Hans Christian Andersen Elementary
School Supplies List 2024-2025

Mega Bulk Back to School General Supply Bundle Kit - 70 + Items

Back to School Supply Shopping List for Hans Christian Andersen Elementary

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School Name: Hans Christian Andersen Elementary  
Mailing Address: 3011 S Fiske Boulevard Rockledge, FL 32955-4399  
School District: Brevard  
County: Brevard  
Physical Address: 3011 S Fiske Blvd Rockledge, FL 32955-4301  
District Calendar: Hans Christian Andersen Elementary Brevard District Insructional Calendar for 2022-2023

To update this School Supply List for Hans Christian Andersen Elementary please send us an email including a updated supply list to:

[email protected]

Thank you!

School Supply Lists in the Post Covid-19 World!
Clean, Label, and Store - No Sharing! Mask Up!


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Hans Christian Andersen Elementary
Kindergarten School Supplies List

1 box Washable Markers (no larger than 12 count box)
4 bottles Elmer's white school glue (4 oz. or larger, no gel or glitter glue)
1 pair of Fiskars Scissors
4 boxes of Crayola Crayons - 24 count
1 Change purse/holder for lunch money
1 Backpack - no rolling back packs
1 School Box for supplies (small, plastic)
1 Box of Pencils
1 Box of tissues
1 package of play dough (Play-Doh not Rose Art)
1 ream of white or colored copy paper
3 composition books (black & white- wide ruled)
4 Pocket Folder (No designs) 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 green


1 package of small white paper plates (no designs)
1 box of quart size Ziploc Bags


1 package of large white paper plates (no designs, not foam or coated plates)
1 package of gallon size Ziploc Bags

Optional Donations:

Clorox wipes napkins
plastic cutlery
watercolor paints
paint shirts

Craft Items such as:

google eyes
chenille stems
craft sticks

*Individual teachers may request additional supplies.*
Print Hans Christian Andersen Elementary
Kindergarten School Supplies List

Brevard District Calendar 2022-2023

Hans Christian Andersen Elementary
First Grade School Supplies List

2 MEAD Primary Journals-Early Creative Story Tablet. They have a space on the top for pictures - Label with name
2 Composition books (black and white marble kind) - label with name
4 CRAYOLA Brand crayons-12 count (Buy extra on sale at the beginning of the year) - Label with name
8 EXPO "dry erase" markers - black or blue - fine tip
1 junior Fiskar scissors - blunt tip - name on handle
2 packages of pencil top erasers
1 pencil pouch with zipper (no boxes/cases please) - label with name
8 2 pocket folders (2-green, 2-red, 2-yellow, 2-blue) w/o names on them
20 glue sticks
24 sharpened pencils (yellow #2)
3 box tissues
1 ream printer paper (500 sheets)
2 box baby wipes or sanitizing wipes
1 box gallon size Ziploc bags (boys only)
1 box quart size Ziploc bags (girls only)
1 Andersen T-shirt - don't purchase until teacher lets you know as we will order class colors.

Please, no markers or colored pencils

Please refrain from purchasing trendy or character supplies because first graders concentrate much better without these distractions. In addition, most supplies are put into a community pile and therefore similar supplies don't cause as many problems.

We request brand labels on some items because we have used them before and know from experience that they last much longer than generic brands. Thank you for your support.
Print Hans Christian Andersen Elementary
First Grade School Supplies List

Brevard Academic Calendar 2022-2023

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Hans Christian Andersen Elementary
Second Grade School Supplies List

3 composition Books (wide rule)
3 boxes of sharpened pencils
2 bottles of glue
1 pack of highlighters
2 boxes of crayons (24 count)
2 boxes of tissue
1 box of colored pencils (24 count)
1 box of markers (10 count)
2 packs of pencil topper erasers
1 pack of wide rule notebook paper
1 pocket folder (red, yellow, green, blue)
1 pack white copy paper
1 box of baby wipes


1 pack of colored copied paper
1 Dry Erase Board Cleaner


1 pack of multi colored dry erase markers
1 bottle of hand sanitizer
Print Hans Christian Andersen Elementary
Second Grade School Supplies List

Brevard Academic Calendar 2022-2023

Hans Christian Andersen Elementary
Third Grade School Supplies List

3 packs (of 24) #2 yellow wooden pencils (only) - sharpened
4 packs of 10 pack pencil top erasers
2 pkg. wide ruled loose notebook paper
8 folders (2 pocket, 3 prongs - 1 red, 1 orange, 3 yellow, 1 green, 1 blue, and 1 purple) - No plastic folders please
2 yellow highlighters
1 box crayons (24 count only)
1 pkg. colored pencils (12 count) (no markers please)
1 4 oz. bottle glue (no glue sticks)
1 large zippered pencil pouch at least 6" x 9" (no boxes)
1 pair of student Fiskar scissors (pointed tip)
3 boxes of tissue
1 composition book
1 spiral wide ruled notebook
4 Dry Erase markers (broad tip EXPO brand)

