Holbrook Elementary School
School Supplies List 2024-2025
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Holbrook Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List 2 Glue sticks 24 #2 American wood pencils* 6 Jumbo pencils 1 Supply box 3 Boxes crayons (24 count, Crayola) 2 Boxes facial tissue (200 count, Kleenex-brand) 1 Ream, 500 sheets, computer printer paper 2 Waterless gel hand sanitizer - 8 oz 2 Pink pearl erasers 1 3-ring binder (1.5 inches across spine) 1 Spiral notebook, 70 pages, WIDE-RULED 6 Plastic folder with brads and pockets 1 Box of gallon ZIPLOC bags Print Holbrook Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2024-2025 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2023-2024 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2022-2023 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2021-2022 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
Holbrook Elementary School First Grade School Supplies List 1 Pkg construction paper (9" x 12", assorted colors, no tablets) 1 Pkg manila paper (12" x 18", no tablets) 1 Glue bottles (4 oz, white) 84 #2 American wood pencils* 3 Boxes crayons (24 count, Crayola) 3 boxes facial tissue (200 count, Kleenex-brand) 1 Ream, 500 sheets, computer printer paper 1 waterless gel hand sanitizer - 8 oz 3 White erasers 8 Pocket folders with brads - different solid colors 1 Notebook paper WIDE RULE* 4 Spiral composition notebooks, 70 pages, WIDE RULE 1 Box gallon size Ziploc bags Print Holbrook Elementary School First Grade School Supplies List Cypress-fairbanks Isd Academic Calendar2024-2025 Cypress-fairbanks Isd Academic Calendar2023-2024 Cypress-fairbanks Isd Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Cypress-fairbanks Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
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Holbrook Elementary School Second Grade School Supplies List 2 Pkg construction paper (9" x 12", assorted colors, no tablets) 2 Pkg manila paper (12" x 18", no tablets) 2 Glue bottles (4 oz, white) 84 #2 American wood pencils* 3 Boxes crayons (24 count, Crayola) 1 box Crayola markers (8 count, large) 2 Yellow highlighter pens 2 boxes facial tissue (200 count, Kleenex-brand) 1 Ream, 500 sheets, computer printer paper 1 waterless gel hand sanitizer (8 oz.) 4 Pink pearl erasers 6 Pocket folders with brads - different solid colors 2 3-ring binder (1.5 inches across spine) 2 Notebook paper WIDE RULE* 4 notebook (Mead composition #09919, hard back, WIDE RULE) 2 Spiral composition notebooks, 70 pages, WIDE RULE 2 Plastic folder with brads and pockets 2 Boxes gallon size Ziploc bags Print Holbrook Elementary School Second Grade School Supplies List Cypress-fairbanks Isd Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Cypress-fairbanks Isd Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Cypress-fairbanks Isd Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Cypress-fairbanks Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
Holbrook Elementary School Third Grade School Supplies List 1 Pkg construction paper (9" x 12", assorted colors, no tablets) 1 Pkg manila paper (12" x 18", no tablets) 1 Glue bottles (4 oz, white) 4 Glue sticks 84 #2 American wood pencils* 2 Boxes crayons (24 count, Crayola) 1 box Crayola markers (8 count, large) 3 boxes facial tissue (200 count, Kleenex-brand) 1 Ream, 500 sheets, computer printer paper 1 waterless gel hand sanitizer (8 oz.) 3 Pink pearl erasers 5 Pocket folders with brads - different solid colors 1 3-ring binder (1.5 inches across spine) 3 Notebook paper WIDE RULE* 2 notebook (Mead composition #09919, hard back, WIDE RULE) Print Holbrook Elementary School Third Grade School Supplies List Cypress-fairbanks Isd Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Cypress-fairbanks Isd Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Cypress-fairbanks Isd Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Cypress-fairbanks Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
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Holbrook Elementary School Fourth Grade School Supplies List 1 Pkg construction paper (9" x 12", assorted colors, no tablets) 1 Pkg manila paper (12" x 18", no tablets) 1 Glue bottles (4 oz, white) 4 Glue sticks 84 #2 American wood pencils* 1 Boxes crayons (24 count, Crayola) 1 box Crayola markers (8 count, large) 1 Yellow highlighter pens 2 boxes facial tissue (200 count, Kleenex-brand) 1 Ream, 500 sheets, computer printer paper 1 waterless gel hand sanitizer (8 oz.) 4 Pink pearl erasers 5 Pocket folders with brads - different solid colors 2 3-ring binder (1.5 inches across spine) 2 Notebook paper WIDE RULE* 2 notebook (Mead composition #09919, hard back, WIDE RULE) 2 Spiral composition notebooks, 70 pages, WIDE RULE 1 3-hole punch plastic pocket folder for binder 1 Pkg of five tab dividers 2 Dry erase markers Print Holbrook Elementary School Fourth Grade School Supplies List Cypress-fairbanks Isd Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Cypress-fairbanks Isd Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Cypress-fairbanks Isd Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Cypress-fairbanks Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
Holbrook Elementary School Fifth Grade School Supplies List 1 Pkg construction paper (9" x 12", assorted colors, no tablets) 1 Pkg manila paper (12" x 18", no tablets) 2 Glue bottles (4 oz, white) 84 #2 American wood pencils* 1 Boxes crayons (24 count, Crayola) 2 box Crayola markers (8 count, large) 1 Yellow highlighter pens 3 boxes facial tissue (200 count, Kleenex-brand) 1 Ream, 500 sheets, computer printer paper 2 waterless gel hand sanitizer (8 oz.) 1 White eraser 7 Pocket folders with brads - different solid colors 1 3-ring binder (1.5 inches across spine) 1 Notebook paper WIDE RULE* 1 Pencil bag with 3 holes 6 Spiral composition notebooks, 70 pages, WIDE RULE 4 3-hole punch plastic pocket folder for binder Print Holbrook Elementary School Fifth Grade School Supplies List Cypress-fairbanks Isd Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Cypress-fairbanks Isd Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Cypress-fairbanks Isd Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Cypress-fairbanks Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Cypress-fairbanks Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |