Indian Hills Elementary School
School Supplies List 2024-2025

Mega Bulk Back to School General Supply Bundle Kit - 70 + Items

Back to School Supply Shopping List for Indian Hills Elementary School

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School Name: Indian Hills Elementary School  
Mailing Address: 6800 Indian Hills Drive North Little Rock, AR 72116-5330  
School District: N. Little Rock School District  
County: Pulaski  
District Calendar:  

To update this School Supply List for Indian Hills Elementary School please send us an email including a updated supply list to:

[email protected]

Thank you!

School Supply Lists in the Post Covid-19 World!
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Indian Hills Elementary School
Kindergarten School Supplies List

Writers Journal -1 (Purchase from School)
Mesh or Clear Backpack
School Box - 1 8 1/2 x 5 x 2 1/2
Clear or Mesh Backpack - 1
Large Block Eraser - 1
Heavy Plastic Folder with pocket and no fastners (solid color) - 2
Kleenex - 1 Large Box
#2 pencils - 12 yellow
Fiskar Safety Scissors - 1
White Elmer's Glue - 4 - 4oz (no gel, colored, glitter, no run etc.)
Copy Paper for handwriting - 1 ream
Crayola Crayons 8 or 10 count (Classic Colors only / not leg.) - 4

The following items are optional:

Quart Size Zip lock Freezer Bags - 1 box
Gallon Size Zip lock Freezer Bags - 1 box
Index cards - 1 package
Watercolor paint set
Glue Sticks
Hand Sanitizer
Wet Wipes
Print Indian Hills Elementary School
Kindergarten School Supplies List

Indian Hills Elementary School
1st Grade School Supplies List

Mesh or Clear Backpack
Crayola Crayons - 4 boxes ( 24 count only)
Scissors - 1 pair (Fiskar)
Kleenex - 3 large boxes
#2 Pencils - 2 boxes of 20- yellow
Spiral Notebooks - 6 (70 -80 pages) One of each color: Red, Yellow, Green.
Blue, Purple, Black
Elmer's Glue - 3 (7oz bottle)
Watercolors - 1
Small School Box - 1
Folder with/prongs & pockets- 5
One of each color: Red,Yellow,Blue,Purple,Green
Hand Sanitizer - 2
GIRLS ONLY - Gallon Zip lock bags - 1
BOYS ONLY - Quart Zip lock bags - 1
Cap Erasers - 20
Ream of copy paper
Baby wipes - 1 box
1st Grade Writing Tablets -10 (Purchase from School)
Print Indian Hills Elementary School
First Grade School Supplies List

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Indian Hills Elementary School
2nd Grade School Supplies List

Glue Sticks - 5
Kleenex - 2 boxes
#2 pencils - 2 boxes of 20
Cap erasers -2 boxes
Folders with pockets and brads, paper folders not plastic -10
(folders cont. 2 of each color -red, purple, blue, yellow, orange)
12 ruler with metric and inch measurements -1 "
Wide ruled notebook paper - 5 packs
Crayons 16 count - 2 boxes
Small pencil bag with zipper -
Student Scissors
Mesh or clear backpack
3 1/2 x 5 Index cards -2 packages
GIRLS ONLY -snack size baggies - 1 box
Hand Sanitizer - 1 bottle
Spiral note books - 2
Pens - 2 of each color Red - Black
1 3 Ring Binder "
Hand Writing Tablet -
Print Indian Hills Elementary School
Second Grade School Supplies List

Indian Hills Elementary School
3rd Grade School Supplies List

Crayons 24 count - 2 boxes
Pointed Scissors - 1 pair
Wide Ruled Notebook Paper - 3 packages
Student Planner ( Purchase at School)
Elmer's Glue - 1 4oz bottle
Spiral notebooks - 3 (70 pages) and 3 (120 pages)
Red Ink Pens - 2
Blue Ink Pens - 2
Black Ink Pens - 2
#2 Pencils - 24
Kleenex - 2 large boxes
Folders with Pockets & Brads - 6 total
cont. ( blue,green,yellow,red,orange,purple)
Highlighters - 2

Optional Items :

1 ream of copy paper
Gallon Zip lock Bags
Hand sanitizer
baby wipes
NO: Trapper Keepers or Mechanical Pencils
Print Indian Hills Elementary School
Third Grade School Supplies List

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Indian Hills Elementary School
4th Grade School Supplies

1 inch 3 ring binder - 1
Sturdy scissors - 1
#2 pencils - 2 Box (20 count)
Cap erasers - 1 package
Individual, non - mechanical pencil sharpener - 1
Graph paper tablet - 1
Folders with pockets & brads - 5
Note book paper ( 200 count) - 6 packages
Dividers with tabs - 7
Glue stick - 1
Highlighters - 1 package
Washable markers - 1 set
16 count crayons - 1 box
Kleenex - 4 large boxes
12 inch ruler with metric & inch measurements - 1
Small supply box or pouch -
Student planner (Purchase at School)
Clear or Mesh Backpack - 1
Composition Notebooks -3
Optional: Hand sanitizer
Print Indian Hills Elementary School
Fourth Grade School Supplies List

Indian Hills Elementary School
5th Grade School Supplies

#2 Pencils - 1 package (Can be mechanical)
Folders with Pockets & Brads 3 total -one of each color: Yellow,Blue,Purple
Protractor - 1
Small Supply Box - 1
Mesh or Clear Backpack -1
16 Count Crayons -1
Pens - 6 total - 2 of each color: Black, Blue, Red
Scissors - 1 pair
Kleenex - 3 large boxes
Wide Line Notebook Paper - 5 packages
12" Ruler with Metric & Inch Measurements - 1
Markers - 1 box
Spiral Notebooks - 2 (Red,Green)
Accordion filer with 5 dividers - 1
Highlighters - 2
Composition Notebook 100pg
Zipper Pouch
1/2 inch BLACK 3 ring binder - 1
Package of 5 dividers for 3 ring binder
Student Planner (Purchase at the School)
Optional: Hand Sanitizer
Print Indian Hills Elementary School
Fifth Grade School Supplies List