Fruitville Elementary School
School Supplies List 2024-2025

Mega Bulk Back to School General Supply Bundle Kit - 70 + Items

Back to School Supply Shopping List for Fruitville Elementary School

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School Name: Fruitville Elementary School  
Mailing Address: 601 Honore Avenue Sarasota, FL 34232-2336  
School District: Sarasota  
County: Sarasota  
Physical Address: 601 Honore Ave Sarasota, FL 34232-2336  
District Calendar: Fruitville Elementary School Sarasota District Insructional Calendar for 2022-2023
Fruitville Elementary School Sarasota District Insructional Calendar for 2021-2022

To update this School Supply List for Fruitville Elementary School please send us an email including a updated supply list to:

[email protected]

Thank you!

School Supply Lists in the Post Covid-19 World!
Clean, Label, and Store - No Sharing! Mask Up!


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Fruitville Elementary School
Kindergarten School Supplies List

Do not label the following:
1 4-pk. dry erase markers (or more)
1 pkg. pencils
4 pkgs. crayons (24)
2 pkgs. washable markers
Scissors (blunt tip)
1 eight oz. bottle of glue
30 glue sticks
2 marble composition books (no spirals)
1 box of plastic resealable bags: boys bring gallon size; girls bring quart size)
2 large bottles hand sanitizer
2 boxes of wet wipes
2 boxes of facial tissues
4 plastic pocket folders with prongs (no characters)
1 pkg. cap erasers
1 set of water color paints

Print Fruitville Elementary School
Kindergarten School Supplies List

Sarasota District Calendar 2022-2023
Sarasota District Calendar 2021-2022

Fruitville Elementary School
First Grade School Supplies List

1 backpack (not on wheels) (please label)
Do not label the following:
2 erasers
2 pkgs. #2 wooden pencils
1 marble composition notebook (no spirals)
1 pair non-pointed scissors
4 glue sticks
2 bottles glue
1 large box of tissues
1 box washable classic markers
4 solid color pocket folders (with brackets): 1 red, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 purple
1 box (24) crayons
1 container wet wipes, anti-bacterial
1 box large or small self-seal bags
1 bottle of liquid hand sanitizer
1 box colored pencils
1 4-pk. Dry erase markers

Print Fruitville Elementary School
First Grade School Supplies List

Sarasota Academic Calendar 2022-2023
Sarasota Academic Calendar 2021-2022

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Fruitville Elementary School
Second Grade School Supplies List

2 pkgs. #2 pencils
3 pkgs. large pink erasers
1 blue pocket folder
1 green pocket folder
1 yellow pocket folder
2 pkg. glue sticks
Markers in classic colors - pack of 8
Ruler (inch and centimeter)
Crayons - box of 24
2 composition books
2 containers of antibacterial wipes
2 bottles of antibacterial sanitizer
2 highlighters each: pink, yellow, green
1 reusable metal or BPA-free water bottle
1 pkg. dry erase markers (low odor)
Wide rule notebook paper
Backpack - NO rolling backpacks
2 boxes self-seal bags (1 small, 1 large)
1 pkg. copy paper (8 1/2 x 11)

Print Fruitville Elementary School
Second Grade School Supplies List

Sarasota Academic Calendar 2022-2023
Sarasota Academic Calendar 2021-2022

Fruitville Elementary School
Third Grade School Supplies List

#2 pencils (3 dozen)
Glue or glue sticks
2 pkgs. pencil cap erasers
Dry erase markers (3 pkgs. of 4)
4 highlighters
Markers and/or colored pencils
2 composition notebooks
Self-seal plastic bags
Hand sanitizer or Wet wipes
Facial tissues
4 pocket folders (3 hole punched)
Supply box or pencil bag
Backpack or book bag
Wide rule notebook paper (2 pkgs.)
2 1" binders to be used all year

Print Fruitville Elementary School
Third Grade School Supplies List

Sarasota Academic Calendar 2022-2023
Sarasota Academic Calendar 2021-2022

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Fruitville Elementary School
Fourth Grade School Supplies List

5 dozen pencils/5 dozen pencil cap erasers
Water color markers
Glue Sticks
5 spiral notebooks
2 composition books
400 sheets notebook paper
2 boxes of Facial tissues
8 plastic pocket folders
Hand sanitizer
Dry erase markers
Self-seal plastic bags
1 permanent marker
Please - no pens or highlighters!

Print Fruitville Elementary School
Fourth Grade School Supplies List

Sarasota Academic Calendar 2022-2023
Sarasota Academic Calendar 2021-2022

Fruitville Elementary School
Fifth Grade School Supplies List

5 dozen pencils
Large box of crayons
Wide markers
Narrow markers
5 dozen cap erasers
5 plain colored spiral notebooks
10 solid colored pocket folders
2 packages wide ruled notebook paper
Zippered notebook binder
2 boxes of tissues
Hand sanitizer - 1 large
Dry erase markers
Wet wipes
Self-seal plastic bags
Please do not label items with children's names. We will collect all items, except the binders.

Print Fruitville Elementary School
Fifth Grade School Supplies List

Sarasota Academic Calendar 2022-2023
Sarasota Academic Calendar 2021-2022

Fruitville Elementary School
Additional Information
Schoolwide Team Supply List:


1 box tissues
1 spiral/composition notebook (Gr. 4 only)
2-3 pencils

P.E.: Hand sanitizer, kleenex


2 hand sanitizers
1 box kleenex

3rd-5th grade -- 2GB flash drive, optional

Art: 1 pink eraser, glue


70 sheets 1 subject (wide-rule) spiral notebook
1 box of tissues
large paper clips


1 spiral notebook, one subject (Gr. 5 only)
2 pencils, 1 hand sanitizer
1 pkg. filler paper (Gr. 2-4)