Forest Park Elementary School
School Supplies List 2024-2025

Mega Bulk Back to School General Supply Bundle Kit - 70 + Items

Back to School Supply Shopping List for Forest Park Elementary School

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School Name: Forest Park Elementary School  
Mailing Address: 1600 N Tyler St Little Rock, AR 72207  
School District: Little Rock School District  
County: Pulaski  
District Calendar:  

To update this School Supply List for Forest Park Elementary School please send us an email including a updated supply list to:

[email protected]

Thank you!

School Supply Lists in the Post Covid-19 World!
Clean, Label, and Store - No Sharing! Mask Up!


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Forest Park Elementary School
Pre Kindergarten School Supplies List

1 box crayons (24 count)
1 box Crayola Washable Markers (the thick ones)
2 8 oz. bottle Elmer’s School Glue
1 box Kleenex
1 box gallon sized Ziploc bags
1 roll paper towels
1 container regular baby wipes
1 container antibacterial wipes (for furniture surfaces)
1 bottle liquid hand soap (not sanitizing gel, please)
1 backpack (Please get a large roomy one for when we pack covers, lunch boxes, etc.)
1 crib sheet
1 small blanket or quilt

(Pre-K is required by DHS to have bottom sheet and cover)
Small soft special friend to sleep with (must fit in our tubs)
We supply the mats

Print Forest Park Elementary School
Pre-Kindergarten School Supplies List

Forest Park Elementary School
Kindergarten School Supplies List

1 box crayons (24 count)
1 box Crayola markers (8 or 10 classic colors)
1 Package #2 yellow pencils (Ticonderoga)
2 bottles of Elmer’s Glue (8 oz. No gel)
1 pair Fiskars scissors
1 small plastic school box
1 thin rest mat
1 backpack (no wheels)
? Boys bring 1 box quart size Ziploc freezer bags & Kleenex
? Girls bring 1 box gallon size freezer bag & Kleenex
1 package White Model Magic (for Art)

$5.00 for subscription to National Geographic

$15.00 to purchase journals; Starfall reading books, poetry notebook (all of these will be sent home at the end of the year).

Please put money in an envelope marked journal and put your child’s name on the envelope.

Print Forest Park Elementary School
Kindergarten School Supplies List

Forest Park Elementary School
1st Grade School Supplies List

Forest Park AGENDA Book (purchase at school $15.00)
1 box crayons (24 count)
2 Packages #2 yellow pencils (Ticonderoga)
1 spiral notebook (70 page count)
1 “A” writing tablet
1 large Elmer’s glue stick
1 pair Fiskars scissors
1 box Crayola markers (10 count)
1 regular size school box (no pouches)
? Boys bring 1 box gallon size Ziploc freezer bags & Kleenex
? Girls bring 1 box gallon size Ziploc freezer bag & Kleenex
1 backpack (no wheels)
1 box sanitized wipes
1 package White Model Magic (for Art)
$5.00 for subscription to Scholastic News
Print Forest Park Elementary School
First Grade School Supplies List

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Forest Park Elementary School
2nd Grade School Supplies List

Forest Park AGENDA Book (purchase at school $15.00)
1 box crayons (24 count)
2 Packages #2 yellow pencils (Ticonderoga)
6 cap erasers
1 spiral notebook (70 page count)
1 composition notebook
1 “J” writing tablet (spiral)
1 large Elmer’s glue stick
1 pair Fiskars scissors
1 box Crayola markers (10 count)
1 regular size school box (no pouches)
? Boys bring 1 box gallon size Ziploc freezer bags & Kleenex
? Girls bring 1 box gallon size Ziploc freezer bag & Kleenex
1 backpack (no wheels)
1 box sanitized wipes
1 package White Model Magic (for Art)
$5.00 for subscription to Weekly Reader News
Print Forest Park Elementary School
Second Grade School Supplies List

Forest Park Elementary School
3rd Grade School Supplies List

Forest Park AGENDA Book (purchase at school $15.00)
1 box crayons (24 count)
2 Packages #2 yellow pencils (Ticonderoga)
3 red pens
6 cap erasers
1 subject spiral notebook
1 composition notebook
1 “J” writing tablet (spiral)
2 packages wide ruled notebook paper
1 large Elmer’s glue stick
1 pair Fiskars scissors
1 yellow hi-lighter
1 black sharpie
1 regular size school box (no pouches)
? Boys bring 1 box gallon size Ziploc freezer bags & Kleenex
? Girls bring 1 box gallon size Ziploc freezer bag & Kleenex
1 backpack (no wheels)
1 box sanitized wipes
1 package thick markers (for Art)
$5.00 for subscription to Scholastic News
Print Forest Park Elementary School
Third Grade School Supplies List

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Forest Park Elementary School
4th Grade School Supplies

Forest Park AGENDA Book (purchase at school $15.00)
1 box crayons (24 count)
2 Packages #2 yellow pencils (Ticonderoga)
1 package red ink pens
1 package blue ink pens
6 cap erasers
1 subject spiral notebook (100 page count)
1 composition notebook
1 “D” writing tablet (spiral)
2 packages wide ruled notebook paper
6 Duo-tang folders (red, blue yellow, green, orange, purple)
1 large Elmer’s glue stick
1 pair Fiskars scissors
1 yellow hi-lighter
1 package dry erase markers
1 black sharpie
1 regular size school box (no pouches)
? Boys bring 1 box gallon size Ziploc freezer bags & Kleenex
? Girls bring 1 box gallon size Ziploc freezer bag & Kleenex
1 backpack (no wheels)
1 box sanitized wipes
1 package thick markers (for Art)
$5.00 for subscription to Scholastic News
Print Forest Park Elementary School
Fourth Grade School Supplies List

Forest Park Elementary School
5th Grade School Supplies

Forest Park AGENDA Book
(purchase at school $15.00)
1 box crayons (24 count)
2 Packages #2 yellow pencils
1 package red pens
1 package blue pens
6 cap erasers
1 composition notebook
1 “D” writing tablet
2 packages wide ruled notebook paper
1 package graph paper
1 package 3x5
1 binder (1½ inch)
1 binder (1 inch)
1 large Elmer’s glue stick
1 pair Fiskars scissors
1 package yellow hi-lighters
1 package black sharpies
1 package markers
Boys bring 1box quart size
Ziploc freezer bags & Kleenex
Girls bring 1box quart size
Ziploc freezer bags & Kleenex
Print Forest Park Elementary School
Fifth Grade School Supplies List