Hickory Elementary
School Supplies List 2024-2025
Back to School Supply Shopping List for Hickory Elementary
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School Name: | Hickory Elementary |
Mailing Address: | 109 Benefit Road Chesapeake, VA 23322-2338 |
School District: | Chesapeake City Pblc Schs |
County: | Chesapeake City |
District Calendar: |
Hickory Elementary Chesapeake City Pblc Schs District Insructional Calendar for 2024-2025 Hickory Elementary Chesapeake City Pblc Schs District Insructional Calendar for 2023-2024 Hickory Elementary Chesapeake City Pblc Schs District Insructional Calendar for 2022-2023 Hickory Elementary Chesapeake City Pblc Schs District Insructional Calendar for 2021-2022 |
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To update this School Supply List for Hickory Elementary please send us an email including a updated supply list to: Thank you!
School Supply Lists in the Post Covid-19 World! |
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Hickory Elementary Kindergarten School Supplies List We are looking forward to meeting you and starting our year together! Here are a few things you will need for the upcoming school year. You may bring the following items with you to the meet and greet held prior to the opening of school so that we can get the supplies in place for the first day of school. Hope you are excited for the year to begin! 1 backpack NO ROLLING BOOKBAGS 3 prong-2 packet folders 3 folders (1 red, 1 blue, 1 yellow) 1 pair of scissors (Fiskar brand holds up very well) 1 boxes of tissues 12 Glue Sticks (white works better than purple) 1 Hand sanitizer (1 container) 1 box of baby wipes 2 24 pack of crayons (Crayola work well) 1 8 pack of markers (Crayola work well) 1 Zip-loc bags Girls = Sandwich size Boys = Gallon size The following items are used in the classroom. If you would like to donate these items that would be greatly appreciated! Glue Bottles (Elmer's works well) Box of #2 Pencils You will need many of these same items at home in order to complete your assignments. Everything will be community items used at their tables so names are not needed on each individual item. If you would put your child's items into a bag and put their name on it so that way we can check off who has brought in their supplies. We look forward to seeing you soon. Print Hickory Elementary Kindergarten School Supplies List Chesapeake City Pblc Schs District Calendar 2024-2025 Chesapeake City Pblc Schs District Calendar 2023-2024 Chesapeake City Pblc Schs District Calendar 2022-2023 Chesapeake City Pblc Schs District Calendar 2021-2022 |
Hickory Elementary First Grade School Supplies List First grade will be so exciting! You will learn how to read. Reading is so much fun! You will also learn how to find out about many things. When you come to school, you will need to bring the following supplies for the first nine weeks. These supplies will be shared with our classroom community. Please do not label the supplies. 1 regular size backpack with NO wheels 24 glue sticks 1 pair scissors (Fiskar brand hold up very well.) 1 box of tissues for classroom use 2 boxes of crayons (at least 16 count ) 2 yellow highlighter markers 2 pedigree pink eraser (rectangle shape), no novelty erasers, (Magic Rub works well.) 1 Hand sanitizer 24 pencils #2 yellow with erasers (Ticonderoga sharpen well) 2 Black & White Composition notebooks 1 Box Wipes 1 box snack size ziplock bags We recommend a small change purse or money holder for lunch money. Please bring the above supplies with you when you come for the first "MEET AND GREET" meeting just before school starts in September. You will need many of these same supplies at home to do homework assignments. Please do not bring trapper keepers, three-ring binders, or clipboards, as these things will not fit in the desks. Print Hickory Elementary First Grade School Supplies List Chesapeake City Pblc Schs Academic Calendar2024-2025 Chesapeake City Pblc Schs Academic Calendar2023-2024 Chesapeake City Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Chesapeake City Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2021-2022 |
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Hickory Elementary Second Grade School Supplies List Welcome to Second Grade! We hope you have a nice summer and enjoy your break from school. We are planning many interesting and exciting things for you next year. The supplies you will need for second grade are: 3 Black and White Composition Notebooks (wide-ruled - no spirals) 1 Package Loose-leaf wide-ruled Notebook Paper (100 - 200 count unopened) ** Because of desk space, please do not bring 3-ring notebooks or Trapper-Keepers. 5 Pocket Folders with Bottom Pockets (and brad fasteners) 2 Large Boxes of Tissues 1 Plastic Pencil School Box 24 Sharpened #2 Pencils (solid colored pencils sharpen best in school sharpeners.) 24 Count Box of Crayons (no larger boxes) 4 Large glue sticks (Buy in quantity - they are used up quickly) 2 Highlighter Marker (any color) 2 Large Pencil Eraser 1 Box Sandwich Ziploc Bags 1 Box Gallon size Ziploc Bags 2 Red Pens 1 Paif of Scissors (Fiskars brand hold up very well) 1 Ruler NO BOOKBAGS WITH WHEELS Be sure to put your name on your school supplies. We know second grade will be a great year for all of us. See you in September!!! Print Hickory Elementary Second Grade School Supplies List Chesapeake City Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Chesapeake City Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Chesapeake City Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Chesapeake City Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2021-2022 |
