Brown Elementary School
School Supplies List 2024-2025
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School Name: | Brown Elementary School |
Mailing Address: | 3265 Brown Road Smyrna, GA 30080-4109 |
School District: | Cobb County |
County: | Cobb |
District Calendar: |
Brown Elementary School Cobb County District Insructional Calendar for 2024-2025 Brown Elementary School Cobb County District Insructional Calendar for 2023-2024 Brown Elementary School Cobb County District Insructional Calendar for 2022-2023 |
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To update this School Supply List for Brown Elementary School please send us an email including a updated supply list to: Thank you!
School Supply Lists in the Post Covid-19 World! |
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Brown Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List 2-24 count Crayola crayons 3 (3) prong packet folders with a glossy finish (NOT PLASTIC) …do not label with chlid’s name. 3 boxes of tissues 1 box quart size Ziploc Bags 1 box snack size Ziploc bags 1 box gallon size Ziploc Bags 1 spiral notebook approx 8x10 2 packages of small glue sticks 1 roll of scotch tape and a roll of 1” masking tape 1 box colored pencils 1 box Crayola markers 1 box band-aids 1 container of Clorox or Lysol disinfecting wipes, baby wipes 1 can of Lysol spray 2 boxes of snacks: suggestions are animal crackers, pretzels, goldfish crackers, Ritz crackers, graham crackers, vanilla wafers, low fat popcorn (not kettle or butter popcorn) 1 package of white board markers 1 package of index cards (light colors and white) Print Brown Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List Cobb County District Calendar 2024-2025 Cobb County District Calendar 2023-2024 Cobb County District Calendar 2022-2023 |
Brown Elementary School 1st Grade School Supplies List 2 packs of pencils (TICONDEROGA or PAPERMATE) 4 large glue sticks 2 pack black dry erase marker 1 box Kleenex 1 pack construction paper (9 x 12) 1 box (24 ct) Crayola crayons 1 large PUMP hand sanitizer 8 oz or more (NOT SOAP) 1 box of GALLON size Ziploc bags 1 one subject spiral notebook wide ruled (70 ct) 2 LARGE boxes of microwave popcorn (NO Extra Butter or Theater Butter) 1 plain two pocket blue folder (no prongs) 1 plain two pocket yellow folder (no prongs) 2 pack children’s Fiskar scissors blunt end Print Brown Elementary School First Grade School Supplies List Cobb County Academic Calendar2024-2025 Cobb County Academic Calendar2023-2024 Cobb County Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
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Brown Elementary School 2nd Grade School Supplies List 1 box of colored pencils 2 large glue sticks 3 dozen #2 pencils 2 boxes of Kleenex 2 containers of Clorox Wipes 1-24 count Crayola crayons 1 bottle pump hand sanitizer (NOT SOAP) 3 (3) prong pocket folders (PLASTIC) 1 pair Fiskars scissors – small size 1 box quart size Ziploc bags 1 box gallon size Ziploc bags 1 hand-held eraser 4 (70 page) wide-rule spiral notebooks – red, black, green, yellow 2 wide ruled packs of notebook paper Print Brown Elementary School Second Grade School Supplies List Cobb County Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Cobb County Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Cobb County Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
Brown Elementary School 3rd Grade School Supplies List 2 Yellow Highlighter 2 dozen # 2 pencils 2 box Kleenex 1 black Sharpie 1 large glue stick 1 pack of markers 1 pack of colored pencils 2 box of crayons 1 box dry erase markers Post-it notes (any size) 1 black & white composition notebook 1-2 containers Clorox Wipes 1 bottle of hand sanitizer (NOT SOAP) 1 packets of wide-ruled notebook paper 1 pair of scissors (sharp, but made for children) 1 hand-held pencil sharpener (it must have a cap) 4 (70 page) wide rule spiral notebooks–red, blue, green, yellow 1 box of Ziploc bags to keep supplies in Boys – gallon size Girls – quart size Print Brown Elementary School Third Grade School Supplies List Cobb County Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Cobb County Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Cobb County Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
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Brown Elementary School 4th Grade School Supplies List 5 spiral notebooks 1 box of colored pencils 3 packages of pencils 2 box dry erase markers 1 package of loose-leaf paper 6 folders with pockets and brads with Holes 2 bottles of pump hand sanitizer (NOT SOAP) more always welcome! 1 pair student scissors 1 box “normal” markers Print Brown Elementary School Fourth Grade School Supplies List Cobb County Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Cobb County Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Cobb County Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
Brown Elementary School 5th Grade School Supplies List 4 dozens #2 pencil 4 composition notebooks - plain with black and white cover 3 dry erase markers (full size - not mini or key chain size) 2 boxes of Kleenex 2 red pens 2 highlighters 1 pair of scissors 1 pack of wide ruled notebook paper 1 container Clorox Wipes 1 box of colored pencils 1 box crayons 1 glue stick - no liquid glue please! 1 package lined 3x5 index cards 1 package post-it notes Boys – 1 box Ziploc bags (sandwich size) Girls – 1 box Ziploc bags (gallon size) Print Brown Elementary School Fifth Grade School Supplies List Cobb County Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Cobb County Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Cobb County Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |