Breckinridge Elementary School
School Supplies List 2024-2025
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School Name: | Breckinridge Elementary School |
Mailing Address: | 331 Springwood Rd Fincastle, VA 24090-0175 |
School District: | Botetourt Co Pblc Schs |
County: | Botetourt |
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Breckinridge Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List 10 Elmer's glue sticks Zip-Loc bags (1 gallon, 1 quart, & 1 sandwich) 1 pair of Fiskar scissors 2 boxes of 24-count crayons 1 small (8 x 5) plastic pencil box 1 large box of tissues 2 large pink erasers 1 package of #2 yellow pencils 1 pack of dry erase markers 4 2-pocket folders with brads (one of each color-blue, red, orange, & yellow) 1 rest-towel 1 complete change of clothes in a Zip-Loc bag 1 pack of washable markers 1 bookbag (no roller bookbags) 1 pack of Play-Doh 1 inch white 3 ring binder 1 pack plastic page protectors *Please label your child's towel and extra clothes Print Breckinridge Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List |
Breckinridge Elementary School 1st Grade School Supplies List 1 package of 24 crayons 1 package of 8 washable markers 1 small school pencil box 12 Elmer's glue sticks 10 regular width pencils 2 large pink erasers 1 pair of scissors 2 boxes of tissues 1 box of gallon and 1 box of quart size zipper bags 1 pack of dry erase markers (any colors) 1 pair of tennis shoes 1 backpack (no roller bookbags) 4 2 pocket folders with brads (one each of: yellow,red, green & blue) 1 marble composition book 1 spiral notebook 1 pack of Play-Doh *Please label all of your child's belongings, both supplies and clothing. Print Breckinridge Elementary School First Grade School Supplies List |
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Breckinridge Elementary School 2nd Grade School Supplies List 1 letter-sized flat clipboard* 1 pair of scissors (5" size)* 1 box - 24 (#2) basic yellow pencils 2 boxes of 24 regular crayons 1 set of dry erase markers 2 highlighters (yellow only) 2 large glue sticks* 1 12-inch nonflexible ruler (standard and metric)*notflexible 1 wide-ruled bound edge binding composition book 2 two-pocket folders with brads* 1 backpack (no roller bookbags) 1 box sandwich-size zipper storage bags 1 box gallon-size zipper storage bags 2 large boxes of tissues 1 pair of tennis shoes for physical education *Please label the items marked. Print Breckinridge Elementary School Second Grade School Supplies List |
Breckinridge Elementary School 3rd Grade School Supplies List 1 package of 12 colored pencils 1 pack of wide-ruled notebook paper 1 package of 24 regular crayons 6 glue sticks 2 highlighters (yellow only) 1 clipboard 24 (#2) basic yellow pencils (no mechanical pencils) 1 pair of scissors (5" size) 2 ballpoint pens 1 zippered pencil pouch 2 large boxes of tissues 1 box of sandwich-sized zipper baggies 1 box of gallon-sized zipper baggies 1 backpack (no roller bookbags) 1 marbled composition book 1 pair of old tennis shoes for physical education 3 - 1 subject notebooks (green, blue, red) 1 - 3 subject yellow notebook *Please label all of your child's belongings, both supplies and clothing. Print Breckinridge Elementary School Third Grade School Supplies List |
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Breckinridge Elementary School 4th Grade School Supplies List 150 sheets of wide-ruled notebook paper 10 no.2 regular pencils - not mechanical, please 1 zippered pencil pouch with ring-binder holes 1 box of 12 crayons or colored pencils 6 glue sticks 1 pair of appropriately-sized scissors 1 large boxes of tissues 1 pack of graph paper 1 blue, one subject spiral notebook 1 large zippered binder 1 large 3 section yellow spiral notebook 1 purple one subject spiral notebook 1 small 1 inch ring binder 1 pack of 5 dividers 1 composition notebook 1 quart sized box of Zip-Loc bags (girls only) 1 gallon sized box of Zip-Loc bags (boys only) 1 package of index cards 1 backpack (no roller bookbags) 1 pair of tennis shoes for physical education *Please label all of your child's belongings, both supplies and clothing. Print Breckinridge Elementary School Fourth Grade School Supplies List |
Breckinridge Elementary School 5th Grade School Supplies List 150 sheets of wide-ruled notebook paper 24 #2 pencils - not mechanical, please 1 zippered pencil pouch with ring-binder holes 1 box of 12 colored pencils 12 glue sticks 1 pair of appropriately sized scissors 1 large box of tissues 2 red ballpoint pens 2 blue ballpoint pens 1 red pocket folder 1 large 3-divider blue spiral notebook for Math 1 large (150-200 sheet) red spiral notebook for Virginia Studies 1 green spiral notebook (150 - 200 sheets) for Science 1 large 3 section, purple spiral notebook 1 composition notebook 1 backpack (no roller bookbags) 1 quart sized box of Zip-Loc bags (girls only) 1 sandwich sized box of Zip-Loc bags (boys only) 1 pair of tennis shoes for physical education *Please label all of your child's belongings, both supplies and clothing. Print Breckinridge Elementary School Fifth Grade School Supplies List |
Breckinridge Elementary School Additional Information Please do not purchase roller bookbags. These are not permitted due to safety concerns. Roller bookbags often obstruct bus aisles and cause accidents. Also, do not feel that you need to purchase a new pair of tennis shoes for physical education class. Students may keep an old pair of tennis shoes in their classroom, in the event that they do not wear the appropriate shoes for physical activity. |