Glen Forest Elementary
School Supplies List 2024-2025
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School Name: | Glen Forest Elementary |
Mailing Address: | 5829 Glen Forest Dr Falls Church, VA 22041-2512 |
School District: | Fairfax Co Pblc Schs |
County: | Fairfax |
District Calendar: |
Glen Forest Elementary Fairfax Co Pblc Schs District Insructional Calendar for 2024-2025 Glen Forest Elementary Fairfax Co Pblc Schs District Insructional Calendar for 2023-2024 Glen Forest Elementary Fairfax Co Pblc Schs District Insructional Calendar for 2022-2023 |
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To update this School Supply List for Glen Forest Elementary please send us an email including a updated supply list to: Thank you!
School Supply Lists in the Post Covid-19 World! |
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Glen Forest Elementary Kindergarten School Supplies List 1 large glue stick 1 bottle of white glue ( 7.5 OZ ) 1 box of washable markers ( 8 count ) 1 box of colored crayons ( 24 count ) 1 four-pack of Play-Doh (5-oz. multi-colored cans) 2 large rectangle box facial tissues 1 rectangle container of Baby Wipes/ Wet Wipes 1 pump style bottle of instant hand sanitizer (8 fl. oz) 1 large, durable backpack (Please label the backpack with your child's name in permanent marker) 1 large bath towel for rest time(Please label the towel with your child's name in permanent marker) If your child's Last Name starts with A-J 1 box of gallon-size storage zipper bags If you child's Last Name starts with K-Z 1 box of quart-size (sandwich) storage zipper bags Snack (bring every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) Sneakers (Tennis shoes) for P.E. (We encourage the children to wear sneakers to school every day because we have outdoor recess each day and P.E. 2 times a week) An emergency change of clothing Print Glen Forest Elementary Kindergarten School Supplies List Fairfax Co Pblc Schs District Calendar 2024-2025 Fairfax Co Pblc Schs District Calendar 2023-2024 Fairfax Co Pblc Schs District Calendar 2022-2023 |
Glen Forest Elementary First Grade School Supplies List 1 box of 24 pencils pre sharpen 1 box of 24 crayons 1 box of markers 6 large glue sticks 1 pair safety scissors 2 pocket folders - green and red (except Balourdos' class) 1 bottle of glue I pkg. of broad tip markers 1 large box facial tissue 1 pkg. of gallon size zipper bags 1 plastic pencil box (optional) 1 bottle of hand sanitizer 1 large backpack 1 pkg. of zipper sandwich bags 1 pkg of baby wipes An emergency change of clothing Print Glen Forest Elementary First Grade School Supplies List Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar2024-2025 Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar2023-2024 Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
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Glen Forest Elementary Second Grade School Supplies List 2 box of 24 crayons 3 Packages Sharpened pencils (no mechanical pencils) 2 black and white composition notebooks 4 colored folders with prongs: 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 yellow 1 plastic folder with prongs, any color 1 pair of blunt edge scissors 2 pink erasers 1 box of Crayola washable markers 1 rectangular container of baby wipe/ wet wipes 1 backpack Boys bring 4 glue sticks 1 box of tissue 1 box quart-size plastic bags Girls bring 2 bottles of glue hand sanitizer 1 box sandwich size bags An emergency change of clothing Print Glen Forest Elementary Second Grade School Supplies List Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
Glen Forest Elementary Third Grade School Supplies List 2 large white rubber eraser 48 #2 sharpened pencils with erasers 1 box of 24 crayons 2 pair of metal pointed scissors 12 large glue sticks 1 pkg. loose leaf notebook paper (wide ruled) 8 solid colored pocket folders ( no pictures) 2 red, 2 yellow, 2 blue, 2 green 1 set of each colored pencils and washable markers 5 composition books (no spiral notebooks) 1 pencil box 2 large box facial tissue 4 low odor Expo dry erase markers 1 container of hand sanitizer 1 pack of 300 line 3 x5 line index cards 1 container of pint sized zip-lock bags 1 1" binder Print Glen Forest Elementary Third Grade School Supplies List Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
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Glen Forest Elementary Fourth Grade School Supplies List 2 binders (size 1 1/2 inch) 20 dividers for the binders 5 pocket folders, one red, blue, yellow, purple and green 36 # 2 pencils + 1 small pencil sharpener 2 red or green pens 2 yellow highlighters 1 large box facial tissue 8 glue sticks 1 pair of metal pointed scissors 1 box crayons or colored pencils 1 box of washable markers 1 soft pencil case( not hard) 1 pkg. 3x5 index cards 1 Pkg. 3x3 post-it notes ( not accordion) 1 pkg. loose leaf notebook paper (wide ruled) 2 large pink erasers 2 bottle of hand sanitizer with pump dispensers Print Glen Forest Elementary Fourth Grade School Supplies List Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
Glen Forest Elementary Fifth Grade School Supplies List 2 pkgs. of 3x3 "post-its" Notes 8 composition books - black and white 4 dozen #2 pencils Ticonderoga preferred 1 box colored pencils 1 box of 12 markers 2 pkgs. of wide-rule notebook 3 large box facial tissue 8 glue sticks 1 pair of metal pointed scissors 1 pocket dictionary 12 individual folders (2 red, 2 green, 2 blue, 2 yellow, 2 orange, 2 purple (no pictures) 1 soft pencil case (no pencil boxes) 2 pkg. of 3x5 index cards 4 highlighters 2 large pink erasers 1 Small pencil sharpener 1 Calculator (optional for home use) 2 pkgs. Of sanitizing/cleaning wipes 1 homework folder of your choice Print Glen Forest Elementary Fifth Grade School Supplies List Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Fairfax Co Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |