Elvehjem Elementary
School Supplies List 2024-2025

Mega Bulk Back to School General Supply Bundle Kit - 70 + Items

Back to School Supply Shopping List for Elvehjem Elementary

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School Name: Elvehjem Elementary  
Mailing Address: 5106 Academy Dr Madison, WI 53716-1404  
School District: Madison Metropolitan  
County: Dane  
District Calendar: Elvehjem Elementary Madison Metropolitan District Insructional Calendar for 2022-2023
Elvehjem Elementary Madison Metropolitan District Insructional Calendar for 2021-2022

To update this School Supply List for Elvehjem Elementary please send us an email including a updated supply list to:

[email protected]

Thank you!

School Supply Lists in the Post Covid-19 World!
Clean, Label, and Store - No Sharing! Mask Up!


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Elvehjem Elementary
Kindergarten School Supplies List

2 24 count boxes of crayons. Labeled with child's name.
1 Pair of scissors (Fiskars preferred) with metal cutting edge. Labeled.
12 Glue sticks Labeled
12 #2 Pencils (not shiny coated). Please sharpen and label.
1 Pack Crayola colored pencils. Please label box.
4 Pocket folders with bottom pockets. Labeled.
1 box of Crayola Classic Washable Markers - set of 8 or 10
primary colors only. Label box.
1 set of watercolor paints - 8 colors - Crayola brand. Label.
2 Spiral bound notebooks, wide lined, no larger than 70 count.
1 bottle Elmer's glue
1 Plastic school box (approx 5" x 8") to hold supplies, no handles. Label.
1 Plastic rest mat. Labeled. Please no sleeping bags or roll mats.
Backpack or school bag to be brought to school every day. Labeled.
Adult size pull over T shirt for painting
Change of clothes for season (socks, underwear, pants, shirt). Labeled in plastic bag.
Students should wear tennis shoes on PE days. An extra pair is not needed.
2 bottles hand sanitizer ( 8 oz. or larger )
3 Papermate felt tip markers; fine tip (any color).
1 box bags Last name: A-E Ziploc sandwich; F-K Ziploc gallon; L-Q quart; R-Z Ziploc snack.
A-F 1 box plastic spoons; G-L clear plastic cups; M-R small paper plates; S-Z large paper plates.
Last Name: A-F - 1 box tissues; M-Z -1 container wet wipes
A-L 2 Vis a vis markers, any color; M-R 1 box band aids; S-Z 1 pack 3x3 post it notes
$5.00 cash donation for digital film processing.
Print Elvehjem Elementary
Kindergarten School Supplies List

Madison Metropolitan District Calendar 2022-2023
Madison Metropolitan District Calendar 2021-2022

Elvehjem Elementary
First Grade School Supplies List

8 Papermate black felt tip pens
2 Papermate colored felt tip pens
1 Dry erase marker (low odor)
1 Black fine point Sharpie permanent marker
1 Black Vis a vis pen
2 Packages of post it notes ( 3 in. x 3 in. )
24 Sharpened pencils ( no Eagle or plastic pencils )
20 Glue sticks
3 Bottles Elmer's glue
1 Box gallon size Ziploc bags
1 Box quart size Ziploc bags
2 Packs 3 x 5 unlined index cards
1 12 inch ruler (wooden with inches and centimeters) (not Bouffiou or Dickerson)
2 Boxes 24 count crayons
2 Boxes wide markers
1 Box narrow markers
1 Box colored pencils
Art smock (labeled with name)
1 Pair of gym tennis shoes
1 Pair of Fiskar scissors (labeled with name in permanent marker) (not Dickerson)
8 Folders (labeled with name in front, upper right hand corner)
6 Wide ruled spiral notebooks (labeled with name in front, upper right hand corner)
2 Large boxes of facial tissues
2 Rolls of Scotch tape
1 Pencil box (labeled with name)
2 Pink Pearl type erasers (not Bouffiou)
Band aids
Please do not label any items unless indicated. Thank you.
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First Grade School Supplies List

Madison Metropolitan Academic Calendar 2022-2023
Madison Metropolitan Academic Calendar 2021-2022

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Elvehjem Elementary
Second Grade School Supplies List

Use this list to purchase the bulk of your supplies for next year. During the summer registration day on August 19th, you will receive your child's classroom placement for next year. At that time you may pick up a teacher supply list that may have a few more items specific to your child's new classroom.

