Creek Valley Elementary
School Supplies List 2024-2025
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School Name: | Creek Valley Elementary |
Mailing Address: | 6401 Gleason Road Edina, MN 55439-1124 |
School District: | Edina Public School District |
County: | Hennepin |
Physical Address: | 6401 Gleason Road Edina, MN 55435-1124 |
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Creek Valley Elementary Kindergarten School Supplies List 1 - 8 count Classic Color watercolor washable markers 2 expo dry erase markers (broad tipped) 1 dry erase eraser 1 black sharpie 1 black felt fine tip pen 6 large glue sticks 1 dozen #2 plain yellow sharpened pencils 1 box facial tissues 2 large containers of Clorox disinfectant wipes Print Creek Valley Elementary Kindergarten School Supplies List |
Creek Valley Elementary First Grade School Supplies List 1 box of Crayola crayons (48 count) 1 box of 8 watercolor paints (Arista or Prang) 1 box colored pencils .Crayola. (24 count) 2 sets Crayola FAT markers for fall and spring 1 pack Expo dry-erase markers 2 bottles white Elmer's glue 1 scissors-Fiskars 2 doz #2 Sanford American Pencils-sharpened 1 large eraser 3 pocket folders (red, green, blue) 1 white 3 ringed binder 1 large box facial tissues for classroom 1 box gallon one zip freezer bags (girls) 1 box quart one zip freezer bags (boys) 1 box Clorox counter wipes 1 Backpack Print Creek Valley Elementary First Grade School Supplies List |
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Creek Valley Elementary Second Grade School Supplies List 1 box of 24 (maximum) crayons Box of colored pencils (12 count) 1 set of 8 FAT watercolor markers (Classic color, washable only) 2 Expo dry erase markers (broad tip) 1 red felt-tipped pen (Flair) 2 large glue sticks 1 large Elmer's school glue 1 pair of scissors (Fiskars) 1 yellow highlighter (chisel tip) 4 doz #2 pencils -sharpened 2 large pink erasers 1 wooden 12. ruler (cm and inches) 3 notebooks 9 3/4 x 7 1/2 Composition Books (red, blue, black) 5 folders with horizontal pockets:(red, green, blue, yellow, purple) 2 packs of 3. x 3. sticky notes (not super sticky) 1 package of wide rule lined loose leaf paper 1 sock( to use as whiteboard eraser) 2 small plastic school supply boxes (8 1/2 x 5 x 2) *Texas Instrument 108 calculator 1 large box of facial tissues 1 container Clorox antibacterial wipes Boys only- 1 box gallon size baggies Girls only- 1 box quart size baggies Print Creek Valley Elementary Second Grade School Supplies List |
Creek Valley Elementary Third Grade School Supplies List 1 box crayons (24 count max) 1 box colored pencils (sharpened) 2 glue sticks 1 bottle of white Elmer's School Glue Scissors 4 doz #2 Sanford American wood pencils (no mechanical) 1 12. ruler-wooden (cm and inches) 3 Composition Brand Notebooks (9 3/4. x 7 1/2.- red, blue & black) 2 spiral, wide lined, single color notebooks 2 packs of 3.x3. Post Its Accordion File Folder (minimum 6-8 pockets) 1 sock (to use as whiteboard eraser) 1 container for loose supplies (must fit in student's desk) *Texas instrument 108 calculator 1 large boxes facial tissue for classroom 1 roll of paper towels 1 Clorox counter wipes For Spanish; 1/2" three ring binder with pockets inside Backpack (must fit in locker) Print Creek Valley Elementary Third Grade School Supplies List |
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Creek Valley Elementary Fourth Grade School Supplies List 1 set of markers or crayons 1 set of colored pencils 1 four pack dry erase markers (for classroom) 2 glue sticks 2 red pens 2 highlighters 1 pair of scissors 1 clear protractor (to keep at home) 2 pack of large erasers 4 doz #2 pencils 2 packs of 3. x 3. sticky notes (Not super sticky) 1 200 sheet pack for lined paper (wide rule) 4 spiral notebooks (red, blue, green, yellow) wide rule-label with names only 4 pocket folders (red, blue, yellow, green) label with names only 1 pencil box/bag * Texas Instrument T15 calculator 1 large box of facial tissues for classroom 1 container of anti-bacterial wipes (for classroom) Boys only . 1 box gallon size baggies Girls only . 1 box quart size baggies Students NEW to Creek Valley - For Spanish: 1/2" three ring binder with pockets inside Print Creek Valley Elementary Fourth Grade School Supplies List |
Creek Valley Elementary Fifth Grade School Supplies List 16 ct Crayons 4 doz #2 Ticonderoga brand only -sharpened Scissors Eraser Ruler (must be metric on one side) 6 wide ruled notebooks composition . not spiral 4 folders (red, blue, yellow & green) One 2.ring binder (white or black) Pencil case (bag style w/ zipper for markers & pencils 1 Six pack of dry erase markers 2 permanent glue sticks 2 green felt tip pens (for correcting) *Texas Instrument T15 Calculator Clorox anti-bacterial wipes 1 large box Kleenex (to share) For students NEW to Creek Valley- For Spanish; 1/2" three ring binder with pockets inside) Print Creek Valley Elementary Fifth Grade School Supplies List |