Bevis Elementary School
School Supplies List 2024-2025

Mega Bulk Back to School General Supply Bundle Kit - 70 + Items

Back to School Supply Shopping List for Bevis Elementary School

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School Name: Bevis Elementary School  
Mailing Address: 5720 Osprey Ridge Dr Lithia, FL 33547-3830  
School District: Hillsborough  
County: Hillsborough  
District Calendar: Bevis Elementary School Hillsborough District Insructional Calendar for 2022-2023

To update this School Supply List for Bevis Elementary School please send us an email including a updated supply list to:

[email protected]

Thank you!

School Supply Lists in the Post Covid-19 World!
Clean, Label, and Store - No Sharing! Mask Up!


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Bevis Elementary School
Kindergarten School Supplies List

1 Large backpack - no wheels
6 folders with pockets and fasteners (blue, red, green, purple, yellow, and orange)
1 Pair of blunt Fiskar scissors
1 box of 8 regular Crayola crayons
1 box of 16 regular Crayola crayons
2 box of 24 regular Crayola crayons
1 Plastic school box (5" x 8" no handles)
10 Elmer's glue sticks
24 sharpened pencils with erasers
4 dry erase markers (blue, black, red, green)
2 new adult size socks
2 4 oz. bottles of Elmer's glue
2 pink erasers
2 yellow highlighter marker
2 box of 12 colored pencils
Girls - 1 box Ziplock bags - gallon size & box of tissues
Boys - 1 box Ziplock bags - quart size & carton of baby wipes

NO rulers or personal pencil sharpners

Your child's name should be written only on the following items: Crayons, school box, and backpack
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Kindergarten School Supplies List

Hillsborough District Calendar 2022-2023

Bevis Elementary School
First Grade School Supplies List

2 bottles 8 oz. Elmer's glue
1 School box (no larger than 7 x 9)
2 boxes of Crayola Crayons (no fluorescent) no more than 24
2 Highlighters
2 Erasers
1 School Bag (standard size) No backpacks w/wheels
2 large boxes of tissues
4 folders with pockets-red, blue, green, yellow (no plastic folders)
1 pair of Fiskar scissors (blunt)
24 No. 2 yellow pencils (Ticonderoga)
2 spiral notebooks with wide lines (70 sheets)
5 dry erase markers (extras will be stored)
1 box Baby wipes
1 plastic magazine file- enclosed sides only
Girls - sandwich Ziploc bags
Boys - gallon Ziploc bags
Adult sock with name on it
No rulers or personal pencil sharpeners
*Child's bus pass pinned on them - first week only

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First Grade School Supplies List

Hillsborough Academic Calendar 2022-2023

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Bevis Elementary School
Second Grade School Supplies List

1 pair of Fiskar scissors
1 red pencil
12 pencils with erasers (NO MECHANICAL)
4 spiral notebooks (1 subject)
2 container Baby Wipes
2 dry erase markers
1 small school box (cigar box size)
6 (2 pocket) folders 2 large box of Kleenex
2 boxes of 24 ct. crayons
2 bottles of Elmers glue 8 oz.
1 highlighter
1 1" Binder with clear vinyl front
No rulers or personal pencil sharpeners
School Bag (No backpacks with wheels)

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Second Grade School Supplies List

Hillsborough Academic Calendar 2022-2023

Bevis Elementary School
Third Grade School Supplies List

5 pocket folders with clasps/red, blue, green, yellow, white
1 pkg. wide lined notebook paper
3 doz. #2 pencils (no mechanical pencils)
Scissors - student size
Red pencils
Ruler - inches & metric, clear plastic
Elmer's glue stick
Crayons (24 colors)
Colored pencils (12 colors)
Pink eraser
Kleenex - 2 large boxes
1 book bag or backpack - no wheeled book bags!!
Large zippered pencil bag (no school boxes)
4 spiral notebooks - wide lined (red, yellow, blue, green)
Yellow highlighter
1 pack of 3 x 5 index cards

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Third Grade School Supplies List

Hillsborough Academic Calendar 2022-2023

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Bevis Elementary School
Fourth Grade School Supplies List

Spiral notebooks - 1 single subject notebooks, wide spaced,NO TRAPPER KEEPERS
5 folders with pockets (blue, red, yellow, green, choice)
2 glue sticks
Ruler - metric on one side and standard measurement on the other side
2 boxes of Kleenex
No school boxes - or wheeled book bags!
Sturdy plastic or cloth holders, make-up bags work well
1 pair of Scissors - safety scissors preferable
1 pkg. thin Crayola markers
3 dozen No. 2 pencils with erasers (several)No mechanical lead pencils
1 pkg Highlighter
1 2" and 1 1/2" notebook binder with clear cover pcoket
4 pkgs. Loose leaf paper-regular ruled (not spiral)
1 Composition Notebook
1 fine point black marker
Girls - 1 box Ziploc gallon bags
Boys - 1 can of Antibacterial wipes

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Fourth Grade School Supplies List

Hillsborough Academic Calendar 2022-2023

Bevis Elementary School
Fifth Grade School Supplies List

2 large boxes of tissues
2 Highlighter
1 durable plastic pocket folder
1 pkg Eraser caps
1 1/2" binder w/pockets
3 pkgs. Loose leaf paper - regular ruled (not spiral)
1 sturdy plastic or cloth holder (large make-up bags work well, no school boxes)
1 Composition book
2 Red pencils (2)
1 box Crayons or colored pencils (No markers)
3 dozen No. 2 pencils - No mechanical pencils
3 Glue sticks
1 3 subject notebook /120 pages with inside pockets (green)
2 70 page notebooks (red and blue)
1 pair of Scissors
Girls - hand sanitizer
Boys - Clorox wipes
No wheeled back packs

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Fifth Grade School Supplies List

Hillsborough Academic Calendar 2022-2023