Boulder Hill Elem School
School Supplies List 2024-2025

Mega Bulk Back to School General Supply Bundle Kit - 70 + Items

Back to School Supply Shopping List for Boulder Hill Elem School

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School Name: Boulder Hill Elem School  
Mailing Address: 163 Boulder Hill Pas Montgomery, IL 60538-2305  
School District: Oswego Cusd 308  
County: Kendall  

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Boulder Hill Elem School
Kindergarten School Supplies List

2 Boxes 8 Count Crayola Fat Crayons
4 Boxes 24 count Crayola regular-size Crayons
2 Boxes 8 Count Crayola Washable Markers
1 Each Yellow highlighter
1 Box Crayola Watercolor paints (GIRLS)
1 Each Huggies Baby wipes (tub of 64) (BOYS)
1 Each Large Pink Eraser
8 Each Elmer's Glue Sticks
4 Each 3 Prong, 2 - Pocket Folders - 1 Each: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow
1 Box Sandwich Size re-sealable plastic bags (GIRLS)
1 Box Gallon Size re-sealable plastic bags (BOYS)
2 Boxes 4 Count Assorted Color low odor, dry erase markers
1 Box Tissues- Family size

Please note for all levels that supplies may need to be replenished during the school year.

We suggest that all students have a book bag to transport their books and papers home daily.

*** For Full day Kindergarten ONLY please add 1 additional box Crayola washable markers, 8 additional glue sticks, 1 additional family size box of tissues, and one pair Velcro Gym Shoes***

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Kindergarten School Supplies List

Boulder Hill Elem School
First Grade School Supplies List

24 Each #2 Pencils
1 Each Pink Eraser Large
1 Each 12 inch Acrylic Ruler shatterproof (Inch/Metric)
1 Each Clipboard, letter size (9 X 12 1/2)
2 Boxes 24 count Crayola Crayons
18 Each Glue Stick
8 Each Low Odor Dry Erase Markers- Black only
1 Each 3-Ring Binder, 1 inch Diameter
2 Each 9 X 12 plastic envelope
1 Each 5 inch rounded scissors
1 Each Spiral bound notebooks, wide ruled - 120 pages
1 Each 8-1/2 X 5-1/2 Pencil Box with Snap Shut Lid
2 Boxes 8 - Count Classic Markers
4 Each Pocket Folders - 1 each: Yellow, Red, Green, Blue
1 Box Re-sealable sandwich Sized Plastic Bags - 15 count minimum (Boys)
1 Box Re-sealable gallon Sized Plastic Bags - 15 count minimum (Girls)
2 Boxes Tissues - 200 count
1 Each Art Smock
1 Pair P.E. Shoes

Please note for all levels that supplies may need to be replenished during the school year.

We suggest that all students have a book bag to transport their books and papers home daily.

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First Grade School Supplies List

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Boulder Hill Elem School
Second Grade School Supplies List

1 Box 24 count Crayons
36 Each #2 Pencils
2 Each Pink Erasers Large
1 Box 12-Count Colored Pencils
4 Each Low Odor Dry Erase Markers
10 Each Glue Stick
1 Box 8 - Count Classic Markers
1 Box Post-It Notes, 100 sheet count (Last Name A-M)
1 Each 8-1/2 X 5-1/2 Pencil Box with Snap Shut Lid
1 Each 150 Count min. - Loose Leaf Notebook Paper - Wide Rule (Last Name N-Z)
1 Each Box Resealable Sandwich Bags (Last Name A-M)
1 Each Composition Notebook
3 Each Spiral bound notebooks, 1 Subject
1 Each 12 inch Acrylic Ruler shatterproof (Inch/Metric)
1 Each 5 inch pointed scissors
1 Each Clipboard, letter size (9 X 12-1/2)
1 Each Glue - 4oz. Bottle (Last Name A-M)
1 Package 3 x 5 Index cards (Last Name N-Z)
5 Each 3 Prong, 2 Pocket Folders
2 Boxes Tissues - 200 count
1 Pair P.E. Shoes
2 Each Highlighters
1 Each Box Resealable Gallon Sixed Bags (Last Name N-Z)

Please note for all levels that supplies may need to be replenished during the school year.

We suggest that all students have a book bag to transport their books and papers home daily.

