Enos Elem School
Kindergarten School Supplies List
- 1 Backpack/Bookbag (Large enough for a binder)
- 5 packs of 24 Crayola (preferred) crayons
- 2 pink erasers
- 6 two-pocket plain colored folders with clasp (Yellow, Blue, Red, Green, Orange, Purple)
- 4 large boxes of tissues
- 6 containers of Clorox Wipes
- 2 boxes slide lock gallon size bags
- 1 box slide lock quart size bags
- 3 packs of dry erase markers
- 1 ream of white printer paper
- 2 three-ring binders
- 1 pencil pouch/bag
- 1 set of headphones (over the ear)
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Springfield Sd 186 District Calendar 2022-2023
Springfield Sd 186 District Calendar 2021-2022
Enos Elem School
First Grade School Supplies List
- 1 backpack/book bag
- 4-6 pink erasers
- 1 pack of 24 Crayola Crayons
- 2 1 subject Wide Ruled spiral bound notebooks
- 1 pencil box
- 2 reams of white printer paper
- 36 #2 Dixon Ticonderoga pencils (No decorative pencils please!)
- 4 large boxes of tissues
- 4 plastic 2-pocket folders
- 4 Black Expo dry erase markers
- 1 container of Clorox wipes
- 1 pair of headphones
- 1 pack of washable markers
- 1 pack of colored pencils
- 1 bottle of Elmer's Glue for Art
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Springfield Sd 186 Academic Calendar 2022-2023
Springfield Sd 186 Academic Calendar 2021-2022
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Enos Elem School
Second Grade School Supplies List
- 1 backpack/book bag
- 4 packs of 24 crayons (Crayola preferred)
- 1 10-pack of large Crayola markers
- 4 pink erasers
- 2 PLASTIC two-pocket, folders without prongs
- 2 composition notebooks (black and white)
- 2 glue sticks, white
- 1 bottle of Elmer's glue
- 1 plastic shoebox with a lid to store their school supplies
- 1 centimeter/12-inch, clear plastic ruler
- 48 pencils, #2 lead, yellow
- 1 pair of Friskers scissors 4" pointed
- 3 pack of 3 X 3 post-its
- 3 large boxes of tissues
- 1 container of Clorox wipe
- 1 box of slide-lock gallon size bags
- 1 box of slide-lock pint size bags
- 1 pack of dry erase markers 8 count
- 1 pair of headphones for use with iPad
- 1 pack of 3x5 index cards (boys)
- 1 black sharpie (girls)
- 1 package of crayola thick markers for Art
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Springfield Sd 186 Academic Calendar 2022-2023
Springfield Sd 186 Academic Calendar 2021-2022
Enos Elem School
Third Grade School Supplies List
- 1 Backpack/Bookbag
- 1 container Antibacterial Hand Wipes (Wet Ones)
- 36 pencils #2 lead sharpened
- 1 container Clorox wipes
- 4 large boxes of tissues
- 2 spiraled notebooks
- 2 2 pocket three pronged folders
- 1 folder of choice
- 1 container of clorox wipes for Art
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Springfield Sd 186 Academic Calendar 2022-2023
Springfield Sd 186 Academic Calendar 2021-2022
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Enos Elem School
Fourth Grade School Supplies List
- 3 Notebooks
- 4 Folders
- 3 Pkgs of Pencils- (2-3 boxes Ticonderoga)
- 1 Pkg of Markers-set of 8 colors
- 1 box of colored pencils
- 3 sets of dry erase markers
- 1 ream of copy paper
- 3 boxes of tissues
- 2 containers of wipes (Lysol/Clorox)
- 1 pair of headphones
- 1 box of kleenex for Art
Print Enos Elem School Fourth Grade School Supplies List
Springfield Sd 186 Academic Calendar 2022-2023
Springfield Sd 186 Academic Calendar 2021-2022
Enos Elem School
Fifth Grade School Supplies List
- 1 large backpack/ book bag
- 2 large packs of Wet Ones
- 4 pink erasers
- 4 two-pocket, plain colored folders (1green, 1red, 1blue, 1yellow)
- 5 one-subject, spiral, wide-ruled, plain colored notebooks
- 4 large boxes of tissues
- 48 pencils, #2 lead, yellow, sharpened
- 1 Set of ear buds or headphones
- 4 Clorox containers of disinfecting wipes
- 2 reams of plain copy paper
- 1 (25 pack or more) of rewards for students (candy, fruit snacks, individual packages of Gold Fish etc.)
- 1 pack of sticky notes (4 count)
- 1 box of 24 crayons for art
*Your student DOES NOT need crayons, markers, glue, color pencils or scissors
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Springfield Sd 186 Academic Calendar 2022-2023
Springfield Sd 186 Academic Calendar 2021-2022