Boone Trail Elementary
School Supplies List 2024-2025
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School Name: | Boone Trail Elementary |
Mailing Address: | 555 E Hwy N Wentzville, MO 63385-5906 |
School District: | Wentzville R-iv |
County: | ST. Charles |
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Boone Trail Elementary Kindergarten School Supplies List 4 boxes of crayons 1 small plastic school box br> 2 boxes of tissues 2 boxes fat markers (classic colors) 1 pair of blunt scissors 1 bottle of glue (white only) 12 glue sticks 2 spiral notebooks (wide ruled) 3 pkgs. number 2 yellow pencils 1 box gallon size zippered storage bags 1 1 1/2 inch 3 ring binder (clear view binder with pockets) 4 pocket folders (solid color: 1 red,1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 green) 4 folders with prongs (solid color: 1 red, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1green) 1 3 hole zippered pencil pouch 1 pkg. dry erase markers 1 8.5 x 11 clipboard Print Boone Trail Elementary Kindergarten School Supplies List |
Boone Trail Elementary First Grade School Supplies List 1 plastic school box 2 boxes of crayons 2 pink erasers 3 pkgs. number 2 yellow pencils 1 white school glue 6 glue sticks 1 pair of scissors 1 pkg. of black dry erase markers 2 boxes of tissues 1 box sandwich size zippered storage bags 3 spiral notebooks, 70 count wide rule 3 two pocket folders with prongs (1 red, 1 blue, and 1 green) 1 1 inch hard white 3-ring binder 1 pkg. index cards 1 pkg. sticky notes Print Boone Trail Elementary First Grade School Supplies List |
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Boone Trail Elementary Second Grade School Supplies List 3 pkgs number 2 yellow pencils 3 glue sticks 4 two pocket 3-prong folders (1 red, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 green) 1 box of 24 crayons 1 box of washable markers 1 pair of pointed scissors 1 dry erase marker 1 small pencil box 4 spiral notebooks, 70 count wide-rule 2 boxes of tissue 1 box gallon size zippered storage bags (boys only) 1 pkg. white lined 3 x 5 index cards (girls only) 1 1 inch 3 ring binder (clear view binder with pockets) 1 4 pack of sticky notes 2 composition notebooks wide-rule 1 clipboard Print Boone Trail Elementary Second Grade School Supplies List |
Boone Trail Elementary Third Grade School Supplies List 6 spiral notebooks (red, green, blue, yellow and 2 more colors) 3 pkgs. number 2 yellow pencils 6 solid, 2-pocket folders (red, green, blue, yellow and 2 more colors) 6 glue sticks 1 pair of scissors 1 pkg. loose leaf wide-ruled paper 1 dry eraser or old, clean sock 1 pkg. of dry erase markers 2 boxes of tissues 1 box quart size zippered storage bags (girls only) 1 box sandwich size zippered storage bags (boys only) 1 pkg. of thick markers 1 pad sticky notes 1 pkg. red pens 1 pkg. blue pens 1 1 inch hard cover 3-ring binder 1 box of crayons 1 composition notebook 1 plastic storage box, shoe-box size 1 roll of paper towels Print Boone Trail Elementary Third Grade School Supplies List |
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Boone Trail Elementary Fourth Grade School Supplies List 1 box of markers (optional) 1 box of crayons 1 pkg. dry-erase markers 1 dry eraser or old, clean sock 2 boxes of tissues 1 pair of scissors 4 glue sticks 3 pkgs. number 2 yellow pencils 1 1 1/2 inch 3-ring binder with plastic cover 1 pkg. of dividers (10 needed) 1 1 inch 3-ring binder 6 2 pocket folders, 3 hole punched 4 spiral notebooks, 3 hole punched 2 pkg. loose-leaf paper, wide-ruled 1 supply box 1 red pen 1 pkg. of sticky notes 1 large pencil eraser 1 roll of paper towels 1 box sandwich size zippered storage bags (girls) 1 box gallon size zippered storage bags (boys) 2 highlighters different colors 2 composition notebooks Print Boone Trail Elementary Fourth Grade School Supplies List |
Boone Trail Elementary Fifth Grade School Supplies List 1 composition notebook 2 boxes of tissues 3 pkgs. number 2 yellow pencils 1 pkg. of highlighters 2 pkgs. of wide-ruled loose leaf paper 1 box of markers, colored pencils, or crayons 1 pair of scissors 1 pkg. blue or black pens 2 glue sticks 6 spiral notebooks (red, green, blue, yellow and 2 more colors) 6 2-pocket folders (different colors) 1 pkg. of four dry erase markers 1 1 1/2 inch 3-ring binder 1 permanent marker (fine or ultra fine) 3 pkgs. of sticky notes 1 pkg. of ruled 3 x 5 index cards 1 box quart size zippered storage bags (girls only) 1 box gallon size zippered storage bags (boys only) 1 red pen Print Boone Trail Elementary Fifth Grade School Supplies List |