30 Gallon zipper top plastic bags (Furger - last names A-M, Hegge and Navin first names A-H)
30 Quart zipper top plastic bags (Furger - last names N-Z, Hegge and Navin - first names I-P)
4 Low odor dry eraser markers
50 Latex free plain bandage strips
3 packs of 3" x 3" sticky notepads no accordion, pop up style or lines
5 Wide rule, single subject, no perforated spiral notebooks
5 horizontal bottom pocket folders
2 boxes of tissues
25 plain yellow wooden pencils
8 - 12 washable markers (Hegge and Navin 1 package thin and 1 package thick markers)
1 4 oz. bottle of white school glue
4 Glue sticks
Print Elvehjem Elementary
Second Grade School Supplies List

Madison Metropolitan Academic Calendar 2022-2023
Madison Metropolitan Academic Calendar 2021-2022

Elvehjem Elementary
Third Grade School Supplies List

Use this list to purchase the bulk of your supplies for next year. During the summer registration day on August 19th, you will receive your child's classroom placement for next year. At that time you may pick up a teacher supply list that may have a few more items specific to your child's new classroom.

30 Gallon zipper top plastic bags (Furger - last names A-M, Hegge and Navin first names A-H)
30 Quart zipper top plastic bags (Furger - last names N-Z, Hegge and Navin - first names I-P)
4 Low odor dry eraser markers
50 Latex free plain bandage strips
3 packs of 3" x 3" sticky notepads no accordion, pop up style or lines
5 Wide rule, single subject, no perforated spiral notebooks
5 horizontal bottom pocket folders
2 boxes of tissues
25 plain yellow wooden pencils
8 - 12 washable markers (Hegge and Navin 1 package thin and 1 package thick markers)
1 4 oz. bottle of white school glue
4 Glue sticks
Print Elvehjem Elementary
Third Grade School Supplies List

Madison Metropolitan Academic Calendar 2022-2023
Madison Metropolitan Academic Calendar 2021-2022

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Elvehjem Elementary
Fourth Grade School Supplies List

2 Packages of #2 pencils - no mechanical pencils, please
1 Package of cap erasers or 2-3 pink erasers
1 Package of colored pencils (24 or 48 count)
1 Package of washable markers
2 Highlighters (Optional Pope)
1-2 dry erase markers - low odor, please
1 Scissors
2-3 Large glue sticks
2-3 Rolls of scotch tape ( 1 roll Pope )
1 Ruler with standard & metric markings - must have a zero the ruler must be wooden, metal or solid plastic.
1 Protractor (5th grade only)
1 Calculator
5 Pocket folders (7 folders for Pope) 5 Spiral notebooks ( 7 notebooks for Pope) - no perforated edges, please
2 Bound composition notebooks (All teachers except Pope)
1 Package of wide ruled loose leaf paper
2 1 inch hard cover binder with 2 pockets (Jabs, Brand, and Nelson) 2 Packages of post it notes (3" x 3") no easy pop accordion, please
1 Small supply box or zippered case
1 Clipboard (optional)
1 World atlas to be used at home for weekely geography
$.25 for an assignment notebook all students will use. Please send this money in during the first week of school.
A box of flash cards: Multiplication
1 Box of tissue
1 Box of latex free band aids
Print Elvehjem Elementary
Fourth Grade School Supplies List

Madison Metropolitan Academic Calendar 2022-2023
Madison Metropolitan Academic Calendar 2021-2022

Elvehjem Elementary
Fifth Grade School Supplies List

2 Packages of #2 pencils - no mechanical pencils, please
1 Package of cap erasers or 2-3 pink erasers
1 Package of colored pencils (24 or 48 count)
1 Package of washable markers
2 Highlighters (Optional Pope)
1-2 dry erase markers - low odor, please
1 Scissors
2-3 Large glue sticks
2-3 Rolls of scotch tape ( 1 roll Pope )
1 Ruler with standard & metric markings - must have a zero the ruler must be wooden, metal or solid plastic.
1 Protractor (5th grade only)
1 Calculator
5 Pocket folders (7 folders for Pope) 5 Spiral notebooks ( 7 notebooks for Pope) - no perforated edges, please
2 Bound composition notebooks (All teachers except Pope)
1 Package of wide ruled loose leaf paper
2 1 inch hard cover binder with 2 pockets (Jabs, Brand, and Nelson) 2 Packages of post it notes (3" x 3") no easy pop accordion, please
1 Small supply box or zippered case
1 Clipboard (optional)
1 World atlas to be used at home for weekely geography
$.25 for an assignment notebook all students will use. Please send this money in during the first week of school.
A box of flash cards: Multiplication and Division
1 Box of tissue
1 Box of latex free band aids
Print Elvehjem Elementary
Fifth Grade School Supplies List

Madison Metropolitan Academic Calendar 2022-2023
Madison Metropolitan Academic Calendar 2021-2022