Gates Elementary
School Supplies List 2024-2025
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Gates Elementary Pre Kindergarten School Supplies List 1 box of crayola crayons 2 bottles of school glue 2 bottles of antibacterial wipes 3 large boxes of tissue 1 complete change of clothes in Ziploc bags (labeled) 3 spirals 2 pocket folders with no brads 1 package of multicolored construction paper 3 glue sticks 12 pencils 1 pkg. paper plates 1 pkg. small paper bags 1 pair of Fiskar scissors Print Gates Elementary Pre-Kindergarten School Supplies List San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2024-2025 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2023-2024 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2021-2022 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
Gates Elementary Kindergarten School Supplies List 2 large boxes of tissue 1 box of crayons-no jumbo 1 box of washable crayola markers 1-8oz bottle of glue 1 box of gallon Ziploc freezer bags (boys) 2 bottles of hand sanitizer 4 Spiral notebooks- blue, red, yellow, green 2 glue sticks 2 pkgs of anti-bacterial wipes 1 roll paper towels (boys) 1 pair rounded Fiskar scissors 1 school box 12 #2 pencils (No Jumbo) 1 pkg paper bags (boys) 6 pocket folders 2 green, 2 orange, and 2 yellow 1 package multi-colored construction paper 1 box quart size Ziploc bags (girls) $5.00 paper supply fee 1 pkg paper plates (girls) Print Gates Elementary Kindergarten School Supplies List San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2024-2025 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2023-2024 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2021-2022 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
Gates Elementary 1st Grade School Supplies List #2 pkg of 24 count pencils 2 large box of tissue 1 box of crayons 1 box of washable crayola markers-8 count 1-8oz bottle of glue 1 box of quart size Ziploc freezer bags 2 bottles of hand sanitizer 1 package disinfecting wipes 2 glue sticks 4 Spirals (one subject)-blue, red, orange, yellow 6 pocket folders 2 green, 2 yellow, 2 orange) 1 school box Erasers- 2 large $5.00 paper supply fee 1 pair scissors 1 pack of multi-colored construction paper 1 box of gallon sized Ziploc freezer bags Print Gates Elementary First Grade School Supplies List San Antonio Isd Academic Calendar2024-2025 San Antonio Isd Academic Calendar2023-2024 San Antonio Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
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Gates Elementary 2nd Grade School Supplies List 1 box #2 pencils 2 large boxes of tissue 1 box of crayons (24 count) 1 box of washable crayola markers-8 count 1-8oz bottle of glue 1 box of gallon Ziploc freezer bags 1 bottle of hand sanitizer 1 box sandwich bags 2 glue sticks 4 one subject spirals (blue, red, yellow, green) 6 pocket folders (2 green, 2 orange, 2 yellow) 1 school box 1 pink eraser 3 packages loose leaf paper 1 plastic ruler 1 pair scissors $ 5.00 paper supply fee Print Gates Elementary Second Grade School Supplies List San Antonio Isd Academic Calendar 2024-2025 San Antonio Isd Academic Calendar 2023-2024 San Antonio Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
Gates Elementary 3rd Grade School Supplies 5 pocket folders- purple, red, green, orange, yellow 4-70 page spirals-blue, red, yellow, green 1 pkg. multi-colored construction paper 2 boxes of crayons 2- boxes of tissue 1-1 inch notebook (binder) 1-8oz bottle of glue 2 bottles of hand sanitizer 2 packs of #2 pencils 4 glue sticks 1 pair scissors 3 packs of wide ruled loose leaf paper 1 plastic ruler (12 inches) 2- pink erasers 1 box of sandwich bags 1 box of gallon Ziploc freezer bags Print Gates Elementary Third Grade School Supplies List San Antonio Isd Academic Calendar 2024-2025 San Antonio Isd Academic Calendar 2023-2024 San Antonio Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
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Gates Elementary 4th Grade School Supplies List 4 pocket folders 4-70 page spirals 2 packs of notebook paper 1 box of crayons 24 count 1 box of Crayola markers 8 count Small dry erase board and 2 dry erase markers 1 box of gallon Ziploc freezer bags (girls) 1 bottle of hand sanitizer 3 packages of pencils 2 glue sticks 1 pair scissors 1 red pen for grading 1 box baby wipes (girls) 1 roll paper towels (boys) 1-12" ruler with centimeters 1 large box of tissue 1 package of Clorox wipes 1 box of sandwich Ziploc bags (boys) 1 pkg. multi-colored construction paper Print Gates Elementary Fourth Grade School Supplies List San Antonio Isd Academic Calendar 2024-2025 San Antonio Isd Academic Calendar 2023-2024 San Antonio Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
Gates Elementary 5th Grade School Supplies List 3 pocket folders 5-100 page spirals* 2 pack of notebook paper 1 box of crayons (24 couint) 1 box of Crayola markers 1 box colored pencils 1 box of gallon Ziploc freezer bags 1 bottle of hand sanitizer 1 bottle of anti bacterial liquid soap 2 glue sticks 1 pair scissors 1 red pen for grading 1 container of Clorox wipes (girls) 1 box of tissue (boys) 1 box of sandwich Ziploc bags (girls) Post it notes 1- 2" binder1-pkg of dividers 1 pkg. multi-colored construction paper *These items will need to be replaced every nine weeks Print Gates Elementary Fifth Grade School Supplies List San Antonio Isd Academic Calendar 2024-2025 San Antonio Isd Academic Calendar 2023-2024 San Antonio Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 San Antonio Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |