Daniels Run Elementary
School Supplies List 2024-2025

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Back to School Supply Shopping List for Daniels Run Elementary

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School Name: Daniels Run Elementary  
Mailing Address: 3705 Old Lee Hwy Fairfax, VA 22030  
School District: Fairfax Co Pblc Schs  
County: Fairfax City  
District Calendar: Daniels Run Elementary Fairfax Co Pblc Schs District Insructional Calendar for 2024-2025
Daniels Run Elementary Fairfax Co Pblc Schs District Insructional Calendar for 2023-2024
Daniels Run Elementary Fairfax Co Pblc Schs District Insructional Calendar for 2022-2023

To update this School Supply List for Daniels Run Elementary please send us an email including a updated supply list to:

[email protected]

Thank you!

School Supply Lists in the Post Covid-19 World!
Clean, Label, and Store - No Sharing! Mask Up!


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Daniels Run Elementary
Kindergarten School Supplies List

5 boxes of 24 crayons
2 dozen glue sticks
2 bottle of Elmer's white washable glue
1 pack of #2 pencil - Sharpened
1 pair Fiskars scissors (left handed if needed)
1 pack of regular colored, washable markers (no stampers, please)
2 spiral single subject notebook solid color
1 pack of low odor dry erase markers
1 solid colored pocket folder with prongs
1 box of tissues
1 container of disinfecting wipes
1 pump bottle of hand sanitizer
1 box of gallon size Ziplock bags - (girls)
1 box of quart size Ziplock bags (boys)
1 box of sandwich size Ziplock bags (boys)
1 package of napkins (girls)
1 pair of Over the Ear headphones (no earbuds)
1 set of extra clothes (sweatpants, underwear, t-shirt, socks) placed in a large LABELED Ziplock bag

Choose ONE item from the following

Magic Eraser Sponge
Pump bottle of hand soap

*Please DO NOT label your child's supplies

Print Daniels Run Elementary
Kindergarten School Supplies List

Fairfax Co Pblc Schs District Calendar 2024-2025
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs District Calendar 2023-2024
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs District Calendar 2022-2023

Daniels Run Elementary
First Grade School Supplies List

1 box of crayons (24 or less)
24 sharpened #2 pencils
1 package of colored pencils
2 pink pearl erasers
1 plastic school box
1 box of tissues
1 box of quart size Ziplock bags - (boys)
1 box of gallon size Ziplock bags - (girls)
1 container of disinfecting wipes (boys)
1 bottle of hand sanitizer (girls)
1 pack of broad tipped washable markers (10 or less)
1 6 oz. bottle of Elmer's glue
12 glue sticks
2 1-inch white 3 ring binders
1 wide-ruled composition notebook
1 pair of Fiskars scissors
4 black dry erase markers

*Please label all supplies with your child's supplies

Print Daniels Run Elementary
First Grade School Supplies List

Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar2024-2025
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar2023-2024
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2022-2023

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Daniels Run Elementary
Second Grade School Supplies List

1 box of crayons (no more than 48)
1 box of washable markers
1 pack colored pencils
2 single subject spiral notebooks (1 blue, 1 red)
24 sharpened #2 pencils
24 glue sticks
1 pair scissors (Fiskars recommended)
2 pink pearl erasers
1 marble composition notebook
2 yellow highlighters
3 pocket folders (pockets on bottom)
4 black dry erase markers
1 school box about 8 inches x 5 inches (to fit in desk)
1 box tissues
1 3-pack of 3x3 Post-it notes
1 bottle of hand sanitizer (girls)
1 container of disinfecting wipes (boys)
1 box of quart size Ziplock bags (boys)
1 box of gallon size Ziplock bags (girls)

** Please label all supplies with your child's name.

Print Daniels Run Elementary
Second Grade School Supplies List

Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2024-2025
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2023-2024
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2022-2023

Daniels Run Elementary
Third Grade School Supplies List

3 boxes #2 pencils (sharpened) (NO mechanical pencils)
1 zippered bag for supplies (NO PLASTIC PENCIL BOXES)
Scissors (Fiskars recommended)
12 glue sticks
Ruler, 12-inch, centimeters and inches (non flexible)
1 box of tissues
5 wide-ruled marble composition books
3 plastic folders with pockets and fasteners
Crayons box of 24 colors
Colored pencils box of 12
1 box of 10 broad tip markers
4 red pens
3 yellow highlighters
1 package wide-ruled loose leaf notebook paper
1 bottle of hand sanitizer
1 box of quart size Ziplock bags (sliderbags)(boys)
1 box of sandwich size Ziplock bags (girls)

** Please label all supplies with your child's name

Print Daniels Run Elementary
Third Grade School Supplies List

Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2024-2025
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2023-2024
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2022-2023

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Daniels Run Elementary
Fourth Grade School Supplies List

1 package wide-ruled, loose leaf, white notebook paper
7 wide-ruled marble composition notebooks
1 zippered pencil case or 1 large Ziplock bag (No school boxes)
4 plastic pocket folders
1 box of crayons (24 or less) OR
1 package colored pencils
1 box of markers
36 #2 pencils (at least 5, NO mechanical pencils) will be collected to use as needed
10 large glue sticks will be collected to use as needed
2 highlighters
1 3-pack 3x3 Post-It notes
1 red ink pen
Scissors (Fiskars recommended)
1 box of tissues
2 erasers
1 box of gallon size plastic bags (boys)
1 box of quart size plastic bags (girls)

**Please label all supplies with child's name.

Print Daniels Run Elementary
Fourth Grade School Supplies List

Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2024-2025
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2023-2024
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2022-2023

Daniels Run Elementary
Fifth Grade School Supplies List

1 Soft-sided pencil bag (NO boxes please)
1 pack loose leaf paper
2 black & white marble composition notebooks
4 1-subject spiral notebooks
5 2-pocket folders
3 24 count pencil packs (NO mechanical pencils)
1 Eraser
1 Pair of Scissors
1 ruler with inches & centimeters
1 package of colored pencils
2 red pens
4 highlighters
5 glue sticks
2 large boxes of tissues
4 packs of Post-it notes

** Please label all supplies with child's name.

Print Daniels Run Elementary
Fifth Grade School Supplies List

Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2024-2025
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2023-2024
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2022-2023

Daniels Run Elementary
Sixth Grade School Supplies List

4 packages #2 pencils (NO mechanical pencils)
2 pairs of Scissors
1 pkg. 3x3 Post-it notes
1 large eraser
1 12-inch ruler with inches & centimeters
2 large box tissues
1 package wide-ruled loose leaf paper
2 1-subject spiral notebooks
1 3-subject spiral notebook
1 5-subject notebook
1 marble composition book
6 folders
2 pkg. colored pencils
1 pkgs. lined 3x5 index cards
5 large glue sticks

Earbuds of headphone (must be able to fit into a ziplock bag)

*Webster's dictionary to be kept at home

** Please label all supplies with your child's name

Print Daniels Run Elementary
Sixth Grade School Supplies List

Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2024-2025
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2023-2024
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2022-2023

Daniels Run Elementary
Print Daniels Run Elementary
Seventh Grade School Supplies List

Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2024-2025
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2023-2024
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2022-2023

Daniels Run Elementary
Print Daniels Run Elementary
Eighth Grade School Supplies List

Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2024-2025
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2023-2024
Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2022-2023