Hickory Elementary Third Grade School Supplies List Welcome to 3rd Grade! We hope you have a great summer and will be ready to come back to school. We are looking forward to seeing you in September. When you return to school, you will need to bring the following supplies: 2 packs of 10 count #2 pencils 2 packs of 150 count WIDE rule notebook paper 10 glue sticks 4 composition notebooks (black & white marble covers, with stitched spine) 1 box of 16 count crayons 1 Pair of school scissors 1 bottle of liquid soap/hand sanitizer 2 boxes of tissues for class use 4 red ink pens 1 large pink eraser 3 portfolio folders (with 2 inside bottom pockets) 4 yellow highlighter markers 1 Pkg colored pencils (eight pencils) 1 Pkg fine tip markers (eight markers) 1 pencil pouch (a small school box works best) 1 2 inch 3 ring binder (No Larger, No Zippered Binders) 1 set of dividers for binder No Rolling Backpacks No Mechanical Pencils Do not bring Trapper Keepers, other large ring notebooks, or large school boxes as they will not fit in the desks. See you in September. Enjoy your summer. Print Hickory Elementary Third Grade School Supplies List Chesapeake City Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Chesapeake City Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Chesapeake City Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Chesapeake City Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2021-2022 |
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Hickory Elementary Fourth Grade School Supplies List We would like to take this opportunity to welcome your child to the fourth grade. We have an exciting year ahead of us. We will be exploring and studying many topics. Although this year will be an exciting one for your child, it will also be a year of transition. Fourth graders are now beginning the upper elementary level of their education. Please encourage them by helping them accept responsibility, develop good organizational skills, and practice good study habits. The supplies your child will need for fourth grade are as follows: 1 2" three ring binder (zipper binders recommended) with 7 subject dividers. Please label; Homework, Math, Spelling, Reading, Language, Science and Social Studies. (Place 10 sheets of notebook paper per section.) 1 Back Pack 1 Dozen of #2 pencils 1 Box of colored pencils 3 Pocket Folders (no prongs) 3 Composition notebook 1 Crayons 1 Pkg Glue Sticks 1 Pkg Highlighters 2 packets of Wide Rule notebook paper 1 Zipper Pencil Pouch to hold supplies (or large heavy-duty ziplock bags (No Pencils Boxes, please.) 1 Pkg red pens 1 Pair of scissors 1 Box tissues 1 Hand Sanitizer 1 Baby Wipes Please have these materials with you on the first day of school and every day thereafter. We are looking forward to seeing you in September. Have a safe summer! Print Hickory Elementary Fourth Grade School Supplies List Chesapeake City Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Chesapeake City Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Chesapeake City Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Chesapeake City Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2021-2022 |
Hickory Elementary Fifth Grade School Supplies List Congratulations on completing a successful year in fourth grade. We know you are looking forward to your summer vacation. When you come back to school in September for fifth grade, there are some supplies you will be needing. They are as follows: 1 Pkg loose-leaf paper wide rule 200 sheets 1 2" inch 3-ring binder with 8 index dividers 1 Pkg #2 pencils (at least two regular pencils every day all year; in addition to any mechanical pencils) 2 highlighters for writing process 1 Pkg colored pencils ( 8 count) - minimum 2 red ink pens for checking papers (pen, not marker) 2 pocket folders 1 Pair of scissors 1 Pkg Glue sticks 1 box or pouch in which to keep supplies 1 ruler (measuring both eights of inches and centimeters- no sixteenths) 1 protractor (clear) 2 boxes of tissues (to be used by the entire class) 1 bottle of hand sanitizer 8 single subject spiral notebooks 1 pkg. of notecards 3X5 You will need most of these items on the first day of school and THROUGHOUT THE SCHOOL YEAR. We are anxious to meet you and look forward to working with you next year. Have a nice summer! Print Hickory Elementary Fifth Grade School Supplies List Chesapeake City Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Chesapeake City Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Chesapeake City Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Chesapeake City Pblc Schs Academic Calendar 2021-2022 |