1 pkg. of 3 X 5 index cards
1 box gallon-size zipper-style bags
1 bottle (8 - 10 oz.) sanitizer


1 pkg. of 5 x 8 index cards
1 box sandwich-size zipper-style bags
1 box band-aids


Donations gladly accepted of the following:

plastic cups
baby wipes
ream of colored copy paper

Most supplies are collected and distributed as needed. Please do not put name on supplies.
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Third Grade School Supplies List

Brevard Academic Calendar 2022-2023

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Hans Christian Andersen Elementary
Fourth Grade School Supplies List

2 packages wide-ruled notebook paper
4 composition books (no spirals, please)
2 plastic two pocket/three prong folders in any solid color
1 Bottle of Elmer's glue or glue stick
4 packages of #2 pencils (24 count) - No Mechanical Pencils
4 boxes of cap erasers
1 plastic pencil box
3 large boxes of tissues
1 large bottle of hand sanitizer
1 Box of Band-Aids

Optional Items:

Coffee filters
Baby wipes
Paper plates (plain, white-cheap)
Paper towels


1 package of thick dry erase markers
1 box of crayons (24 count)
1 box of gallon size bags


1 package of thin dry erase markers
1 box of colored pencils
2 boxes of quart size baggies
Print Hans Christian Andersen Elementary
Fourth Grade School Supplies List

Brevard Academic Calendar 2022-2023

Hans Christian Andersen Elementary
Fifth Grade School Supplies List

2 packages wide-ruled notebook paper (200/ea.)
4 black/white composition books
3 packages #2 yellow wooden pencils (24/ea.)
1 box crayons or colored pencils (24/ea.)
1 package dry erase markers
2 highlighters (color of your choice)
2 glue sticks
2 pkgs. pencil cap erasers
4 pocket and prong (blue, red, green, purple) folders
1 Box of Tissue

Optional Classroom Donations:

AA or AAA batteries (for use with classroom technology in Enos classrooms)
Ziploc bags
Baby wipes
Copy paper
Sharpie Markers
Hand Sanitizer
*Students will work on several projects during 5th grade. Having access to a flash drive may be helpful for students to keep organized as they work between home and school. Projects won’t begin for several weeks into the school year.

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Fifth Grade School Supplies List

Brevard Academic Calendar 2022-2023

Hans Christian Andersen Elementary
Sixth Grade School Supplies List

4 blue or black pens (no gel or click pens)
4 red pens
2 pkgs. 12 count #2 pencils
4 composition books (Corbit/Michaels)
1 composition books, 4 spiral notebooks (Albright/Keller)
1 pair of sharp fiskars scissors
2 boxes of colored pencils (set no larger than 12)
6 inch ruler with metric and inches (No 12" rulers)
1 box of Kleenex (family size)
3 highlighters
1 pencil bag (NO BOXES)
5 pkgs. Loose-leaf paper (200 ct. wide ruled)
3 glue sticks
1 pack of 3 x 5 cards

(Corbit/Michaels)-Ten folders (2 pocket/3 prongs) in the following colors: (orange, green, blue, red, yellow, purple, and 4 folders (your choice of color)

(Albright/Keller)- 3 folders any color (2 pocket/3 prong) Individual manual pencil sharpener with case to collect shavings Graph paper (4 squares per inch; no holes or spirals)

1 ream of copy paper
1 pocket thesaurus and dictionary
1 box quart size Ziploc bag
1 box gallon size Ziploc bag
1 Medium size hand sanitizer
2 gigs or higher jump drive (highly suggested)
2 fine point black Sharpies

The following donations to classes are appreciated:

Craft Glue Quick Dry
Paper Plates
Plastic Ware
Paper Towels
Medium Point Sharpies
Print Hans Christian Andersen Elementary
Sixth Grade School Supplies List

Brevard Academic Calendar 2022-2023

Hans Christian Andersen Elementary
Print Hans Christian Andersen Elementary
Seventh Grade School Supplies List

Brevard Academic Calendar 2022-2023

Hans Christian Andersen Elementary
Print Hans Christian Andersen Elementary
Eighth Grade School Supplies List

Brevard Academic Calendar 2022-2023