Cowan Elementary
School Supplies List 2024-2025
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Cowan Elementary Pre Kindergarten School Supplies List 2– 160 Ct. Kleenex Tissue 4 – 4 oz. Elmer’s School Glue 4 – Glue Sticks 2 – 12 Ct. Crayola Crayons 2 – 10 Ct. Crayola Classic Thick Markers 1 – 24 Count Package of Pencils 1 – 100 page Ct. Black Marble Composition Book 2 – Sturdy Plastic Pocket Folders 1 – Four Color Pack of Play-Doh 1 - Pair of blunt 5" Fiskar scissors 1 – Box Gallon Ziploc Bags (Boys) 1 – Box Quart Ziploc Bags (Girls) 1 – Package Large Paper Plates (Girls) 1 – Package Small Paper Plates (Boys) 1 – 80 Ct. Baby Wipes 2 – Rolls of Paper Towels 2 – Bottles Hand Sanitizer 1 – Large Backpack (Folder should fit easily) 2 – Beach Towels to use as rest blankets 1 – Pillowcase (Used or New) to hold rest blankets 1 –Box Colored Pencils-small-10 or 12 count (Girls) 1 –Pack of Brown Paper Lunch Sacks (Boys) Please do not label school supplies (except backpack, blankets, and pillowcase) Print Cowan Elementary Pre-Kindergarten School Supplies List Austin Isd District Calendar 2024-2025 Austin Isd District Calendar 2023-2024 Austin Isd District Calendar 2022-2023 Austin Isd District Calendar 2021-2022 Austin Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Austin Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Austin Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Austin Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Austin Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Austin Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
Cowan Elementary Kindergarten School Supplies List 3 - Composition notebooks (black and white only) 2 - stiff plastic folders with pockets, in a solid color, with no pictures, designs or words on the cover, no brads 1 - ½ inch white plastic binder with clear pocket in front 3 - 4oz. bottles Elmer’s glue 2 - pairs of Fiskar scissors 4 -16-count boxes of crayons—Crayola ONLY! 1 - box of thick, 8 count, washable Classic Crayola Markers— Crayola ONLY! 1 - 4 pack dry erase markers (thick tip only), low odor or unscented 2 - cans of Play-Doh 1 - box of Kleenex 1 - box #2 pencils (American made are best quality)-please sharpen 1 - container of disinfectant wipes Last Name A-H: - 1 box of sandwich size re-sealable baggies – Zip-Loc brand ONLY! - 1 package 50ct lunch size brown paper bags - 1 package of wooden clothespins Last Name I-Q: - 1 package of cardstock, 8 ½ X 11, white or bright colors - 1 box gallon size re-sealable baggies - Zip-Loc brand ONLY! Last Name R-Z: -1 package of 40 count, Solo brand, 9 oz. clear plastic cups - 2 packages large thematic stickers (any kind) -1 package dinner size paper plates ** Please do not label school supplies. They will be community property. No school boxes are necessary. ** Print Cowan Elementary Kindergarten School Supplies List Austin Isd District Calendar 2024-2025 Austin Isd District Calendar 2023-2024 Austin Isd District Calendar 2022-2023 Austin Isd District Calendar 2021-2022 Austin Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Austin Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Austin Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Austin Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Austin Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Austin Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
Cowan Elementary 1st Grade School Supplies List 3 - Wire bound spiral notebooks (70sheets/wide ruled, 2 red, 1 blue) 3 - Marbled composition notebooks 3 - Pocket folders without brads (red, blue, green) 1 - 1 inch 3 ring binder with clear view cover (white) 2 - Plastic pocket folders (bottom pockets/no brads/ any color) 1 - Sturdy heavy vinyl/canvas pencil pouch (no plastic please) 4 - boxes of 24 crayons 2 - Dozen Paper Mate # 2 pencils (latex free) 18 - Elmer's glue sticks 1 - 4 oz bottle Elmer’s glue 1 – Package dry erase markers 1 - Fiskars blunt student scissors 1- Box of Crayola Classic Markers (8 ct, thick) 1 - Large pink eraser (latex free) 1- Pack of pencil top erasers (latex free) 1 - Large box of Kleenex 2 - Ziploc freezer bags gallon size (boys) 2 - Ziploc freezer bags quart size (girls) 1 - Bottle of hand sanitizer with pump (boys) 1 - Lysol/Clorox disinfectant wipes (girls) Optional: 1 package of colored pencils 1 package of thin Crayola markers Print Cowan Elementary First Grade School Supplies List Austin Isd Academic Calendar2024-2025 Austin Isd Academic Calendar2023-2024 Austin Isd Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Austin Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Austin Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Austin Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Austin Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Austin Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Austin Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Austin Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
