Cunningham Creek Elementary School
School Supplies List 2024-2025
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School Name: | Cunningham Creek Elementary School |
Mailing Address: | 1205 Roberts Road Saint Johns, FL 32259-8927 |
School District: | ST. Johns |
County: | ST. Johns |
Physical Address: | 1205 Roberts Rd Saint Johns, FL 32259-8927 |
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Cunningham Creek Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List Please do not label supplies 5 boxes regular Crayola Crayons (24ct) 1 box Crayola thick markers (8ct) 1 bottle Elmers school glue (4oz) 20 large glue sticks 1 pair blunt scissors 2 asst colored plastic folders with brads and pockets 6 sharpened fat pencils 1 pink beveled eraser 2 pk #2 sharpened pencils (12ct) 1 small plastic pencil box (ok to label) 2 Primary journals (handwriting lines on bottom, blank on top) 1 hand sanitizer w/pump (8oz) 1 binder (1" rings and pockets) 2 boxes of tissues 2 large Clorox wipes 1 box Ziplock bags quart size 1 box Ziplock bags gallon size 1 Pair Inexpensive headphones (for computer lab) 1 ream copy paper 1 letter size polly see through Velcro close envelope Print Cunningham Creek Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List |
Cunningham Creek Elementary School First Grade School Supplies List 4 regular Crayola Crayons (24ct) 12 glue sticks (.21oz) 1 pair 5" scissors 1 roll paper towels 1 pk Clorox disinfecting wipes (35ct) 3 black composition book (wide rule 100 pages) 1 purple spiral notebook (70pgs wide rule) 1 green spiral notebook (70 pgs wide rule) 1 pk Ticonderoga My 1 st Intermediate Laddie #2 Pencils (w/erasers, 12ct) 2 pink bevel erasers 1 school box 1 box Ziploc gallon size bags 1 black plastic folder w/pockets and prongs 1 Pair of Inexpensive head phones (for computer lab) 1 ream copy paper 1 pk Crayola colored pencils (12ct) 1 pkg baby wipes (unscented) 1 box Ziplock sandwich bags Print Cunningham Creek Elementary School First Grade School Supplies List |
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Cunningham Creek Elementary School Second Grade School Supplies List 1 pk eraser caps 2 regular crayons (24ct) 2 pair blunt 5" scissors 1 box tissues (120ct) 2 yellow highlighters 1 school glue (4oz) 8 glue sticks (.21oz) 1 box baby wipes (80ct) 2 black mead composition books (100pgs) 1 filler paper (wide rule, 200ct) 1 index cards, plain, 3x5 (100ct) 2 white vinyl clear cover 1.5" Binder 1 standard size pencil box 5 plastic folders w/pockets and brads (blue, green, orange, red and yellow) 1 pk thick Crayola markers (washable 8ct) 3 pks sharpened #2 pencils (w/erasers, 12ct) 1 box Ziplock gallon size bags 1 hand sanitizer w/pump (8oz) 1 colored pencils Crayola (12ct) 1 zippered pencil pouch w/three holes 1 Pair of Inexpensive head phones (for computer lab) 1 ream copy paper Print Cunningham Creek Elementary School Second Grade School Supplies List |
Cunningham Creek Elementary School Third Grade School Supplies List 1 pk band aids 1 regular crayons (16ct) 1 pair 5" sharp scissors 2 box Kleenex tissues (120ct) 1 yellow highlighter 4 glue sticks (.21oz) 2 box Clorox wipes (35ct) 4 black Mead composition books (100pgs) 1 white index cards (3x5, 100ct) 1 white vinyl clear cover 2" binder 1 pk Ziploc sandwich bags (20ct) 4 plastic folders w/prongs and pockets (yellow, red, green and blue) 1 pk thick markers (washable, 8ct) 4 pks sharpened #2 pencils w/erasers (12ct) 1 pkg 5-tab index dividers 4 pk cap pencil erasers (15ct) 1 hand sanitizer w/pump (8oz) 1 ream copy paper 1 Pair of Inexpensive head phones (for computer lab) Print Cunningham Creek Elementary School Third Grade School Supplies List |
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Cunningham Creek Elementary School Fourth Grade School Supplies List 1 pk Crayola colored pencils (12ct) 1 pair 5" sharp scissors 1 box Kleenex tissues (120ct) 2 red medium stick pens 1 bottle of Elmer's glue (4oz) 1 container Clorox wipes (35ct) 2 black Mead composition books (100pgs) 2 filler paper wide rule (200 sheets) 1 white vinyl clear cover 1.5" binder 1 white vinyl clear clear cover 1" binder 2 plastic folders w/prongs and pockets (1 each - red and blue) 4 black dry erase markers 3 pks sharpened Ticonderoga #2 pencils (w/erasers, 12ct) 1 nylon, 3 hole pencil bag 2 pkgs 5 tab assorted color dividers 1 pk of sticky notes (100ct) 1 Pair of Inexpensive head phones (for computer lab) 1 ream copy paper Print Cunningham Creek Elementary School Fourth Grade School Supplies List |
Cunningham Creek Elementary School Fifth Grade School Supplies List 1 pk colored pencils (12ct) 1 pair 5" sharp scissors 2 yellow highlighters 2 red Big pens 4 glue sticks (.21oz) 2 disinfecting wipes (80ct) 2 black Mead composition books (100pgs) 3 filler paper (wide rule, 200ct) 1 white vinyl clear cover 1" binder w/pockets 1 pk #2 pencils (w/erasers, 12ct) 1 pk 8 tab assorted color dividers 2 pks dry erase markers (4ct) 1 dry erase eraser 1 pk assorted 3x3 Post it notes (4/50 sheet pads) 1 box Kleenex tissues (120ct) 1 roll paper towel 1 zippered pencil pouch 1 pk color markers 1 Pair of Inexpensive head phones (for computer lab) 1 ream copy paper 2 binders 1/2" size 1 small wipe board (no larger than 9 1/2 x 11 1/2) 1 pk mechanical pencils (6ct) 1 pk lead for mechanical pencils Print Cunningham Creek Elementary School Fifth Grade School Supplies List |