Cinco Ranch High School
School Supplies List 2024-2025
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Cinco Ranch High School Ninth Grade School Supplies List Please know that these lists are not all inclusive!! Individual Teachers will provide their classes with a list of required supplies during the first days of school. Students will need a notebook w/ paper and a pen/pencil the first day of school. English Classes Academic English I 1 manila folder, labeled on tab with last name first Pens - blue and red for individual use Pencils and notebook paper for individual use 1 box of Kleenex for classroom use 1 package of highlighters - at least 3 different colors 1 package of 3x5 index cards Novels: No Summer Reading Required Whole Class Reading The Dark Game - Paul B. Janeczko The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) Odyssey - Homer (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) The House on Mango Street - Sandra Cisneros Choice Novels To Be Determined English I PreAP/GT Loose-leaf notebook paper Set of 5 highlighters Binder and 8 tab dividers Blue or black ink pens Red pen Pencils Index cards - 4x6 Post-It notes 1 box of tissues Novels: Summer Reading (see Katy ISD website for further details) Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card Whole Class Reading Anthem - Ayn Rand The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) Odyssey - Homer (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee Choice Novels To Be Determined Academic English II Loose-leaf notebook paper. Do not tear pages out of a spiral notebook. May purchase a 1" three ring binder or subsection the binder you use for all your other classes with the following dividers: I Writing, II Literature, III Vocabulary, IV Reference Blue or black pens for classroom assignments Red pens for correcting assignments and editing drafts of writing assignments No. 2 pencils for use with Scantron and rough draft writing Post-It notes 4x6 index cards 5-pack of highlighters Novels: No Summer Reading Required Whole Class Reading Animal Farm - George Orwell The Tragedy of Julius Caesar - William Shakespeare (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) Choice Novels (choose one of the titles below) Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury A Separate Peace - John Knowles Fallen Angels - Walter Dean Myers Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck The Joy Luck Club - Amy Tan English II PreAP/GT Regular notebook paper (not spiral) Dark blue or black ink pens Red grading pen Pencil Set of colored highlighters 3x5 index cards Small Post-It Notes 2" 3-ring binder with subject tab dividers Box of tissue OPTIONAL: USB drive for moving documents/homework to and from computers Novels: Summer Reading (see Katy ISD website for further details) The Book Thief - Markus Zusak Whole Class Reading Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe Unbroken - Laura Hillenbrand Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte The Tragedy of Julius Caesar - William Shakespeare (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) Les Miserables - Victor Hugo (ISBN-10: 141650026X - Required edition specified) The Joy Luck Club - Amy Tan Choice Novels (choose one of the titles below) In the Time of Butterflies - Julia Alvarez he Good Earth - Pearl S. Buck The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini Obasan - Joy Kogawa The Namesake - Jhumpa Lahiri Cry, the Beloved Country - Alan Paton Ceremony - Leslie Marmon Silko Academic English III Loose leaf notebook paper Blue or black pen Highlighter Red pen for grading #2 pencils Novels: No Summer Reading Required Whole Class Reading The Crucible - Arthur Miller (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald Choice Novels To Be Determined English III AP English Language and Composition Loose leaf paper Black or blue ink pens Pencils Highlighters (4 or more different colors) A 3 ring binder (may be shared with other classes) Set of 5- or 8-tab dividers Optional: Sticky notes, USB Drive Novels: Summer Reading (see Katy ISD website for further details) Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass - Frederick Douglass Whole Class Reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald Choice Novels (choose one of the titles below) Alias Grace - Margaret Atwood A Long Way Gone - Ishmael Beah In Cold Blood - Truman Capote Silent Spring - Rachel Carson Careless People - Sarah Churhwell The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao - Junot Diaz Guns, Germs, and Steel - Jared Diamond Nickel and Dimed - Barbara Ehrenreich 11/22/63 - Stephen King he Poisonwood Bible - Barbara Kingsolver In the Garden of Beasts - Erik Larson Moneyball - Michael Lewis The Things They Carried - Tim O'Brien And the Band Played On - Randy Shilts The Jungle - Upton Sinclair The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks - Rebecca Skloot Manhunt - James L. Swanson Cat's Cradle - Kurt Vonnegut Academic English IV Regular notebook paper (not spiral) Black ink pens Red grading pen Pencils Set of colored highlighters Post-It Notes 2" 3 - ring binder with subject tab dividers Box of Kleenex OPTIONAL: USB drive for moving documents/homework to and from computers Novels: No Summer Reading Required Whole Class Reading Beowulf (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) The Canterbury Tales - Geoffrey Chaucer(printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) Macbeth - William Shakespeare(printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) That Salty Air - Tim Sievert (ISBN-10: 1603090053 - Required edition specified) Choice Novels (choose one of the titles below for 1st semester) Prometheus Bound - Aeschylus I, Robot - Isaac Asimov Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - Philip K. Dick Lord of the Flies - William Golding Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes Monster - Walter Dean Myers This Dark Endeavor - Kenneth Oppel Such Wicked Intent - Kenneth Oppel Unwholly - Neal Shusterman Man Made Boy - Jon Skovron Choice Novels (choose one of the titles below for 2nd semester) The Testing - Joelle Charbonneaux The City of Ember - Jeanne DuPrau House of Scorpion - Nancy Farmer One Second After - William R. Forstchen The Children of Men - P.D. James The Giver - Lois Lowry 1984 - George Orwell Unwind - Neal Shusterman Uglies - Scott Westerfeld English IV AP/GT Literature and Composition Regular notebook paper (not spiral) Black ink pens Red grading pen Pencils Set of colored highlighters (at least four colors) Post-it Notes Two bradded folders with pockets (for research paper and college essay project) ONE 2" 3-ring binder with subject tab dividers (one will be daily binder/other will be for AP Manual) One large brown envelope 10 x 13 (May recycle one of the ones given to you at the beginning of the year with school info). This will hold your scrapbook items which are submitted each six weeks. One scrapbook or binder with sheet protectors for Senior Scrapbook assignment - you may purchase this second semester when we prepare to organize these. You will also want to purchase glue/two-sided tape, stickers, colored paper, etc. as you begin to make this into an item of memorabilia. OPTIONAL: USB drive for moving documents/homework to and from computers. Novels: Summer Reading (see Katy ISD website for further details) How to Read Literature Like a Professor - Thomas C. Foster Whole Class Reading The Sun Also Rises - Ernest Hemingway ( ISBN 978-0743297332 - Required edition specified) Othello - William Shakespeare (ISBN 978-0486475769 - Required edition specified) The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka (ISBN 978-0486475714 - Required edition specified) Candide - Voltaire (ISBN 978-0553211665 - Required edition specified) Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte (ISBN 978-0486478036 - Required edition specified) Great Expectations - Charles Dickens (ISBN 978-0486475707 - Required edition specified) Choice Novels (choose one of the titles below) Brave New World by Aldous Huxley 1984 - George Orwell One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Ken Kesey Slaughterhouse Five - Kurt Vonnegut A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood Photojournalism: Black pen Red pen Yellow highlighter Digital camera SD memory car, 2MB or larger Recommended -SLR or point/shoot digital camera. 8 megapixel or larger. Cell phone camera is acceptable with USB download cable Journalism I Black pen Red pen Yellow highlighter Digital camera SD memory card, 2MB or larger Recommended - Associated Press Stylebook ISBN-978-0-917360-55-8 - retail price $19.95 All Math Classes Pencils with erasers Blue or black pen Red checking pens Highlighter Loose-leaf paper Binder or notebook Homework spiral (in selected classes: Geometry PAP/GT, Algebra II PAP/GT and Pre-Cal PAP/GT) 6" straightedge or ruler Graphing calculator (NSpire or TI 83 or TI 84 - required for AP level math classes, recommended for others - note: calculators are provided in the classroom) Scientific or 4 function calculator (recommended) 4 AAA batteries Box of tissue 1/4" graph paper Protractor (Geometry PAP/GT only) Compass (Geometry PAP/GT only) Spiral bound note cards (Geometry PAP/GT only) Gridded composition notebook (Topics in Math and College Readiness Math only) Computer Science #2 pencils (more as needed) Black or blue pens (more as needed) 2-pocket folders 3-ring binder Spiral bound notebook USB thumb drive (2 GB or higher. Make sure the folder is under your name) 5-pack of highlighters 1 box of tissues 1 ream of paper Science Classes Academic Biology At least a 1" 3-ring binder (Accordion style folders will not be allowed) 1 package of tab dividers (5 tabs) Red pen/blue pen/black pen/highlighter/colored pencils Metric ruler Scientific calculator Glue stick 1 box of tissue NOTE: Individual teachers may require other supplies not listed. Biology PreAP and Biology PreAP/GT 3-ring binder (2 inch) Dividers Notebook paper - college ruled colored pencils Blue/black pen Red pen Pencils Dry erase markers NOTE: Each class will be asked to bring in one other item to be used by all the classes. This will be determined the first few days of class. (Paper towels, Kleenex, Hand Sanitizer) AP Biology 4-function calculator with a square root key (very inexpensive, $1-$3) Composition book with regular lined pages (no wired spirals) Graph paper for labs 1 roll paper towels or 1 box tissues (each class period will be assigned one of these items on the first day of class) Required reading (books can be borrowed or purchased as a paperback or eBook): 1st semester: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot, ISBN-13: 9781400052189 2nd semester: To be announced. Recommended, but not required: Cliffs AP Biology Review Book, 4th edition, by Philip E. Pack. Academic Chemistry Graph paper Notebook paper Scientific calculator. A scientific calculator with log and inverse log function is recommended. Colored pencils Ruler 1 roll of paper towels 1 box of tissues No. 2 pencils Blue or black ballpoint pen (for use in lab notebook) Red grading pen 1 dry-erase marker NOTE: Individual teachers may require other supplies not listed. Chemistry PreAP and PreAP/GT 1 composition book with quadrille (graph paper) pages to be used for laboratory experiments. These are available at HEB, office supply stores, and Target right before school starts, but they run out quickly after school begins. They are also available in the school store. Students will use this the first week of school. 1 composition book with regular lined pages (Class note and homework journal) Notebook paper Scientific calculator with log / 10x function key. One package of 4 AAA batteries. Colored pencils Highlighter(s) Ruler 1 roll of paper towels 1 box of Kleenex tissues No. 2 pencils Blue or black ballpoint pen (for use in lab notebook) Red grading pen NOTE: Individual teachers may require other supplies not listed. Integrated Physics & Chemistry (IPC) 1 1/2 - 2" binder Pencils Map pencils Calculator Box of tissues or 1 roll of paper towels Academic Physics Scientific calculator with at least the following functions: cosine, sine, tangent, natural and base ten logarithms, exponential notation, and degree measure. Dry erase markers 1 box of tissues or 1 small bottle of hand sanitizer 4 AAA batteries AP Physics 1 / AP Physics 2 Protractor and centimeter ruler Programmable calculator (TI 83, TI 84, or similar) 4 AAA batteries 1 dry-erase marker Red pen, pencils 1 box of tissues 1 pocket folder with brads for lab reports Dividers for pocket folder OPTIONAL - USB drive for moving documents/homework to and from computers Anatomy and Physiology 3-ring binder Dividers Colored pencils Blue/black/red pen Pencils 1 pack Clorox or disinfecting wipes 1 dry erase marker 1 box of Kleenex Aquatic Science Binder or section in a binder Notebook paper Colored pencils 1 roll of paper towels The following items will vary based on the type of tank the student chooses to create with their group at the end of the first 6 weeks: fish, 2 plants, filter cartridges, fish food, aquarium gravel Forensic Science All students: One 2-3" Binder (3 ring) for notes/assignments (not shared with other classes) One 1/2 inch Binder (3 ring) for lab notebook Colored Pencils (package of 24-36) Red and blue/black pen Highlighter Pencils Box of Kleenex Box of disposable latex-free gloves (100 count powder-free) appropriate for student's hand size Roll of paper towels Last Name (A-L): Roll of clear packaging tape (no dispenser) Package of white 4 x 6 index cards (plain/no lines) Last Name (M-Z): Box of white envelopes (any kind/size) Package of q-tips (any count/inexpensive) AP Chemistry 3 ring binder Dividers Highlighter map pencils red pen black/blue pens pencils Composition notebook with grid paper for lab book College ruled loose leaf paper To leave in classroom: 1 roll paper towels 1 box Kleenex 1 gallon distilled water P Environmental Science 3 ring binder Dividers Highlighter map pencils red pen black/blue pens pencils College ruled loose leaf paper Graph paper Plastic shoe box with a lid To leave in classroom: Box of tissues 1 roll of paper towels, or 1 bottle of hand sanitizer Social Studies Classes World Geography Colored map pencils Black pens Blue pens Red pens Highlighters - 4 colors No. 2 pencils Notebook paper Small 3-ring binder Index cards Box of tissues World History Large spiral notebook Binder 5 dividers Highlighter Post-It notes (Large square ones, 3x3) Red, blue and black pens No. 2 pencils Markers/map pencils 1 box of Kleenex US History Notebook paper Red/blue/black pens No. 2 pencils Highlighter 1 box of Kleenex Government and Economics Notebook paper and binder OR spiral notebook Red/blue/black pens No. 2 pencils Highlighter 1 box of Kleenex Scissors Foreign Language Classes Spanish I 2 composition books 1 clear tape (to use for composition books) 1 packet construction paper (8x12) 1 hand sanitizer 1 box Kleenex or any other tissue brand Fine Arts Classes Choir $60 choir fee for competition choirs (includes t-shirt, use of uniform, and supplies) $50 choir fee for non-competition choirs (includes t-shirt and supplies) Pencils every day Competition choirs: Girls - black character shoes; Guys - black dress shoes/black socks Dance Folder with pockets and brads 5 dividers Black long pants Black leotard Black jazz shoes Hair rubber bands Pencils NOTE: Some items can be purchased through the dance department Orchestra 1" black binder (no other colors please) Loose leaf notebook paper Music staff paper 2 No. 2 pencils 1 folding wire music stand 1 extra set of strings for your instrument (see current year Orchestra Handbook for recommended brands) 1 cake of string rosin (see current year Orchestra Handbook for recommended brands) Appropriate accessories for your instrument: shoulder rest, strap (see current year Orchestra Handbook for recommended brands) Tech Theatre I 3-ring binder (approximately 2"-3") White, loose leaf paper Pen (blue or black) and pencil Ruler Compass Protractor Graph paper Tracing paper Colored pencils Students must wear appropriate footwear, closed toed shoes with heels Tech Theatre II and Advanced Tech Theatre 3-ring binder (approximately 2"-3") White, loose leaf paper Pen (blue or black) and pencil 15 in. Ruler Compass Protractor Graph paper Tracing paper Watercolor pencils Sketch pad Students must wear appropriate footwear, closed toed shoes with heels Work gloves with name inside NOTE: Other items will come up throughout the year depending on different projects Theatre Arts I and II 3-ring binder with side pockets (approximately 1 1/2" to 2") White, loose leaf paper Pen (blue or black) and pencil Ruler Classes not listed: Students should check with individual teachers when school starts Print Cinco Ranch High School Ninth Grade School Supplies List Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Katy Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Katy Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Katy Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Katy Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Katy Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Katy Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
Cinco Ranch High School Tenth Grade School Supplies List Please know that these lists are not all inclusive!! Individual Teachers will provide their classes with a list of required supplies during the first days of school. Students will need a notebook w/ paper and a pen/pencil the first day of school. English Classes Academic English I 1 manila folder, labeled on tab with last name first Pens - blue and red for individual use Pencils and notebook paper for individual use 1 box of Kleenex for classroom use 1 package of highlighters - at least 3 different colors 1 package of 3x5 index cards Novels: No Summer Reading Required Whole Class Reading The Dark Game - Paul B. Janeczko The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) Odyssey - Homer (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) The House on Mango Street - Sandra Cisneros Choice Novels To Be Determined English I PreAP/GT Loose-leaf notebook paper Set of 5 highlighters Binder and 8 tab dividers Blue or black ink pens Red pen Pencils Index cards - 4x6 Post-It notes 1 box of tissues Novels: Summer Reading (see Katy ISD website for further details) Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card Whole Class Reading Anthem - Ayn Rand The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) Odyssey - Homer (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee Choice Novels To Be Determined Academic English II Loose-leaf notebook paper. Do not tear pages out of a spiral notebook. May purchase a 1" three ring binder or subsection the binder you use for all your other classes with the following dividers: I Writing, II Literature, III Vocabulary, IV Reference Blue or black pens for classroom assignments Red pens for correcting assignments and editing drafts of writing assignments No. 2 pencils for use with Scantron and rough draft writing Post-It notes 4x6 index cards 5-pack of highlighters Novels: No Summer Reading Required Whole Class Reading Animal Farm - George Orwell The Tragedy of Julius Caesar - William Shakespeare (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) Choice Novels (choose one of the titles below) Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury A Separate Peace - John Knowles Fallen Angels - Walter Dean Myers Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck The Joy Luck Club - Amy Tan English II PreAP/GT Regular notebook paper (not spiral) Dark blue or black ink pens Red grading pen Pencil Set of colored highlighters 3x5 index cards Small Post-It Notes 2" 3-ring binder with subject tab dividers Box of tissue OPTIONAL: USB drive for moving documents/homework to and from computers Novels: Summer Reading (see Katy ISD website for further details) The Book Thief - Markus Zusak Whole Class Reading Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe Unbroken - Laura Hillenbrand Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte The Tragedy of Julius Caesar - William Shakespeare (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) Les Miserables - Victor Hugo (ISBN-10: 141650026X - Required edition specified) The Joy Luck Club - Amy Tan Choice Novels (choose one of the titles below) In the Time of Butterflies - Julia Alvarez he Good Earth - Pearl S. Buck The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini Obasan - Joy Kogawa The Namesake - Jhumpa Lahiri Cry, the Beloved Country - Alan Paton Ceremony - Leslie Marmon Silko Academic English III Loose leaf notebook paper Blue or black pen Highlighter Red pen for grading #2 pencils Novels: No Summer Reading Required Whole Class Reading The Crucible - Arthur Miller (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald Choice Novels To Be Determined English III AP English Language and Composition Loose leaf paper Black or blue ink pens Pencils Highlighters (4 or more different colors) A 3 ring binder (may be shared with other classes) Set of 5- or 8-tab dividers Optional: Sticky notes, USB Drive Novels: Summer Reading (see Katy ISD website for further details) Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass - Frederick Douglass Whole Class Reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald Choice Novels (choose one of the titles below) Alias Grace - Margaret Atwood A Long Way Gone - Ishmael Beah In Cold Blood - Truman Capote Silent Spring - Rachel Carson Careless People - Sarah Churhwell The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao - Junot Diaz Guns, Germs, and Steel - Jared Diamond Nickel and Dimed - Barbara Ehrenreich 11/22/63 - Stephen King he Poisonwood Bible - Barbara Kingsolver In the Garden of Beasts - Erik Larson Moneyball - Michael Lewis The Things They Carried - Tim O'Brien And the Band Played On - Randy Shilts The Jungle - Upton Sinclair The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks - Rebecca Skloot Manhunt - James L. Swanson Cat's Cradle - Kurt Vonnegut Academic English IV Regular notebook paper (not spiral) Black ink pens Red grading pen Pencils Set of colored highlighters Post-It Notes 2" 3 - ring binder with subject tab dividers Box of Kleenex OPTIONAL: USB drive for moving documents/homework to and from computers Novels: No Summer Reading Required Whole Class Reading Beowulf (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) The Canterbury Tales - Geoffrey Chaucer(printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) Macbeth - William Shakespeare(printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) That Salty Air - Tim Sievert (ISBN-10: 1603090053 - Required edition specified) Choice Novels (choose one of the titles below for 1st semester) Prometheus Bound - Aeschylus I, Robot - Isaac Asimov Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - Philip K. Dick Lord of the Flies - William Golding Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes Monster - Walter Dean Myers This Dark Endeavor - Kenneth Oppel Such Wicked Intent - Kenneth Oppel Unwholly - Neal Shusterman Man Made Boy - Jon Skovron Choice Novels (choose one of the titles below for 2nd semester) The Testing - Joelle Charbonneaux The City of Ember - Jeanne DuPrau House of Scorpion - Nancy Farmer One Second After - William R. Forstchen The Children of Men - P.D. James The Giver - Lois Lowry 1984 - George Orwell Unwind - Neal Shusterman Uglies - Scott Westerfeld English IV AP/GT Literature and Composition Regular notebook paper (not spiral) Black ink pens Red grading pen Pencils Set of colored highlighters (at least four colors) Post-it Notes Two bradded folders with pockets (for research paper and college essay project) ONE 2" 3-ring binder with subject tab dividers (one will be daily binder/other will be for AP Manual) One large brown envelope 10 x 13 (May recycle one of the ones given to you at the beginning of the year with school info). This will hold your scrapbook items which are submitted each six weeks. One scrapbook or binder with sheet protectors for Senior Scrapbook assignment - you may purchase this second semester when we prepare to organize these. You will also want to purchase glue/two-sided tape, stickers, colored paper, etc. as you begin to make this into an item of memorabilia. OPTIONAL: USB drive for moving documents/homework to and from computers. Novels: Summer Reading (see Katy ISD website for further details) How to Read Literature Like a Professor - Thomas C. Foster Whole Class Reading The Sun Also Rises - Ernest Hemingway ( ISBN 978-0743297332 - Required edition specified) Othello - William Shakespeare (ISBN 978-0486475769 - Required edition specified) The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka (ISBN 978-0486475714 - Required edition specified) Candide - Voltaire (ISBN 978-0553211665 - Required edition specified) Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte (ISBN 978-0486478036 - Required edition specified) Great Expectations - Charles Dickens (ISBN 978-0486475707 - Required edition specified) Choice Novels (choose one of the titles below) Brave New World by Aldous Huxley 1984 - George Orwell One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Ken Kesey Slaughterhouse Five - Kurt Vonnegut A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood Photojournalism: Black pen Red pen Yellow highlighter Digital camera SD memory car, 2MB or larger Recommended -SLR or point/shoot digital camera. 