Brookdale Elementary School
School Supplies List 2024-2025
Back to School Supply Shopping List for Brookdale Elementary School
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School Name: | Brookdale Elementary School |
Mailing Address: | 1200 Redfield Rd Naperville, IL 60540 |
School District: | Indian Prairie Cusd 204 |
County: | Dupage |
District Calendar: |
Brookdale Elementary School Indian Prairie Cusd 204 District Insructional Calendar for 2022-2023 Brookdale Elementary School Indian Prairie Cusd 204 District Insructional Calendar for 2021-2022 |
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To update this School Supply List for Brookdale Elementary School please send us an email including a updated supply list to: Thank you!
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Brookdale Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List 1 School supply box, 8" x 5" x 2" only, plastic (PLEASE LABEL BOX) 24 Standard #2 pencils - yellow only & sharpened 1 Pink eraser (large) 2 Bottles of 4 oz. Elmer's white glue 30 Glue sticks - (Elmer's .21 oz.) 1 Blunt Fiskars scissors - (LABEL SCISSORS) 3 Boxes of 16 crayons (Crayola brand basic colors - SMALL SIZE) 1 Box of 8 crayons (Crayola brand basic colors - SMALL SIZE) 3 Boxes of 8 washable markers (Crayola Classic Colors LARGE SIZE) 4 Expo Low Odor or Odorless Brand, Dry Erase BLACK, Large Markers 1 Highlighter marker - yellow 3 Folders w/double bottom pockets (LABEL FOLDERS) 1 1" 3 ring binder with pockets (blue only) 1 Crayola or Prang brand Washable Watercolor Paint Set (8 colors) (LABEL PAINT SET) 1 4 pack of Play-Doh (any color) 1 Box of (heavy) slide freezer Ziplock QUART SIZE bags 1 Box of (heavy) slide freezer Ziplock GALLON SIZE bags 2 Containers of Wet Ones Antibacterial Hand Wipes (1 for Art Class) 1 Container Clorox/Lysol Wipes 2 Boxes of 200 count tissues 1 Headphone for computers to be supplied by Brookdale for $2.00 (Please send $2.00 in labeled envelope to school) *Art smock (oversized T-shirt - no shirts with buttons please) (LABEL SHIRT on collar) *Book bag or backpack: standard size - no wheels (LABEL BACKPACK) *Gym shoes - A note will go home informing parents of the child's P.E. schedule; please have your child wear their gym shoes on gym day. PLEASE ONLY LABEL ITEMS THAT ARE INDICATED (WITH CHILD'S FIRST NAME) Print Brookdale Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List Indian Prairie Cusd 204 District Calendar 2022-2023 Indian Prairie Cusd 204 District Calendar 2021-2022 |
Brookdale Elementary School First Grade School Supplies List 1 9 x 12 or 9 x 9 (24 sheet) Sketch Book (can be found at Office Depot) 2 Highlighting Markers 8 Expo Low Odor or Odorless Brand, Dry Erase BLACK, Large Markers (NO click markers please) 2 Boxes 24 crayons (LABEL BOX) 1 Box 24 Crayola (Basic Colors) colored pencils 2 Box of 8 washable Crayola markers *(LABEL BOX) 1 Fiskar scissors (LABEL W/NAME PLEASE) 2 Elmer's white glue, 8-oz container (1 for Art Class) 8 Elmer's glue sticks 1 School supply box, 8" x 5" x 2" (plastic) *(LABEL BOX) 2 Boxes of 200 count tissues 24 #2 pencils (sharpened) 2 Pink erasers 1 Pack of 3" x 5" index cards 6 SOLID COLOR (dble. bottom pocket) folders (No side pockets) - (LABEL OUTSIDE 1 12" wooden ruler with inch/centimeter scale 2 lined spiral notebooks, 8 1/2" x 11" wide ruled - (LABEL OUTSIDE) 1 Wet Ones Antibacterial Hand Wipes 1 Box of freezer (heavy) slide Ziploc QUART SIZE bags: A-L 1 Box of freezer (heavy) slide Ziploc GALLON SIZE bags: M-Z Art smock (old shirt)(LABEL W/NAME) Book bag(LABEL W/NAME) *Gym shoes - A note will go home informing parents of the child's P.E. schedule - please have your child wear their gym shoes on gym day. All new students and students that did not turn in their headphones at the end of the prior school year, will need: 1 headphone for computers to be supplied by Brookdale for $2.00 (please send $2.00 in labeled envelope to school) Print Brookdale Elementary School First Grade School Supplies List Indian Prairie Cusd 204 Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Indian Prairie Cusd 204 Academic Calendar 2021-2022 |
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Brookdale Elementary School Second Grade School Supplies List GRADE 2 - PLEASE LABEL CRAYON BOXES, MARKER BOXES, NOTECARDS, SCISSORS, FOLDERS AND SPIRALS. 1 9 x 12 or 9 x 9 (24 sheet) Sketch Book 12 #2, sharpened pencils (first two items are for Art Class can be found at Office Depot) 2 White glue, 4 oz. container (1 container for Art Class) 2 Box of 24 (only) crayons 6 Expo Low Odor or Odorless Brand, Dry Erase BLACK, Slim Markers 12 Glue sticks, white only 1 8 1/2" x 11" Canvas pencil case holder with zipper 2 Boxes tissues-at least 200 count 36 #2 pencils sharpened 2 Pink erasers 1 Highlighting marker 6 Folders, double pocket - ACROSS THE BOTTOM - 9" x 12" (PLEASE DO NOT PURCHASE THE SIDE POCKET FOLDERS) 1 12" wooden ruler with inch/centimeter scale 4 Lined spiral notebooks, 8 1/2" x 11" - wide ruled 2 Box of markers 1 Package of wide-ruled lined paper 1 Fiskar scissors for students 1 1" 3-ring binder 1 Clorox/Lysol Wipes 1 Wet Ones Antibacterial Hand Wipes Girls please provide a box of sandwich size ziplock bags Boys please provide a box of freezer gallon size ziplock bags Art smock (old shirt)-Please label inside tag of shirt Book bag - Please label bag Gym shoes - Please have your child wear their gym shoes on P.E. days. Please don't forget! All new students and students that did not turn in their headphones at the end of the prior school year, will need: 1 headphone for computers to be supplied by Brookdale for $2.00 (please send $2.00 in labeled envelope to school) Print Brookdale Elementary School Second Grade School Supplies List Indian Prairie Cusd 204 Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Indian Prairie Cusd 204 Academic Calendar 2021-2022 |
Brookdale Elementary School Third Grade School Supplies List *Additional materials may be required by individual teachers. 1 Box of 24 (only) crayons 4 Elmer's white glue sticks (2 homeroom, 2 art) 1 Pkg. of markers 1 Elmer's glue-all, 4 oz. container 1 Black Sharpie Marker (for Art Class) 1 Small (5" X 8") plastic pencil box 2 Boxes tissues 6 Plastic POCKET folders - 1 each of red, yellow, green, blue, purple, orange (solid colors only) 24 #2 pencils (no mechanical pencils please) Sharpened and labeled with name (replenish in January with additional 24) 1 Pink eraser 2 Red ink pens 2 Box of 8 colored pencils (long) 4 Expo Low Odor or Odorless Brand, Dry Erase BLACK, Large Markers 1 Lined spiral notebooks, 8 1/2" x 11", 3-hole punched 2 Lined composition notebooks 1 Scissors 1 Pkg. 8 1/2" x 11" white, wide-ruled loose-leaf notebook paper 2 Pkg. of 1” x 2” self stick notes (Post-It Notes) 1 Pkg. of 100 index cards - Lined 1 Pkg. baby wipes 1 Clorox/Lysol Wipes Boys please purchase 1box of quart size ziplock bags Girls please purchase 1 box of gallon size ziplock bags Art smock (old shirt) Book bag Gym shoes - a note will go home informing parents of the child's P.E. Schedule. Please have your child wear their gym shoes on Gym day or leave a pair of gym shoes at school. $4.00 to cover cost of: 1 assignment notebook. This item will be purchased from your homeroom teacher on the first day of school. Please send payment on the 1st day with checks made payable to: Brookdale School. Thank you. All new students and students that did not turn in their headphones at the end of the prior school year, will need: 1 headphone for computers to be supplied by Brookdale for $2.00 (please send $2.00 in labeled envelope to school) Print Brookdale Elementary School Third Grade School Supplies List Indian Prairie Cusd 204 Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Indian Prairie Cusd 204 Academic Calendar 2021-2022 |
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Brookdale Elementary School Fourth Grade School Supplies List 2 Boxes of Classic Crayola Markers (One is for Art Class) thick size 24 Colored pencils (long) 4 Glue sticks 1 8 1/2" x 11" soft pencil case holder with zipper 2 Box tissues 24 #2 pencils 2 Pink erasers 1 1 inch 3 ring binder with pockets 2 Mead Composition book - wide-ruled (no spiral notebooks) 1 Clorox Wipes 1 Plastic green, 2 pocket folder with 3 ring clasps 1 Plastic yellow, 2 pocket folder with 3 ring clasps 1 Plastic blue, 2 pocket folder with 3 ring clasps 1 Plastic red, 2 pocket folder with 3 ring clasps 4 BLACK LARGE Expo Low Odor or Odorless Brand, Dry Erase Markers 1 Thin Black Dry Erase Marker 1 Pair of Scissors 2-4 Red or Blue Pens If your LAST NAME begins with: A - M: 1 8 oz. pump hand sanitizer and 1 package of 8 1/2 x 11 notebook paper If your LAST NAME begins with: N - Z: 1 Quart Size Freezer Ziplock Bags and 1 Gallon Size Freezer Ziplock Bags Art Smock (old shirt) Book bag Gym shoes - Please have your child wear gym shoes on PE days. $4.00 to cover cost of 1 assignment notebook. This item will be purchased from your homeroom teacher on the first day of school. Please send payment on the 1st day with checks made payable to: Brookdale School. Thank you. All new students and students that did not turn in their headphones at the end of the prior school year, will need: 1 headphone for computers to be supplied by Brookdale for $2.00 (please send $2.00 in labeled envelope to school) Print Brookdale Elementary School Fourth Grade School Supplies List Indian Prairie Cusd 204 Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Indian Prairie Cusd 204 Academic Calendar 2021-2022 |
Brookdale Elementary School Fifth Grade School Supplies List 1 Box of markers 1 Box of colored pencils 3 Glue sticks 1 Soft case pencil holder with zipper 2 Box tissues 2 Red pens for correcting 2 Pink erasers 48 #2 pencils 4 Spiral notebooks (one subject) with perforations in the following colors: red, yellow, green, and blue 1 7 section plastic expandable file 8 Expo Low Odor or Odorless Brand, Dry Erase, BLACK, Large Marker 1 100 pkg. 3 x 5 index cards 1 8 1/2" x 11" white, wide-ruled notebook paper 4 Folder w/pockets in the following colors: red, yellow, green, and blue 1 Container of Clorox disinfecting wipes 2 Scissors 1 Pump bottle of hand sanitizer *PLEASE DO NOT purchase a trapper or binder for your student. Thank you. For Specials: 1 pkg. of watercolor pencils 1 roll of scotch tape 1 Art Smock (old shirt) 1 Pair of Gym shoes - Please have your child wear gym shoes on PE days. $6.00 to cover cost of 1 assignment notebook and geometry template. These item will be purchased from your homeroom teacher on the first day of school. Please send payment on the 1st day with checks made payable to: Brookdale School. Thank you. All new students and students that did not turn in their headphones at the end of the prior school year will need: 1 headphone for computers to be supplied by Brookdale for $2.00 (please send $2.00 in labeled envelope to school) Print Brookdale Elementary School Fifth Grade School Supplies List Indian Prairie Cusd 204 Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Indian Prairie Cusd 204 Academic Calendar 2021-2022 |