Lakewood Elementary School
School Supplies List 2024-2025
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School Name: | Lakewood Elementary School |
Mailing Address: | 1800 Fairway Drive North Little Rock, AR 72116-8304 |
School District: | N. Little Rock School District |
County: | Pulaski |
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Lakewood Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List 1 Spiral notebook - 70 sheets 2 Box Crayons - (no florescent crayons) - 8, 16, or 24 count 2 Elmers school glue NO PASTE!! NO GLUE STICKS!! NO GEL!! 1 Large Box Kleenex tissue 4 #2 pencils - Sharpened - Regular Size 1 Set water colors - PRANG or CRAYOLA - 8 Color Set 1 Scissors (NOT POINTED) Fiskars are best!! 1 Set of Washable Markers 1 Plastic School Box 1 Box of Wet Wipes 1 Hand Soap/Sanitizer OPTIONAL: Large Ziploc bags Small & Large Paper Plates Small Ziploc bags Brown Lunch Sacks ONLY CLEAR OR MESH BACKPACKS ARE ALLOWED BY THE NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT. PLEASE WRITE YOUR CHILD'S NAME ON EACH ITEM WITH A PERMANENT MARKER. STUDENTS WILL NEED TO REPLENISH SUPPLIES AS NEEDED. WHEN SENDING MONEY WITH YOUR STUDENT TO SCHOOL, PLEASE PUT IT IN AN ENVELOPE WITH YOUR CHILD'S NAME ON IT. Print Lakewood Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List |
Lakewood Elementary School 1st Grade School Supplies List 1 Scissors 2 Elmer's school glue (NO PASTE) 2 Boxes Kleenex Tissue (Large box) 1 Package Markers - Washable 4 Boxes Crayons - 16 COUNT ONLY (1 for each Nine Weeks) 1 Set Watercolors 4 Spiral Notebooks Glue Stick Package #2 Pencils - YELLOW ONLY!! Black or Blue Ink Pen 1 Yellow Highlighter 2 Pocket Folders w/ Brads 1 White Poster Board Cap Erasers OPTIONAL: Liquid Soap or Hand Sanitizer Ziplock Bags Index Cards (3"x5") ONLY CLEAR OR MESH BACKPACKS ARE ALLOWED BY THE NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT. PLEASE WRITE YOUR CHILD'S NAME ON EACH ITEM WITH A PERMANENT MARKER. STUDENTS WILL NEED TO REPLENISH SUPPLIES AS NEEDED. WHEN SENDING MONEY WITH YOUR STUDENT TO SCHOOL, PLEASE PUT IT IN AN ENVELOPE WITH YOUR CHILD'S NAME ON IT. Print Lakewood Elementary School First Grade School Supplies List |
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Lakewood Elementary School 2nd Grade School Supplies List 1 Box Crayons - 24 count 1 Package Markers - Washable 1 Watercolors 1 Scissors 1 Bottle School Glue 8 Spiral Notebooks - Wide-Ruled (1 green; 1 blue; 2 red; 4 your choice) 8 #2 Pencils - YELLOW ONLY 1 Block Eraser 1 Small School Box - No Larger than 8" x 6" 4 Pocket folder 1 Kleenex - Large box 1 Ruler 1 Package Wide-Ruled Notebook Paper 1 Yellow Highlighter 4 Red Ink Pens 4 Black Ink Pens 1 Handwriting Tablet (MUST be purchased in school store.) 1 Hand Sanitizer 1 Gallon or Quart-size Ziplock Bags 1 Package Lined 3x5 Index Cards 2 Packages Yellow Post-It Notes (3" x 3") ONLY CLEAR OR MESH BACKPACKS ARE ALLOWED BY THE NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT. PLEASE WRITE YOUR CHILD'S NAME ON EACH ITEM WITH A PERMANENT MARKER. STUDENTS WILL NEED TO REPLENISH SUPPLIES AS NEEDED. WHEN SENDING MONEY WITH YOUR STUDENT TO SCHOOL, PLEASE PUT IT IN AN ENVELOPE WITH YOUR CHILD'S NAME ON IT. Print Lakewood Elementary School Second Grade School Supplies List |
Lakewood Elementary School 3rd Grade School Supplies List 3 Package Loose leaf Paper - Wide Ruled White 1 Package Loose leaf Paper - Wide Ruled Colored 1 Liquid Soap 1 Hand Sanitizer 1 Package of Colored Pencils (12 Count only) 3 Hand held eraser - white only 2 Package of #2 Pencils - Yellow #2 only (24 or more) 1 Scissors - sharp 2 Bottle liquid glue (White Only) 1 Box Crayons - 24 count or 48 count only 1 Daily assignment notebook (MUST be purchased in school store) 3 Boxes Kleenex tissue 1 Pkg. Cap Erasers 1 Disinfectant Wipes 1 Package of Yellow Highlighters 1 Clipboard Optional Items: Art Tablet Paper Towels Sandwich Size Ziplock Bags Gallon Size Ziplock Bags NO TRAPPER KEEPER NO MARKERS OR WATER COLORS NO PENCIL BOXES NO NOTEBOOKS OR FOLDERS WITH DESIGNS!!! TEACHER WILL SEND AN ADDITIONAL SUPPLY LIST THE FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL. ONLY CLEAR OR MESH BACKPACKS ARE ALLOWED BY THE NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT. PLEASE WRITE YOUR CHILD'S NAME ON EACH ITEM WITH A PERMANENT MARKER. DO NOT PUT NAMES ON PENCILS. THEY WILL BE HELD WITH THE TEACHER IN A CENTRAL LOCATION. STUDENTS WILL NEED TO REPLENISH SUPPLIES AS NEEDED. WHEN SENDING MONEY WITH YOUR STUDENT TO SCHOOL, PLEASE PUT IT IN AN ENVELOPE WITH YOUR CHILD'S NAME ON IT. Print Lakewood Elementary School Third Grade School Supplies List |
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Lakewood Elementary School 4th Grade School Supplies DO NOT BUY FOLDERS - TEACHER WILL PROVIDE FOLDERS 3 Packages loose leaf notebook paper - wide ruled #2 Pencils - Mechanical Pencils or Plain Yellow Scissors with sharp points Glue Stick - 2 Elmer's Glue Crayons - 2 24 Count Box Kleenex - 3 Large Daily Assignment Notebook (MUST be purchased in school store) 2 Spiral Notebooks - 70 pages Watercolors - 12 to 24 Colors Colored Pencils (24 or larger count) Clipboard Highlighter Markers Index Cards 3 x 5 Pencil Sharpener that hold pencil shavings. Post-It Notes (standard size) Clorox Wipes Optional Items: 1 Package Quart/Gallon Size Ziplock Baggies NO Trapper Keepers ONLY CLEAR OR MESH BACKPACKS ARE ALLOWED BY THE NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT. PLEASE WRITE YOUR CHILD'S NAME ON EACH ITEM WITH A PERMANENT MARKER. STUDENTS WILL NEED TO REPLENISH SUPPLIES AS NEEDED. WHEN SENDING MONEY WITH YOUR STUDENT TO SCHOOL, PLEASE PUT IT IN AN ENVELOPE WITH YOUR CHILD'S NAME ON IT. Print Lakewood Elementary School Fourth Grade School Supplies List |
Lakewood Elementary School 5th Grade School Supplies NO TRAPPER KEEPERS OR BINDERS NO SPIRAL NOTEBOOKS Loose leaf notebook paper - wide ruled - 3 packages 1 Pearl Eraser 1 Set of 8 Dividers 12 #2 Pencils - Sharpened Scissors - 8" Adult Glue Sticks Markers and Crayons Ruler (inches and centimeters) Daily assignment notebook (MUST be purchased in school store) 2-Large box Kleenex Highlighter Hand-Held Pencil Sharpener Small Art Supply Box Zipper pouch for pencils, etc. 2 7/8 x 2 7/8 Post-It Notes **Please do not purchase any spiral notebooks or folders.** Clorox Wipes ONLY CLEAR OR MESH BACKPACKS ARE ALLOWED BY THE NORTH LITTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT. NO ROLLING BACKPACKS!!! PLEASE WRITE YOUR CHILD'S NAME ON EACH ITEM WITH A PERMANENT MARKER. STUDENTS WILL NEED TO REPLENISH SUPPLIES AS NEEDED. WHEN SENDING MONEY WITH YOUR STUDENT TO SCHOOL, PLEASE PUT IT IN AN ENVELOPE WITH YOUR CHILD'S NAME ON IT. Print Lakewood Elementary School Fifth Grade School Supplies List |