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Second Grade School Supplies List

Boulder Hill Elem School
Third Grade School Supplies List

1 Box 24 count Crayons
48 Each #2 Pencils (Ticonderoga recommended)
2 Each Pink Erasers - Large
1 Box 12-Count Colored Pencils
1 Box 8 - Count Markers
6 Each 2-pocket folders with fasteners, plain colors - no designs
6 Each Glue Stick
3 Each Spiral bound notebooks, wide ruled - 70 pages
4 Each Low Odor Dry Erase Markers
2 Each Highlighters
1 Each 150 Count min. - Loose Leaf Notebook Paper - Wide Rule
1 Box Resealable Sandwich Sized Plastic Bags (Girls)
1 Each Composition Notebook
1 Each 12 inch Acrylic Ruler - shatterproof (Inch/Metric)
1 Each 5 inch pointed scissors
1 Each 8-1/2 X 5-1/2 Pencil Box with Snap Shut Lid
2 Boxes Tissues - Family size
2 Each Red Pens
1 Bottle Glue
2 Each Blue Pens
1 Box Post-It Notes, 100 sheet count
1 Package Index Cards- 3 x 5
1 Each Permanent/Sharpie Marker
1 Pair P.E. Shoes
1 Box Resealable Plastic Sized Gallon Bags (Boys)
Please note for all levels that supplies may need to be replenished during the school year.

We suggest that all students have a book bag to transport their books and papers home daily

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Third Grade School Supplies List

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Boulder Hill Elem School
Fourth Grade School Supplies List

1 Box 24 count Crayons
36 Each #2 Pencils
1 Each Pink Eraser - Large
1 Box 12-Count Colored Pencils
1 Box 8 - Count Classic Markers
1 Each 5 inch pointed scissors
4 Each Low Odor Dry Erase Markers
1 Each Highlighter
100 Each Index Cards - 3 X 5 (Girls)
1 Pair P.E. Shoes
1 Each 1/2 inch Large 3 ring binder
1 Box Post-It Notes, 100 sheet count (Boys)
2 Each 150 Count min. - Loose Leaf Notebook Paper - Wide Rule
1 Each 12 inch Acrylic Ruler - shatterproof (Inch/Metric)
4 Each Glue Stick
6 Each 2 Pocket Folders - Assorted Colors
2 Each Red Pens
1 Each Flash Drive
3 Each Spiral bound notebooks, wide ruled, 70 - 100 pages
1 Box Re-sealable Sandwich Sized Plastic Bags - 50 count minimum (Boys)
2 Boxes Tissues - 200 count
1 Each Black sharpie
3 Each Composition Notebooks

Please note for all levels that supplies may need to be replenished during the school year.

We suggest that all students have a book bag to transport their books and papers home daily

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Fourth Grade School Supplies List

Boulder Hill Elem School
Fifth Grade School Supplies List

48 Each #2 Pencils
1 Each Pink Eraser - Large
4 Each Glue Stick
6 Each Spiral bound notebooks, SINGLE SUBJECT ONLY, wide ruled - 120 pages
6 Each 3 Prong, 2 Pocket Folders - Assorted Colors
100 Each Index Cards - 3 X 5 Lined
1 Box 24 count Crayons
1 Box 12-Count Colored Pencils
1 Box 8 - Count Classic Markers
1 Each Sharpie Marker
8 Each Dry Erase Markers
1 Each Expandable, Plastic Multi-Subject File Folder with Closure (8 Tabs)
1 Each 5 inch pointed scissors
2 Each 150 Count min. - Loose Leaf Notebook Paper - Wide Rule
2 Each Red Pens
1 Package Blue OR Black Pens
2 Each Highlighters
1 Each 3-Ring Binder, 1 inch Diameter Only
1 Box Re-sealable Sandwich Sized Plastic Bags (Girls)
1 Box Post-It Notes, 100 sheet count
2 Boxes Tissues - 200 count
1 Pair P.E. Shoes
1 Each Jump Drive
1 Box Re-sealable Quart Sized Plastic Bags (Boys)

Please note for all levels that supplies may need to be replenished during the school year.

We suggest that all students have a book bag to transport their books and papers home daily

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Fifth Grade School Supplies List