Fulbright Elementary School
School Supplies List 2024-2025
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School Name: | Fulbright Elementary School |
Mailing Address: | 300 Pleasant Valley Dr Little Rock, AR 72212-3158 |
School District: | Little Rock School District |
County: | Pulaski |
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To update this School Supply List for Fulbright Elementary School please send us an email including a updated supply list to: Thank you!
School Supply Lists in the Post Covid-19 World! |
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Fulbright Elementary School Pre Kindergarten School Supplies List 1 Mat for Napping 1 Adult T-Shirt for Painting 1 large size backpack (no wheels) Change of clothes in labeled Ziploc bag (include underwear & socks) 1 Unscented package of baby wipes?refill size any brand 2 boxes of facial tissues 1 Clorox wipes 1 bottle of pump top hand soap (not antibacterial soap) 1 box of Crayola Classic Washable markers 1 16 or 24 count box of crayons 1 watercolor paint set 1 pair of Fiskars children’s scissors 8 glue sticks 2 4oz. bottles of glue 1 parent communication folder (must be purchased at school) 1 crib sheet 1 towel or small blanket 1 small soft special friend to sleep with Boys- 1 box of gallon ziplock bags and 1 package of paper plates Girls- 1 box of quart Ziplock bags and 1 package white or brown lunch sacks Print Fulbright Elementary School Pre-Kindergarten School Supplies List |
Fulbright Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List Parent-Teacher Folder** Fiskars brand scissors – child size* 1 box Classic Crayon washable markers-no thin 2 boxes - 24 ct. Crayola crayons* 8 oz Elmer’s white school glue* 8 glue sticks* 1 package #2 pencils* (basic yellow) 1 large package baby or wet wipes 2 boxes facial tissues 1 bottle liquid hand soap 1 pkg. reward stickers $10 for the Weekly News Magazine / Writing Journal 2 pink rectangular block erasers 1 pkg. white or brown lunch sacks Boys: 1 box quart sized Ziploc freezer bags 1 box gallon Ziploc freezer bags Girls: 1 package paper plates Colored craft or gift tissue paper Print Fulbright Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List |
Fulbright Elementary School 1st Grade School Supplies List Parent Teacher Folder** 1 small rectangular plastic school box (no handles) 2 large pkgs. #2 wooden barrel pencils 24 ct. Crayola crayons* or Twistables Fiskars brand scissors *(child size) 4 oz. bottle Elmer’s glue* (no glue sticks) 5 spiral “J” tablets ** 1 pkg. colored file folders 2 boxes Kleenex 1 large Clorox or Lysol wipes Boys: 1 box Ziploc quart size bags Girls: 1 box Ziploc gallon size bags Print Fulbright Elementary School First Grade School Supplies List |
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Fulbright Elementary School 2nd Grade School Supplies List Parent Teacher Folder** 2 glue sticks 2 – 24 ct. Crayola crayons * Fiskars brand scissors – child size* 1 - 24 pkg. of pencils School box 2 “J” tablets 1 ½” 3 ring view binder, white w/pockets 5 tab insertable dividers 1 pack of wide-ruled notebook paper 1 box Kleenex 1 bottle hand sanitizer $5.00 for Weekly Reader Boys: 1 box Ziploc sandwich size bags Girls: 1 box Ziploc gallon size bags Optional: Clorox Wipes Print Fulbright Elementary School Second Grade School Supplies List |
Fulbright Elementary School 3rd Grade School Supplies List Assignment Notebook** 1 hard plastic pocket folder with holes 1”C” tablet** (for second semester) 2 composition books 2 pkg. of wide rule loose-leaf notebook paper* 2 Clearview 1 inch 3-ring notebooks 1 pkg. tabbed, plastic dividers with pockets 2 boxes of 12 yellow pencils* 1 pkg. cap erasers 1 box 16 count Crayola crayons* 1 pair Fiskars scissors 2 boxes tissues 1 zippered pencil pouch made of fabric (no boxes) 1 zipper pencil pouch with 3 holes for binder 1 pkg. dry erase markers 1 Yellow highlighter 1 box Crayola Markers – 8 count 1 pkg. glue sticks – no glue bottles Boys – 1 box Ziploc gallon size bags Girls –1 box Ziploc quarts size bags Print Fulbright Elementary School Third Grade School Supplies List |
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Fulbright Elementary School 4th Grade School Supplies Parent Communication folder** Assignment Notebook** 2 Glue Sticks* 2 boxes tissue/Kleenex Crayons/Colored pencils – small or larger 1 pair Scissors (child size) 1 pkg. pencils (mechanical pencils are okay)* (Hand-held pencil sharpeners permitted) 1 pkg. Expo Markers Zippered Pencil bag (no boxes) 2 pkg. wide ruled loose leaf paper* Red, blue, black pens – 2 of each 2 highlighters (any color) Scotch tape 2 pocket folders with prongs 2 inch binder with front clear pocket (2 in. only) (no zippered/trapper-keeper binders) 5 subject tab dividers 1 composition notebook $5.00 for Scholastic News 1 bottle hand sanitizer (12oz or smaller) 1 pkg. double sided tape 1 container disinfecting wipes Boys 1 pkg. index cards (any size and/or color) 1 pkg. Ziploc gallon size bags Girls 1 pkg. Post-It Notes (any size and/or color) 1 pkg. Ziploc quart or sandwich size bags Print Fulbright Elementary School Fourth Grade School Supplies List |
Fulbright Elementary School 5th Grade School Supplies Assignment Notebook** 1 pkg. wide ruled notebook paper loose leaf * 2 - #2 pencils * 1 plastic three-hole pencil pouch (optional) 1 glue stick * Crayola crayons/washable markers/colored pencils 1 highlighter – NOT yellow 2 boxes tissues 1 small bottle antibacterial hand sanitizer (optional) 1 Mead Composition Book (9 ¾ x 7 ½” wide ruled) 1 “D” tablet ** $5.50 for Time Magazine for Kids/Around the World 5 folders with prongs and pockets No bottle glue, scissors, or rulers allowed Print Fulbright Elementary School Fifth Grade School Supplies List |
Fulbright Elementary School Additional Information ART SUPPLY LIST (K-5) 9x5 sketch book or 1 subject notebook Optional items (Not mandatory but greatly appreciated) Choose any of the following: Baby Wipes Clorox Wipes Ziploc Bags (gallon or quart) GIFTED & TALENTED 3rd – 5th Grades 1 ½ inch binder with pockets 2 pkg. wide-rule paper 1 box tissues/Kleenex 1 bottle of hand sanitizer 1 pkg. of 10 pencils #2 (no mechanical) |