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Cowan Elementary 2nd Grade School Supplies List 24 - #2 American wood pencils (sharpened) 1 – pink eraser (latex free) 1 – Fiskar scissors 2 – 24 count Crayola crayons 2 – 7” 12 count Crayola colored pencils 1 – Crayola classic thick markers 1 – Crayola classic thin markers 7 – wide rule, spiral bound spiral notebooks (non-perforated) *2 blue *2 yellow *1 red *1 purple *1 green 1 – green plastic pocket folder 1 – red plastic pocket folder with brads 2 – pocket and brad folders *1 yellow *1 purple 1 – 200 count wide rule notebook paper 8 – Elmer’s glue sticks 2 – boxes of tissue 1 - box of re-closable freezer bags *boys = gallon *girls = quart 1 – nylon pencil bag (no school boxes) 1 – 6 x 9 Steno book spiral (non-perforated) 1 – large size bottle of hand sanitizer *OPTIONAL: colored paper colored cardstock 1 small bottle of Elmer’s glue **PLEASE do not label school supplies with child’s name! Print Cowan Elementary Second Grade School Supplies List Austin Isd Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Austin Isd Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Austin Isd Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Austin Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Austin Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Austin Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Austin Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Austin Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Austin Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Austin Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
Cowan Elementary 3rd Grade School Supplies List Please do not label any supplies except the binder. Please purchase plain, unadorned supplies. Please note brand specific requirements. 1 – 12” standard/metric ruler (plastic or wood) 1 – 8 oz. bottle glue 4 – ELMER’S BRAND glue sticks 1 – pencil sharpener 1 – pair FISKARS scissors 1 – 24 ct. Crayola crayons 1 – 8ct. Crayola markers (basic) 2 – 24 ct. PRE-SHARPENED Crayola colored pencils 60- #2 PRE-SHARPENED, pencils 2 – pkgs. wide ruled notebook paper 2 – large pink erasers 2 – boxes of tissues 1 – pkg. low odor dry erase markers 1 – heavy-duty, 1.5”, 3-ring binder 1 – heavy-duty zippered pencil pouch with binder holes 2 – sets of 5 tab dividers-with pockets plastic (paper okay) 8 – 70 ct. spiral notebooks, plain, color specific: 2 blue, 2 green, 2 yellow, 2 red 1 – purple plastic pocket folder **Optional: 1 box of quart and gallon size “ZIP Bags” Print Cowan Elementary Third Grade School Supplies List Austin Isd Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Austin Isd Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Austin Isd Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Austin Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Austin Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Austin Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Austin Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Austin Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Austin Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Austin Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
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Cowan Elementary 4th Grade School Supplies List 5- folders, w/pockets and brads or fasteners –1 blue, 1green, 1 red, 1 purple, 1 yellow 1- package of Crayola Markers (thin) 2 - packages of paper, loose leaf, wide rule, 200ct 8 - spirals with 70 pages, wide rule-2 blue, 2 green, 2 red, 2 yellow 2 -boxes of Kleenex - 160 CT 2- boxes of sharpened pencils-24 count-LATEX FREE- (A total of 48 pencils) 1-large Magic Rub eraser (white or soft preferred) LATEX FREE 1-hand held pencil sharpener with receptacle 1 - pack of multiplication flash cards through the 12’s tables 1 - pair of FISKARS scissors 4 - glue sticks, Elmer's 2 – colored or map pencils, Crayola, 24ct 2 – Highlighters-yellow 1 - Ziploc Bags, Quart, 25ct (Boys) 1 - Ziploc Bags, Gallon, 25 ct (Girls) 1 - pencil bag, cloth preferred An Organizer or Binder will be required but please wait for teacher requests before purchasing. **Do not put names on school supplies, as the classroom teacher will collect some of them. Print Cowan Elementary Fourth Grade School Supplies List Austin Isd Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Austin Isd Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Austin Isd Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Austin Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Austin Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Austin Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Austin Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Austin Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Austin Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Austin Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
Cowan Elementary 5th Grade School Supplies List 6 - plastic folders with pockets and brads: 1 each of red,yellow, orange, blue, green, purple 1 - Crayola Classic thick tip Markers, 8 count 1 - Crayola Classic thin tip markers, 12 count 1 –plastic pencil box (to keep markers in) 2 – boxes of Crayola 7" 12ct. pre-sharpened colored pencils 2 - fluorescent, yellow highlighters 2 - pairs of scissors 4 - Elmer’s glue sticks 1 - 12" ruler, standard and metric units 2 - boxes-160 count Kleenex tissues 6 - dozen pencils, #2 pre-sharpened 1 - hand held pencil sharpener 1 - roll of paper towels 6 - ballpoint pens- all green or purple (or any color except black) 1- pencil bag 1 –half-inch binder with pockets 1 - set of 5 tab dividers-with pockets; plastic or paper 2 - green wide ruled spirals, 70 pages 2 - purple wide ruled spirals, 70 pages 2 - yellow wide ruled spirals, 70 pages 2 - packages of 150 count wide-ruled notebook paper 1- Ziploc bags, quart (boys) 1- Ziploc bags, gallon (girls) Print Cowan Elementary Fifth Grade School Supplies List Austin Isd Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Austin Isd Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Austin Isd Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Austin Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Austin Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Austin Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Austin Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Austin Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Austin Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Austin Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |