for replacements to replenish the supplies.

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Third Grade School Supplies List

Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2024-2025
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2023-2024
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2022-2023

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Belvedere Elementary
Fourth Grade School Supplies List

2 highlighters
20 glue sticks
1 bottle of liquid glue
2 box of tissues
2 packs of notebook paper
1 expanding folder with 6-8 pockets
2 packs of pencils
1 box of colored pencils
2 pack of multi-colored dry erase markers
1 ruler with both centimeters and inches
1 pair of scissors
5 marbled composition notebooks
1 soft pencil pouch - NO pencil box allowed
1 pair of headphones or earbuds (can be purchased at a dollar store)

4th Grade AAP

2 packs of Post It notes
2 highlighters
4 glue sticks
1 box of tissues
2 packs of rules notebook paper
2 packs of Ticonderoga #2 pencils
1 box of colored pencils
1 package of markers
1 cm/in ruler
1 pair scissors
1 soft pencil pouch (no pencil boxes)
1 pair headphones or ear buds (can be purchased at a dollar store
4 marble composition books
one 1 1/2" binder
100 count box resealable snack baggies
Folders (no expanding files);
red - Math
blue - Social Studies
green - Science
yellow - Language Arts
2 choice folders

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Fourth Grade School Supplies List

Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2024-2025
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2023-2024
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2022-2023

Belvedere Elementary
Fifth Grade School Supplies List

#2 pencils (3 packs - Ticonderoga brand preferred)
Scissors with pointed end
4 glue sticks
Colored pencils
1 pack of Post-it notes
Pencil Pouch with zipper (No pencil boxes)
5 marbled composition notebooks
2 packs loose-leaf notebook paper
2 3-ring binders: 1" (1 for Science), 1-1/2" (1 for all other subjects)
1 pack of pocket dividers
1 pack of erasers
1 pack of index cards (any size)
2 highlighters
2 boxes of tissues
Liquid hand sanitizer
1 box Chlorox wipes
1 pack of markers - bold tip
1 pack gallon size Ziploc bags
1 pack sandwich size Ziploc bags
Protractor - not a compass (AAP only)
Print Belvedere Elementary
Fifth Grade School Supplies List

Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2024-2025
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2023-2024
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2022-2023