8 megapixel or larger. Cell phone camera is acceptable with USB download cable Journalism I Black pen Red pen Yellow highlighter Digital camera SD memory card, 2MB or larger Recommended - Associated Press Stylebook ISBN-978-0-917360-55-8 - retail price $19.95 All Math Classes Pencils with erasers Blue or black pen Red checking pens Highlighter Loose-leaf paper Binder or notebook Homework spiral (in selected classes: Geometry PAP/GT, Algebra II PAP/GT and Pre-Cal PAP/GT) 6" straightedge or ruler Graphing calculator (NSpire or TI 83 or TI 84 - required for AP level math classes, recommended for others - note: calculators are provided in the classroom) Scientific or 4 function calculator (recommended) 4 AAA batteries Box of tissue 1/4" graph paper Protractor (Geometry PAP/GT only) Compass (Geometry PAP/GT only) Spiral bound note cards (Geometry PAP/GT only) Gridded composition notebook (Topics in Math and College Readiness Math only) Computer Science #2 pencils (more as needed) Black or blue pens (more as needed) 2-pocket folders 3-ring binder Spiral bound notebook USB thumb drive (2 GB or higher. Make sure the folder is under your name) 5-pack of highlighters 1 box of tissues 1 ream of paper Science Classes Academic Biology At least a 1" 3-ring binder (Accordion style folders will not be allowed) 1 package of tab dividers (5 tabs) Red pen/blue pen/black pen/highlighter/colored pencils Metric ruler Scientific calculator Glue stick 1 box of tissue NOTE: Individual teachers may require other supplies not listed. Biology PreAP and Biology PreAP/GT 3-ring binder (2 inch) Dividers Notebook paper - college ruled colored pencils Blue/black pen Red pen Pencils Dry erase markers NOTE: Each class will be asked to bring in one other item to be used by all the classes. This will be determined the first few days of class. (Paper towels, Kleenex, Hand Sanitizer) AP Biology 4-function calculator with a square root key (very inexpensive, $1-$3) Composition book with regular lined pages (no wired spirals) Graph paper for labs 1 roll paper towels or 1 box tissues (each class period will be assigned one of these items on the first day of class) Required reading (books can be borrowed or purchased as a paperback or eBook): 1st semester: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot, ISBN-13: 9781400052189 2nd semester: To be announced. Recommended, but not required: Cliffs AP Biology Review Book, 4th edition, by Philip E. Pack. Academic Chemistry Graph paper Notebook paper Scientific calculator. A scientific calculator with log and inverse log function is recommended. Colored pencils Ruler 1 roll of paper towels 1 box of tissues No. 2 pencils Blue or black ballpoint pen (for use in lab notebook) Red grading pen 1 dry-erase marker NOTE: Individual teachers may require other supplies not listed. Chemistry PreAP and PreAP/GT 1 composition book with quadrille (graph paper) pages to be used for laboratory experiments. These are available at HEB, office supply stores, and Target right before school starts, but they run out quickly after school begins. They are also available in the school store. Students will use this the first week of school. 1 composition book with regular lined pages (Class note and homework journal) Notebook paper Scientific calculator with log / 10x function key. One package of 4 AAA batteries. Colored pencils Highlighter(s) Ruler 1 roll of paper towels 1 box of Kleenex tissues No. 2 pencils Blue or black ballpoint pen (for use in lab notebook) Red grading pen NOTE: Individual teachers may require other supplies not listed. Integrated Physics & Chemistry (IPC) 1 1/2 - 2" binder Pencils Map pencils Calculator Box of tissues or 1 roll of paper towels Academic Physics Scientific calculator with at least the following functions: cosine, sine, tangent, natural and base ten logarithms, exponential notation, and degree measure. Dry erase markers 1 box of tissues or 1 small bottle of hand sanitizer 4 AAA batteries AP Physics 1 / AP Physics 2 Protractor and centimeter ruler Programmable calculator (TI 83, TI 84, or similar) 4 AAA batteries 1 dry-erase marker Red pen, pencils 1 box of tissues 1 pocket folder with brads for lab reports Dividers for pocket folder OPTIONAL - USB drive for moving documents/homework to and from computers Anatomy and Physiology 3-ring binder Dividers Colored pencils Blue/black/red pen Pencils 1 pack Clorox or disinfecting wipes 1 dry erase marker 1 box of Kleenex Aquatic Science Binder or section in a binder Notebook paper Colored pencils 1 roll of paper towels The following items will vary based on the type of tank the student chooses to create with their group at the end of the first 6 weeks: fish, 2 plants, filter cartridges, fish food, aquarium gravel Forensic Science All students: One 2-3" Binder (3 ring) for notes/assignments (not shared with other classes) One 1/2 inch Binder (3 ring) for lab notebook Colored Pencils (package of 24-36) Red and blue/black pen Highlighter Pencils Box of Kleenex Box of disposable latex-free gloves (100 count powder-free) appropriate for student's hand size Roll of paper towels Last Name (A-L): Roll of clear packaging tape (no dispenser) Package of white 4 x 6 index cards (plain/no lines) Last Name (M-Z): Box of white envelopes (any kind/size) Package of q-tips (any count/inexpensive) AP Chemistry 3 ring binder Dividers Highlighter map pencils red pen black/blue pens pencils Composition notebook with grid paper for lab book College ruled loose leaf paper To leave in classroom: 1 roll paper towels 1 box Kleenex 1 gallon distilled water P Environmental Science 3 ring binder Dividers Highlighter map pencils red pen black/blue pens pencils College ruled loose leaf paper Graph paper Plastic shoe box with a lid To leave in classroom: Box of tissues 1 roll of paper towels, or 1 bottle of hand sanitizer Social Studies Classes World Geography Colored map pencils Black pens Blue pens Red pens Highlighters - 4 colors No. 2 pencils Notebook paper Small 3-ring binder Index cards Box of tissues World History Large spiral notebook Binder 5 dividers Highlighter Post-It notes (Large square ones, 3x3) Red, blue and black pens No. 2 pencils Markers/map pencils 1 box of Kleenex US History Notebook paper Red/blue/black pens No. 2 pencils Highlighter 1 box of Kleenex Government and Economics Notebook paper and binder OR spiral notebook Red/blue/black pens No. 2 pencils Highlighter 1 box of Kleenex Scissors Foreign Language Classes Spanish I 2 composition books 1 clear tape (to use for composition books) 1 packet construction paper (8x12) 1 hand sanitizer 1 box Kleenex or any other tissue brand Fine Arts Classes Choir $60 choir fee for competition choirs (includes t-shirt, use of uniform, and supplies) $50 choir fee for non-competition choirs (includes t-shirt and supplies) Pencils every day Competition choirs: Girls - black character shoes; Guys - black dress shoes/black socks Dance Folder with pockets and brads 5 dividers Black long pants Black leotard Black jazz shoes Hair rubber bands Pencils NOTE: Some items can be purchased through the dance department Orchestra 1" black binder (no other colors please) Loose leaf notebook paper Music staff paper 2 No. 2 pencils 1 folding wire music stand 1 extra set of strings for your instrument (see current year Orchestra Handbook for recommended brands) 1 cake of string rosin (see current year Orchestra Handbook for recommended brands) Appropriate accessories for your instrument: shoulder rest, strap (see current year Orchestra Handbook for recommended brands) Tech Theatre I 3-ring binder (approximately 2"-3") White, loose leaf paper Pen (blue or black) and pencil Ruler Compass Protractor Graph paper Tracing paper Colored pencils Students must wear appropriate footwear, closed toed shoes with heels Tech Theatre II and Advanced Tech Theatre 3-ring binder (approximately 2"-3") White, loose leaf paper Pen (blue or black) and pencil 15 in. Ruler Compass Protractor Graph paper Tracing paper Watercolor pencils Sketch pad Students must wear appropriate footwear, closed toed shoes with heels Work gloves with name inside NOTE: Other items will come up throughout the year depending on different projects Theatre Arts I and II 3-ring binder with side pockets (approximately 1 1/2" to 2") White, loose leaf paper Pen (blue or black) and pencil Ruler Classes not listed: Students should check with individual teachers when school starts Print Cinco Ranch High School Tenth Grade School Supplies List Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Katy Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Katy Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Katy Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Katy Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Katy Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Katy Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
