Countryside Elementary
School Supplies List 2024-2025
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School Name: | Countryside Elementary |
Mailing Address: | 5701 Benton Avenue S Edina, MN 55436-2501 |
School District: | Edina Public School District |
County: | Hennepin |
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Countryside Elementary Kindergarten School Supplies List 2 boxes Crayola Markers (thick) 2 boxes Crayola Markers (fine) 1 box Crayola Crayons 1 pkg low-odor dry erase markers 1 set of watercolor paints 1 box of tissues 4 folders, plain, plastic 2 Elmer's school glue - Glue All 4oz 12 size white Glue Sticks 1 hard-covered composition book 1 1/2" 3-ring binder (slipcover front) for full day Kdg 1 1" 3-ring binder (white slipcover front) for 1/2 day Kdg 1 container Clorox wipes 1 box Hefty one quart zip bags 1 box Hefty Gallon one zip bags Countryside Pride T-Shirt* Print Countryside Elementary Kindergarten School Supplies List |
Countryside Elementary First Grade School Supplies List 8 white Elmer's gluesticks (.28 oz) 1 spiral wide-ruled notebook (100 ct pages) 3 plain pocket folders (1 green, 1 red, 1 blue) 1 1" 3-ring binder with firm sides 1 box of Slide-Loc bags (gallon size) 2 yellow Highlighters 1 4-pack dry erase markers (skinny) 1 box (24) Crayola crayons 1 pkg (8) Bold Crayola markers 1 pkg (12) colored pencils 1 box Puffs or Kleenex tissues 2 pink pearl erasers 1 red pen 24 - #2 Ticonderoga pencils (sharpened, please) Countryside Grade Level Planner* Countryside Pride T-Shirt* Print Countryside Elementary First Grade School Supplies List |
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Countryside Elementary 1 box Puffs tissue (family size) 24 #2 Dixon Ticonderoga pencils (or Papermate pencils) 2 boxes Crayola markers (Classic Colors) 2 Pink Pearle erasers 3 large Elmer's glue sticks 1 yellow highlighter 1 bottle Elmer's school glue (not gel) 1 box Crayola Crayons (24 count) 1 box Crayola or Prange 1 box pre-sharpened colored pencils 1 Expo fat dry erase marker 1 Fiskars scissors (pointed metal blades) 5 pocket folders 1 red (reading) 1 yellow (social studies) 1 green (science) 1 blue (math) 1 Round Trip folder (plastic) 4 spiral wide ruled notebook (70 pages) 1 wire bound 9X12 white sketch pad (30 pages) Texas Instruments calculator (TI-108)* (school store only) Countryside Grade Level Planner* Countryside Pride T-Shirt Print Countryside Elementary Second Grade School Supplies List |
Countryside Elementary Third Grade School Supplies List 1 box Kleenex tissues 24 #2 Ticonderoga pencils 1 pkg eraser caps 4 small glue sticks 1 bottle Elmer's School Glue 4 thick dry eraser makers (Expo, low odor, blue) 1 dry marker eraser 1 Fiskars scissors 1 composition notebook, hardcover, black 5 pocket folders (1 each of red, green, blue, yellow, solid colors and 1 plastic) 4-70 pg. spiral, wide-lined notebooks 1 clipboard for 8 1/2" X 11" sheets 1 set colored pencils (24 ct) 1 set of washable markers (8 ct., big) 1 plastic pencil box 1 package of wide-lined paper (200 sheets) 1- 1 1/2 inch binder Boys: 1 box quart size Baggies Girls: 1 box gallon size Baggies Texas Instruments calculator (T1-108) * (school store) Countryside Grade Level Planner* Countryside Pride T-Shirt* Print Countryside Elementary Third Grade School Supplies List |
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Countryside Elementary Fourth Grade School Supplies List 24 #2 Dixon Ticonderoga pencils 3 spiral notebook, wide ruled (red, blue, yellow) 1 - 1 1/2" 3 ring binder w/pockets 1 set of tabbed dividers (for binder) Box of colored pencils 1 pencil box (approx 5" x 8" x 2") Boys: 1 large container Clorox wipes Girls: 1 box qt. or sandwich bags 4 sturdy plastic folders (red, blue, green & yellow) Wide-lined, loose-leaf paper 2 Whiteboard markers / Eraser 2 pink Pearle erasers 2 yellow highlighters 2 hard-covered black composition notebooks *1 clipboard for 8 1/2 X 11 sheets *1 wooden ruler with both standard and metric markings *1 LARGE box of tissues *Scissors *1 large glue stick *1 Scotch Magic Transp.tape (1/2-3/4" wide) Calculator T1-15* (school store) Countryside Grade Level Planner* Countryside Pride T-Shirt* Print Countryside Elementary Fourth Grade School Supplies List |
Countryside Elementary Fifth Grade School Supplies List #2 Pencils (2 - 12 packs) Colored Pencils, Erasers (2), Scissors (1), Glue stick (1) 1 roll scotch tape 1 pkg Crayola thick point markers 10 colored pocket folders - 2 of colors below: (red, green, blue, yellow and purple) 5 individual spiral notebooks 1 composition journal (black/white) One Clipboard One small pencil pouch w/zipper (optional) One Oxford plastic expandable file (Expandafile-6 slots) 3 highlighters: pink, orange, yellow 2 whiteboard markers / 1 Eraser 2 fine point correcting pens (red) 1 one inch, 3 ring binder, clear front sleeve Me Book 1 - one and a half inch, 3 ring binder, for portfolio 1 Flash drive (1 gig) 1 ream white copy paper (optional) Texas Instruments Explorer Calculator (T1-15)* Countryside Grade Level Planner* Countryside Pride T- Shirt* Boys: Large box tissues & 1 box of sandwich bags Girls: Large container Lysol Wipes and 1 pack of loose leaf paper Print Countryside Elementary Fifth Grade School Supplies List |