Magnet School of Innovation and Applied Learning
School Supplies List 2024-2025

Go Lions!

Our educational mission is to create a community of active learners, enabling our students to reach their full intellectual potential and enabling us to foster a learning environment, which will help in the development of 21st Century skills. These include critical thinking, information management and literacy skills, problem solving and working together cooperatively and collaboratively in as inclusive an environment as possible. This will be accomplished through the collaborative efforts of conscientious students, involved parents, supportive community members and a dedicated staff in our individual academies. IS145Q is a diverse, collaborative school community. Through utilizing the advantages of working in small learning communities, and coming together in celebration as a whole school, we are dedicated to achieving high standards of academic excellence for ALL of our students.

Mega Bulk Back to School General Supply Bundle Kit - 70 + Items

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School Name: Magnet School of Innovation and Applied Learning  
Mailing Address: 33-34 80th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11372  
School District: New York City Geographic District #30  
County: Queens  
District Calendar: Magnet School of Innovation and Applied Learning New York City Geographic District #30 District Insructional Calendar for 2024-2025
Magnet School of Innovation and Applied Learning New York City Geographic District #30 District Insructional Calendar for 2021-2022
Magnet School of Innovation and Applied Learning New York City Geographic District #30 District Insructional Calendar for 2020-2021

To update this School Supply List for Magnet School of Innovation and Applied Learning please send us an email including a updated supply list to:

[email protected]

Thank you!

School Supply Lists in the Post Covid-19 World!
Clean, Label, and Store - No Sharing! Mask Up!


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Magnet School of Innovation and Applied Learning

6th Grade School Supplies List

  • 5 Pens and 5 #2 Sharpened Pencils and a PENCIL CASE
  • 1 Pencil Sharpener with shaving container
  • 1 3-Ring Loose leaf Binder with Binder Dividers (8 1/2" x 11")
  • 1 package of loose leaf
  • 6 Marble Notebooks (1 per subject). You might want to purchase more if they are on sale to fill your child's needs during the year.
  • 1 Quad Notebook for Graphing (Math)
  • 1 Pocket Dictionary and 1 Bilingual Dictionary (English/Spanish)
  • 1 12-Inch Ruler that has three holes (centimeters/inches) and 1 Protractor
  • 4 Highlighters (different colors)
Print Magnet School of Innovation and Applied Learning
Sixth Grade School Supplies List

New York City Geographic District #30 Academic Calendar 2024-2025
New York City Geographic District #30 Academic Calendar 2021-2022
New York City Geographic District #30 District Calendar 2020-2021

Magnet School of Innovation and Applied Learning

7th Grade School Supplies List

  • 5 Pens and 5 #2 Sharpened Pencils and a PENCIL CASE
  • 1 Pencil Sharpener with shaving container
  • 1 3-Ring Loose leaf Binder with Binder Dividers (8 1/2" x 11")
  • 1 package of loose leaf
  • 6 Marble Notebooks (1 per subject). You might want to purchase more if they are on sale to fill your child's needs during the year.
  • 1 Quad Notebook for Graphing (Math)
  • 1 Pocket Dictionary and 1 Bilingual Dictionary (English/Spanish)
  • 1 12-Inch Ruler that has three holes (centimeters/inches) and 1 Protractor
  • 4 Highlighters (different colors)
Print Magnet School of Innovation and Applied Learning
Seventh Grade School Supplies List

New York City Geographic District #30 Academic Calendar 2024-2025
New York City Geographic District #30 Academic Calendar 2021-2022
New York City Geographic District #30 District Calendar 2020-2021

Magnet School of Innovation and Applied Learning

8th Grade School Supplies List

  • 5 Pens and 5 #2 Sharpened Pencils and a PENCIL CASE
  • 1 Pencil Sharpener with shaving container
  • 1 3-Ring Loose leaf Binder with Binder Dividers (8 1/2" x 11")
  • 1 package of loose leaf
  • 6 Marble Notebooks (1 per subject). You might want to purchase more if they are on sale to fill your child's needs during the year.
  • 1 Quad Notebook for Graphing (Math)
  • 1 Pocket Dictionary and 1 Bilingual Dictionary (English/Spanish)
  • 1 12-Inch Ruler that has three holes (centimeters/inches) and 1 Protractor
  • 4 Highlighters (different colors)
Print Magnet School of Innovation and Applied Learning
Eighth Grade School Supplies List

New York City Geographic District #30 Academic Calendar 2024-2025
New York City Geographic District #30 Academic Calendar 2021-2022
New York City Geographic District #30 District Calendar 2020-2021