Cinco Ranch High School Eleventh Grade School Supplies List Please know that these lists are not all inclusive!! Individual Teachers will provide their classes with a list of required supplies during the first days of school. Students will need a notebook w/ paper and a pen/pencil the first day of school. English Classes Academic English I 1 manila folder, labeled on tab with last name first Pens - blue and red for individual use Pencils and notebook paper for individual use 1 box of Kleenex for classroom use 1 package of highlighters - at least 3 different colors 1 package of 3x5 index cards Novels: No Summer Reading Required Whole Class Reading The Dark Game - Paul B. Janeczko The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) Odyssey - Homer (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) The House on Mango Street - Sandra Cisneros Choice Novels To Be Determined English I PreAP/GT Loose-leaf notebook paper Set of 5 highlighters Binder and 8 tab dividers Blue or black ink pens Red pen Pencils Index cards - 4x6 Post-It notes 1 box of tissues Novels: Summer Reading (see Katy ISD website for further details) Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card Whole Class Reading Anthem - Ayn Rand The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) Odyssey - Homer (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee Choice Novels To Be Determined Academic English II Loose-leaf notebook paper. Do not tear pages out of a spiral notebook. May purchase a 1" three ring binder or subsection the binder you use for all your other classes with the following dividers: I Writing, II Literature, III Vocabulary, IV Reference Blue or black pens for classroom assignments Red pens for correcting assignments and editing drafts of writing assignments No. 2 pencils for use with Scantron and rough draft writing Post-It notes 4x6 index cards 5-pack of highlighters Novels: No Summer Reading Required Whole Class Reading Animal Farm - George Orwell The Tragedy of Julius Caesar - William Shakespeare (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) Choice Novels (choose one of the titles below) Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury A Separate Peace - John Knowles Fallen Angels - Walter Dean Myers Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck The Joy Luck Club - Amy Tan English II PreAP/GT Regular notebook paper (not spiral) Dark blue or black ink pens Red grading pen Pencil Set of colored highlighters 3x5 index cards Small Post-It Notes 2" 3-ring binder with subject tab dividers Box of tissue OPTIONAL: USB drive for moving documents/homework to and from computers Novels: Summer Reading (see Katy ISD website for further details) The Book Thief - Markus Zusak Whole Class Reading Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe Unbroken - Laura Hillenbrand Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte The Tragedy of Julius Caesar - William Shakespeare (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) Les Miserables - Victor Hugo (ISBN-10: 141650026X - Required edition specified) The Joy Luck Club - Amy Tan Choice Novels (choose one of the titles below) In the Time of Butterflies - Julia Alvarez he Good Earth - Pearl S. Buck The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini Obasan - Joy Kogawa The Namesake - Jhumpa Lahiri Cry, the Beloved Country - Alan Paton Ceremony - Leslie Marmon Silko Academic English III Loose leaf notebook paper Blue or black pen Highlighter Red pen for grading #2 pencils Novels: No Summer Reading Required Whole Class Reading The Crucible - Arthur Miller (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald Choice Novels To Be Determined English III AP English Language and Composition Loose leaf paper Black or blue ink pens Pencils Highlighters (4 or more different colors) A 3 ring binder (may be shared with other classes) Set of 5- or 8-tab dividers Optional: Sticky notes, USB Drive Novels: Summer Reading (see Katy ISD website for further details) Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass - Frederick Douglass Whole Class Reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald Choice Novels (choose one of the titles below) Alias Grace - Margaret Atwood A Long Way Gone - Ishmael Beah In Cold Blood - Truman Capote Silent Spring - Rachel Carson Careless People - Sarah Churhwell The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao - Junot Diaz Guns, Germs, and Steel - Jared Diamond Nickel and Dimed - Barbara Ehrenreich 11/22/63 - Stephen King he Poisonwood Bible - Barbara Kingsolver In the Garden of Beasts - Erik Larson Moneyball - Michael Lewis The Things They Carried - Tim O'Brien And the Band Played On - Randy Shilts The Jungle - Upton Sinclair The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks - Rebecca Skloot Manhunt - James L. Swanson Cat's Cradle - Kurt Vonnegut Academic English IV Regular notebook paper (not spiral) Black ink pens Red grading pen Pencils Set of colored highlighters Post-It Notes 2" 3 - ring binder with subject tab dividers Box of Kleenex OPTIONAL: USB drive for moving documents/homework to and from computers Novels: No Summer Reading Required Whole Class Reading Beowulf (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) The Canterbury Tales - Geoffrey Chaucer(printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) Macbeth - William Shakespeare(printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) That Salty Air - Tim Sievert (ISBN-10: 1603090053 - Required edition specified) Choice Novels (choose one of the titles below for 1st semester) Prometheus Bound - Aeschylus I, Robot - Isaac Asimov Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - Philip K. Dick Lord of the Flies - William Golding Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes Monster - Walter Dean Myers This Dark Endeavor - Kenneth Oppel Such Wicked Intent - Kenneth Oppel Unwholly - Neal Shusterman Man Made Boy - Jon Skovron Choice Novels (choose one of the titles below for 2nd semester) The Testing - Joelle Charbonneaux The City of Ember - Jeanne DuPrau House of Scorpion - Nancy Farmer One Second After - William R. Forstchen The Children of Men - P.D. James The Giver - Lois Lowry 1984 - George Orwell Unwind - Neal Shusterman Uglies - Scott Westerfeld English IV AP/GT Literature and Composition Regular notebook paper (not spiral) Black ink pens Red grading pen Pencils Set of colored highlighters (at least four colors) Post-it Notes Two bradded folders with pockets (for research paper and college essay project) ONE 2" 3-ring binder with subject tab dividers (one will be daily binder/other will be for AP Manual) One large brown envelope 10 x 13 (May recycle one of the ones given to you at the beginning of the year with school info). This will hold your scrapbook items which are submitted each six weeks. One scrapbook or binder with sheet protectors for Senior Scrapbook assignment - you may purchase this second semester when we prepare to organize these. You will also want to purchase glue/two-sided tape, stickers, colored paper, etc. as you begin to make this into an item of memorabilia. OPTIONAL: USB drive for moving documents/homework to and from computers. Novels: Summer Reading (see Katy ISD website for further details) How to Read Literature Like a Professor - Thomas C. Foster Whole Class Reading The Sun Also Rises - Ernest Hemingway ( ISBN 978-0743297332 - Required edition specified) Othello - William Shakespeare (ISBN 978-0486475769 - Required edition specified) The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka (ISBN 978-0486475714 - Required edition specified) Candide - Voltaire (ISBN 978-0553211665 - Required edition specified) Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte (ISBN 978-0486478036 - Required edition specified) Great Expectations - Charles Dickens (ISBN 978-0486475707 - Required edition specified) Choice Novels (choose one of the titles below) Brave New World by Aldous Huxley 1984 - George Orwell One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Ken Kesey Slaughterhouse Five - Kurt Vonnegut A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood Photojournalism: Black pen Red pen Yellow highlighter Digital camera SD memory car, 2MB or larger Recommended -SLR or point/shoot digital camera. 8 megapixel or larger. Cell phone camera is acceptable with USB download cable Journalism I Black pen Red pen Yellow highlighter Digital camera SD memory card, 2MB or larger Recommended - Associated Press Stylebook ISBN-978-0-917360-55-8 - retail price $19.95 All Math Classes Pencils with erasers Blue or black pen Red checking pens Highlighter Loose-leaf paper Binder or notebook Homework spiral (in selected classes: Geometry PAP/GT, Algebra II PAP/GT and Pre-Cal PAP/GT) 6" straightedge or ruler Graphing calculator (NSpire or TI 83 or TI 84 - required for AP level math classes, recommended for others - note: calculators are provided in the classroom) Scientific or 4 function calculator (recommended) 4 AAA batteries Box of tissue 1/4" graph paper Protractor (Geometry PAP/GT only) Compass (Geometry PAP/GT only) Spiral bound note cards (Geometry PAP/GT only) Gridded composition notebook (Topics in Math and College Readiness Math only) Computer Science #2 pencils (more as needed) Black or blue pens (more as needed) 2-pocket folders 3-ring binder Spiral bound notebook USB thumb drive (2 GB or higher. Make sure the folder is under your name) 5-pack of highlighters 1 box of tissues 1 ream of paper Science Classes Academic Biology At least a 1" 3-ring binder (Accordion style folders will not be allowed) 1 package of tab dividers (5 tabs) Red pen/blue pen/black pen/highlighter/colored pencils Metric ruler Scientific calculator Glue stick 1 box of tissue NOTE: Individual teachers may require other supplies not listed. Biology PreAP and Biology PreAP/GT 3-ring binder (2 inch) Dividers Notebook paper - college ruled colored pencils Blue/black pen Red pen Pencils Dry erase markers NOTE: Each class will be asked to bring in one other item to be used by all the classes. This will be determined the first few days of class. (Paper towels, Kleenex, Hand Sanitizer) AP Biology 4-function calculator with a square root key (very inexpensive, $1-$3) Composition book with regular lined pages (no wired spirals) Graph paper for labs 1 roll paper towels or 1 box tissues (each class period will be assigned one of these items on the first day of class) Required reading (books can be borrowed or purchased as a paperback or eBook): 1st semester: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot, ISBN-13: 9781400052189 2nd semester: To be announced. Recommended, but not required: Cliffs AP Biology Review Book, 4th edition, by Philip E. Pack. Academic Chemistry Graph paper Notebook paper Scientific calculator. A scientific calculator with log and inverse log function is recommended. Colored pencils Ruler 1 roll of paper towels 1 box of tissues No. 2 pencils Blue or black ballpoint pen (for use in lab notebook) Red grading pen 1 dry-erase marker NOTE: Individual teachers may require other supplies not listed. Chemistry PreAP and PreAP/GT 1 composition book with quadrille (graph paper) pages to be used for laboratory experiments. These are available at HEB, office supply stores, and Target right before school starts, but they run out quickly after school begins. They are also available in the school store. Students will use this the first week of school. 1 composition book with regular lined pages (Class note and homework journal) Notebook paper Scientific calculator with log / 10x function key. One package of 4 AAA batteries. Colored pencils Highlighter(s) Ruler 1 roll of paper towels 1 box of Kleenex tissues No. 2 pencils Blue or black ballpoint pen (for use in lab notebook) Red grading pen NOTE: Individual teachers may require other supplies not listed. Integrated Physics & Chemistry (IPC) 1 1/2 - 2" binder Pencils Map pencils Calculator Box of tissues or 1 roll of paper towels Academic Physics Scientific calculator with at least the following functions: cosine, sine, tangent, natural and base ten logarithms, exponential notation, and degree measure. Dry erase markers 1 box of tissues or 1 small bottle of hand sanitizer 4 AAA batteries AP Physics 1 / AP Physics 2 Protractor and centimeter ruler Programmable calculator (TI 83, TI 84, or similar) 4 AAA batteries 1 dry-erase marker Red pen, pencils 1 box of tissues 1 pocket folder with brads for lab reports Dividers for pocket folder OPTIONAL - USB drive for moving documents/homework to and from computers Anatomy and Physiology 3-ring binder Dividers Colored pencils Blue/black/red pen Pencils 1 pack Clorox or disinfecting wipes 1 dry erase marker 1 box of Kleenex Aquatic Science Binder or section in a binder Notebook paper Colored pencils 1 roll of paper towels The following items will vary based on the type of tank the student chooses to create with their group at the end of the first 6 weeks: fish, 2 plants, filter cartridges, fish food, aquarium gravel Forensic Science All students: One 2-3" Binder (3 ring) for notes/assignments (not shared with other classes) One 1/2 inch Binder (3 ring) for lab notebook Colored Pencils (package of 24-36) Red and blue/black pen Highlighter Pencils Box of Kleenex Box of disposable latex-free gloves (100 count powder-free) appropriate for student's hand size Roll of paper towels Last Name (A-L): Roll of clear packaging tape (no dispenser) Package of white 4 x 6 index cards (plain/no lines) Last Name (M-Z): Box of white envelopes (any kind/size) Package of q-tips (any count/inexpensive) AP Chemistry 3 ring binder Dividers Highlighter map pencils red pen black/blue pens pencils Composition notebook with grid paper for lab book College ruled loose leaf paper To leave in classroom: 1 roll paper towels 1 box Kleenex 1 gallon distilled water P Environmental Science 3 ring binder Dividers Highlighter map pencils red pen black/blue pens pencils College ruled loose leaf paper Graph paper Plastic shoe box with a lid To leave in classroom: Box of tissues 1 roll of paper towels, or 1 bottle of hand sanitizer Social Studies Classes World Geography Colored map pencils Black pens Blue pens Red pens Highlighters - 4 colors No. 2 pencils Notebook paper Small 3-ring binder Index cards Box of tissues World History Large spiral notebook Binder 5 dividers Highlighter Post-It notes (Large square ones, 3x3) Red, blue and black pens No. 2 pencils Markers/map pencils 1 box of Kleenex US History Notebook paper Red/blue/black pens No. 2 pencils Highlighter 1 box of Kleenex Government and Economics Notebook paper and binder OR spiral notebook Red/blue/black pens No. 2 pencils Highlighter 1 box of Kleenex Scissors Foreign Language Classes Spanish I 2 composition books 1 clear tape (to use for composition books) 1 packet construction paper (8x12) 1 hand sanitizer 1 box Kleenex or any other tissue brand Fine Arts Classes Choir $60 choir fee for competition choirs (includes t-shirt, use of uniform, and supplies) $50 choir fee for non-competition choirs (includes t-shirt and supplies) Pencils every day Competition choirs: Girls - black character shoes; Guys - black dress shoes/black socks Dance Folder with pockets and brads 5 dividers Black long pants Black leotard Black jazz shoes Hair rubber bands Pencils NOTE: Some items can be purchased through the dance department Orchestra 1" black binder (no other colors please) Loose leaf notebook paper Music staff paper 2 No. 2 pencils 1 folding wire music stand 1 extra set of strings for your instrument (see current year Orchestra Handbook for recommended brands) 1 cake of string rosin (see current year Orchestra Handbook for recommended brands) Appropriate accessories for your instrument: shoulder rest, strap (see current year Orchestra Handbook for recommended brands) Tech Theatre I 3-ring binder (approximately 2"-3") White, loose leaf paper Pen (blue or black) and pencil Ruler Compass Protractor Graph paper Tracing paper Colored pencils Students must wear appropriate footwear, closed toed shoes with heels Tech Theatre II and Advanced Tech Theatre 3-ring binder (approximately 2"-3") White, loose leaf paper Pen (blue or black) and pencil 15 in. Ruler Compass Protractor Graph paper Tracing paper Watercolor pencils Sketch pad Students must wear appropriate footwear, closed toed shoes with heels Work gloves with name inside NOTE: Other items will come up throughout the year depending on different projects Theatre Arts I and II 3-ring binder with side pockets (approximately 1 1/2" to 2") White, loose leaf paper Pen (blue or black) and pencil Ruler Classes not listed: Students should check with individual teachers when school starts Print Cinco Ranch High School Eleventh Grade School Supplies List Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Katy Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Katy Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Katy Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Katy Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Katy Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Katy Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
Cinco Ranch High School Twelfth Grade School Supplies List Please know that these lists are not all inclusive!! Individual Teachers will provide their classes with a list of required supplies during the first days of school. Students will need a notebook w/ paper and a pen/pencil the first day of school. English Classes Academic English I 1 manila folder, labeled on tab with last name first Pens - blue and red for individual use Pencils and notebook paper for individual use 1 box of Kleenex for classroom use 1 package of highlighters - at least 3 different colors 1 package of 3x5 index cards Novels: No Summer Reading Required Whole Class Reading The Dark Game - Paul B. Janeczko The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) Odyssey - Homer (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) The House on Mango Street - Sandra Cisneros Choice Novels To Be Determined English I PreAP/GT Loose-leaf notebook paper Set of 5 highlighters Binder and 8 tab dividers Blue or black ink pens Red pen Pencils Index cards - 4x6 Post-It notes 1 box of tissues Novels: Summer Reading (see Katy ISD website for further details) Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card Whole Class Reading Anthem - Ayn Rand The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) Odyssey - Homer (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee Choice Novels To Be Determined Academic English II Loose-leaf notebook paper. Do not tear pages out of a spiral notebook. May purchase a 1" three ring binder or subsection the binder you use for all your other classes with the following dividers: I Writing, II Literature, III Vocabulary, IV Reference Blue or black pens for classroom assignments Red pens for correcting assignments and editing drafts of writing assignments No. 2 pencils for use with Scantron and rough draft writing Post-It notes 4x6 index cards 5-pack of highlighters Novels: No Summer Reading Required Whole Class Reading Animal Farm - George Orwell The Tragedy of Julius Caesar - William Shakespeare (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) Choice Novels (choose one of the titles below) Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury A Separate Peace - John Knowles Fallen Angels - Walter Dean Myers Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck The Joy Luck Club - Amy Tan English II PreAP/GT Regular notebook paper (not spiral) Dark blue or black ink pens Red grading pen Pencil Set of colored highlighters 3x5 index cards Small Post-It Notes 2" 3-ring binder with subject tab dividers Box of tissue OPTIONAL: USB drive for moving documents/homework to and from computers Novels: Summer Reading (see Katy ISD website for further details) The Book Thief - Markus Zusak Whole Class Reading Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe Unbroken - Laura Hillenbrand Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte The Tragedy of Julius Caesar - William Shakespeare (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) Les Miserables - Victor Hugo (ISBN-10: 141650026X - Required edition specified) The Joy Luck Club - Amy Tan Choice Novels (choose one of the titles below) In the Time of Butterflies - Julia Alvarez he Good Earth - Pearl S. Buck The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini Obasan - Joy Kogawa The Namesake - Jhumpa Lahiri Cry, the Beloved Country - Alan Paton Ceremony - Leslie Marmon Silko Academic English III Loose leaf notebook paper Blue or black pen Highlighter Red pen for grading #2 pencils Novels: No Summer Reading Required Whole Class Reading The Crucible - Arthur Miller (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald Choice Novels To Be Determined English III AP English Language and Composition Loose leaf paper Black or blue ink pens Pencils Highlighters (4 or more different colors) A 3 ring binder (may be shared with other classes) Set of 5- or 8-tab dividers Optional: Sticky notes, USB Drive Novels: Summer Reading (see Katy ISD website for further details) Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass - Frederick Douglass Whole Class Reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald Choice Novels (choose one of the titles below) Alias Grace - Margaret Atwood A Long Way Gone - Ishmael Beah In Cold Blood - Truman Capote Silent Spring - Rachel Carson Careless People - Sarah Churhwell The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao - Junot Diaz Guns, Germs, and Steel - Jared Diamond Nickel and Dimed - Barbara Ehrenreich 11/22/63 - Stephen King he Poisonwood Bible - Barbara Kingsolver In the Garden of Beasts - Erik Larson Moneyball - Michael Lewis The Things They Carried - Tim O'Brien And the Band Played On - Randy Shilts The Jungle - Upton Sinclair The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks - Rebecca Skloot Manhunt - James L. Swanson Cat's Cradle - Kurt Vonnegut Academic English IV Regular notebook paper (not spiral) Black ink pens Red grading pen Pencils Set of colored highlighters Post-It Notes 2" 3 - ring binder with subject tab dividers Box of Kleenex OPTIONAL: USB drive for moving documents/homework to and from computers Novels: No Summer Reading Required Whole Class Reading Beowulf (printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) The Canterbury Tales - Geoffrey Chaucer(printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) Macbeth - William Shakespeare(printed in textbook; students do not need to purchase a copy) That Salty Air - Tim Sievert (ISBN-10: 1603090053 - Required edition specified) Choice Novels (choose one of the titles below for 1st semester) Prometheus Bound - Aeschylus I, Robot - Isaac Asimov Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - Philip K. Dick Lord of the Flies - William Golding Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes Monster - Walter Dean Myers This Dark Endeavor - Kenneth Oppel Such Wicked Intent - Kenneth Oppel Unwholly - Neal Shusterman Man Made Boy - Jon Skovron Choice Novels (choose one of the titles below for 2nd semester) The Testing - Joelle Charbonneaux The City of Ember - Jeanne DuPrau House of Scorpion - Nancy Farmer One Second After - William R. Forstchen The Children of Men - P.D. James The Giver - Lois Lowry 1984 - George Orwell Unwind - Neal Shusterman Uglies - Scott Westerfeld English IV AP/GT Literature and Composition Regular notebook paper (not spiral) Black ink pens Red grading pen Pencils Set of colored highlighters (at least four colors) Post-it Notes Two bradded folders with pockets (for research paper and college essay project) ONE 2" 3-ring binder with subject tab dividers (one will be daily binder/other will be for AP Manual) One large brown envelope 10 x 13 (May recycle one of the ones given to you at the beginning of the year with school info). This will hold your scrapbook items which are submitted each six weeks. One scrapbook or binder with sheet protectors for Senior Scrapbook assignment - you may purchase this second semester when we prepare to organize these. You will also want to purchase glue/two-sided tape, stickers, colored paper, etc. as you begin to make this into an item of memorabilia. OPTIONAL: USB drive for moving documents/homework to and from computers. Novels: Summer Reading (see Katy ISD website for further details) How to Read Literature Like a Professor - Thomas C. Foster Whole Class Reading The Sun Also Rises - Ernest Hemingway ( ISBN 978-0743297332 - Required edition specified) Othello - William Shakespeare (ISBN 978-0486475769 - Required edition specified) The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka (ISBN 978-0486475714 - Required edition specified) Candide - Voltaire (ISBN 978-0553211665 - Required edition specified) Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte (ISBN 978-0486478036 - Required edition specified) Great Expectations - Charles Dickens (ISBN 978-0486475707 - Required edition specified) Choice Novels (choose one of the titles below) Brave New World by Aldous Huxley 1984 - George Orwell One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Ken Kesey Slaughterhouse Five - Kurt Vonnegut A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood Photojournalism: Black pen Red pen Yellow highlighter Digital camera SD memory car, 2MB or larger Recommended -SLR or point/shoot digital camera. 8 megapixel or larger. Cell phone camera is acceptable with USB download cable Journalism I Black pen Red pen Yellow highlighter Digital camera SD memory card, 2MB or larger Recommended - Associated Press Stylebook ISBN-978-0-917360-55-8 - retail price $19.95 All Math Classes Pencils with erasers Blue or black pen Red checking pens Highlighter Loose-leaf paper Binder or notebook Homework spiral (in selected classes: Geometry PAP/GT, Algebra II PAP/GT and Pre-Cal PAP/GT) 6" straightedge or ruler Graphing calculator (NSpire or TI 83 or TI 84 - required for AP level math classes, recommended for others - note: calculators are provided in the classroom) Scientific or 4 function calculator (recommended) 4 AAA batteries Box of tissue 1/4" graph paper Protractor (Geometry PAP/GT only) Compass (Geometry PAP/GT only) Spiral bound note cards (Geometry PAP/GT only) Gridded composition notebook (Topics in Math and College Readiness Math only) Computer Science #2 pencils (more as needed) Black or blue pens (more as needed) 2-pocket folders 3-ring binder Spiral bound notebook USB thumb drive (2 GB or higher. Make sure the folder is under your name) 5-pack of highlighters 1 box of tissues 1 ream of paper Science Classes Academic Biology At least a 1" 3-ring binder (Accordion style folders will not be allowed) 1 package of tab dividers (5 tabs) Red pen/blue pen/black pen/highlighter/colored pencils Metric ruler Scientific calculator Glue stick 1 box of tissue NOTE: Individual teachers may require other supplies not listed. Biology PreAP and Biology PreAP/GT 3-ring binder (2 inch) Dividers Notebook paper - college ruled colored pencils Blue/black pen Red pen Pencils Dry erase markers NOTE: Each class will be asked to bring in one other item to be used by all the classes. This will be determined the first few days of class. (Paper towels, Kleenex, Hand Sanitizer) AP Biology 4-function calculator with a square root key (very inexpensive, $1-$3) Composition book with regular lined pages (no wired spirals) Graph paper for labs 1 roll paper towels or 1 box tissues (each class period will be assigned one of these items on the first day of class) Required reading (books can be borrowed or purchased as a paperback or eBook): 1st semester: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot, ISBN-13: 9781400052189 2nd semester: To be announced. Recommended, but not required: Cliffs AP Biology Review Book, 4th edition, by Philip E. Pack. Academic Chemistry Graph paper Notebook paper Scientific calculator. A scientific calculator with log and inverse log function is recommended. Colored pencils Ruler 1 roll of paper towels 1 box of tissues No. 2 pencils Blue or black ballpoint pen (for use in lab notebook) Red grading pen 1 dry-erase marker NOTE: Individual teachers may require other supplies not listed. Chemistry PreAP and PreAP/GT 1 composition book with quadrille (graph paper) pages to be used for laboratory experiments. These are available at HEB, office supply stores, and Target right before school starts, but they run out quickly after school begins. They are also available in the school store. Students will use this the first week of school. 1 composition book with regular lined pages (Class note and homework journal) Notebook paper Scientific calculator with log / 10x function key. One package of 4 AAA batteries. Colored pencils Highlighter(s) Ruler 1 roll of paper towels 1 box of Kleenex tissues No. 2 pencils Blue or black ballpoint pen (for use in lab notebook) Red grading pen NOTE: Individual teachers may require other supplies not listed. Integrated Physics & Chemistry (IPC) 1 1/2 - 2" binder Pencils Map pencils Calculator Box of tissues or 1 roll of paper towels Academic Physics Scientific calculator with at least the following functions: cosine, sine, tangent, natural and base ten logarithms, exponential notation, and degree measure. Dry erase markers 1 box of tissues or 1 small bottle of hand sanitizer 4 AAA batteries AP Physics 1 / AP Physics 2 Protractor and centimeter ruler Programmable calculator (TI 83, TI 84, or similar) 4 AAA batteries 1 dry-erase marker Red pen, pencils 1 box of tissues 1 pocket folder with brads for lab reports Dividers for pocket folder OPTIONAL - USB drive for moving documents/homework to and from computers Anatomy and Physiology 3-ring binder Dividers Colored pencils Blue/black/red pen Pencils 1 pack Clorox or disinfecting wipes 1 dry erase marker 1 box of Kleenex Aquatic Science Binder or section in a binder Notebook paper Colored pencils 1 roll of paper towels The following items will vary based on the type of tank the student chooses to create with their group at the end of the first 6 weeks: fish, 2 plants, filter cartridges, fish food, aquarium gravel Forensic Science All students: One 2-3" Binder (3 ring) for notes/assignments (not shared with other classes) One 1/2 inch Binder (3 ring) for lab notebook Colored Pencils (package of 24-36) Red and blue/black pen Highlighter Pencils Box of Kleenex Box of disposable latex-free gloves (100 count powder-free) appropriate for student's hand size Roll of paper towels Last Name (A-L): Roll of clear packaging tape (no dispenser) Package of white 4 x 6 index cards (plain/no lines) Last Name (M-Z): Box of white envelopes (any kind/size) Package of q-tips (any count/inexpensive) AP Chemistry 3 ring binder Dividers Highlighter map pencils red pen black/blue pens pencils Composition notebook with grid paper for lab book College ruled loose leaf paper To leave in classroom: 1 roll paper towels 1 box Kleenex 1 gallon distilled water P Environmental Science 3 ring binder Dividers Highlighter map pencils red pen black/blue pens pencils College ruled loose leaf paper Graph paper Plastic shoe box with a lid To leave in classroom: Box of tissues 1 roll of paper towels, or 1 bottle of hand sanitizer Social Studies Classes World Geography Colored map pencils Black pens Blue pens Red pens Highlighters - 4 colors No. 2 pencils Notebook paper Small 3-ring binder Index cards Box of tissues World History Large spiral notebook Binder 5 dividers Highlighter Post-It notes (Large square ones, 3x3) Red, blue and black pens No. 2 pencils Markers/map pencils 1 box of Kleenex US History Notebook paper Red/blue/black pens No. 2 pencils Highlighter 1 box of Kleenex Government and Economics Notebook paper and binder OR spiral notebook Red/blue/black pens No. 2 pencils Highlighter 1 box of Kleenex Scissors Foreign Language Classes Spanish I 2 composition books 1 clear tape (to use for composition books) 1 packet construction paper (8x12) 1 hand sanitizer 1 box Kleenex or any other tissue brand Fine Arts Classes Choir $60 choir fee for competition choirs (includes t-shirt, use of uniform, and supplies) $50 choir fee for non-competition choirs (includes t-shirt and supplies) Pencils every day Competition choirs: Girls - black character shoes; Guys - black dress shoes/black socks Dance Folder with pockets and brads 5 dividers Black long pants Black leotard Black jazz shoes Hair rubber bands Pencils NOTE: Some items can be purchased through the dance department Orchestra 1" black binder (no other colors please) Loose leaf notebook paper Music staff paper 2 No. 2 pencils 1 folding wire music stand 1 extra set of strings for your instrument (see current year Orchestra Handbook for recommended brands) 1 cake of string rosin (see current year Orchestra Handbook for recommended brands) Appropriate accessories for your instrument: shoulder rest, strap (see current year Orchestra Handbook for recommended brands) Tech Theatre I 3-ring binder (approximately 2"-3") White, loose leaf paper Pen (blue or black) and pencil Ruler Compass Protractor Graph paper Tracing paper Colored pencils Students must wear appropriate footwear, closed toed shoes with heels Tech Theatre II and Advanced Tech Theatre 3-ring binder (approximately 2"-3") White, loose leaf paper Pen (blue or black) and pencil 15 in. Ruler Compass Protractor Graph paper Tracing paper Watercolor pencils Sketch pad Students must wear appropriate footwear, closed toed shoes with heels Work gloves with name inside NOTE: Other items will come up throughout the year depending on different projects Theatre Arts I and II 3-ring binder with side pockets (approximately 1 1/2" to 2") White, loose leaf paper Pen (blue or black) and pencil Ruler Classes not listed: Students should check with individual teachers when school starts Print Cinco Ranch High School Twelfth Grade School Supplies List Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Katy Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Katy Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Katy Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Katy Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Katy Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Katy Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Katy Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |