Lawton M. Chiles Elementary School
School Supplies List 2024-2025
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School Name: | Lawton M. Chiles Elementary School |
Mailing Address: | 2525 Schoolhouse Road Gainesville, FL 32608-8645 |
School District: | Alachua |
County: | Alachua |
Physical Address: | 2525 Schoolhouse Rd Gainesville, FL 32608-8645 |
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Lawton M. Chiles Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List 1 Pkg Crayola Markers, skinny, original classic colors, 10 count 1 Pkg Crayola Crayons, standard size, 16 count 1 Pkg Crayola colored pencils, 16 count 8 Elmer's glue sticks, standard size (not large) 1 4oz bottle of Elmer's glue 1 pair Fiskars blunt-tipped scissors 1 box Ticonderoga #2 pencils 1 package of eraser caps 1 black and white marbled composition book 1 backpack (NO ROLLING BACKPACKS) $10 donation for miscellaneous classroom supplies Boys bring: Crayola Markers, standard size, original classic colors, 10 count 1 bottle of hand sanitizer (10 oz) roll of paper towels quart size Ziploc bags (freezer type preferred) Girls bring: 1 container of wet wipes (10oz) 1 box of tissues gallon size Ziploc bags (freezer type preferred) Print Lawton M. Chiles Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List |
Lawton M. Chiles Elementary School First Grade School Supplies List 1 box of 24 Crayola crayon 1 box of Crayola colored pencils 1 box of Crayola original fat, color markers (10 basic colors) 1 box of Crayola skinny markers (the basic colors listed above) 30 PRE-SHARPENED yellow pencils (Ticonderoga preferred) 10 glue sticks 2 4oz glue bottles 2 composition books (black and white marbled - no spirals) 1 pair of Fiskars blunt-tipped scissors 1 box of Kleenex 1 roll paper towels 1 bottle of hand sanitizer 2 pink pearl erasers (gum erasers) 2 Lysol or Clorox wipes $10.00 Donation for other misc. supplies Please do NOT label supplies. All supplies will be shared. Print Lawton M. Chiles Elementary School First Grade School Supplies List |
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Lawton M. Chiles Elementary School Second Grade School Supplies List 2 composition books (black and white marbled thread bound book)* 1 2-inch 3-ring notebook (binder) 1 pair of scissors (Fiskar) 1 pkg of glue sticks 1 large eraser 1 box of thin markers 1 box 24 Crayola crayons 1 pkg of sharpened pencils 1 pencil box 3-hole punch pencil pouch 1 box of tissues 1 bottle of hand sanitizing gel 1 container of cleansing wipes (Lysol, Clorox, etc.) 1 small shoulder backpack $10 donation (used to purchase additional classroom supplies) Students in the enrichment program need 3 composition books Print Lawton M. Chiles Elementary School Second Grade School Supplies List |
Lawton M. Chiles Elementary School Third Grade School Supplies List 1 3" ring heavy duty notebook with front and back pockets 1 pkg. notebook dividers with 5 tabs 1 3-hole punched pencil pouch 2 large packages of wide ruled notebook paper 1 one-subject wide ruled spiral notebook 1 composition book (black and white marbled - wide ruled book) 36 pencils #2 1 ink grading pen 1 glue stick 1 bottle hand sanitizer 1 box of 12 Crayola colored pencils 1 box of 8 broad tip Crayola markers 1 box of tissues (not a packet) 1 container of Clorox wipes 1 box of large or 1 box of small Hefty Ziplock baggies 1 backpack 1 roll of paper towels Print Lawton M. Chiles Elementary School Third Grade School Supplies List |
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Lawton M. Chiles Elementary School Fourth Grade School Supplies List 1 2-inch binder 1 notebook dividers for binder (5 tabs) 1 wide rule notebook paper 3 1-subject spiral bound notebooks 1 Package of marking pens for checking papers 1 Plastic pencil bag with holes to go in binder 1 set of Magic Markers 24 #2 Pencils 4 plain colored 3-hole folders with brads & pockets 1 box of tissues 1 backpack 1 instant-dry antibacterial gel $10 to cover the cost of miscellaneous supplies, certificates, rewards, treats for students. This may be sent in the form of cash or a check made out to LCES. Print Lawton M. Chiles Elementary School Fourth Grade School Supplies List |
Lawton M. Chiles Elementary School Fifth Grade School Supplies List 1 3-inch three ring notebook/binder 1 package of dividers with pockets 1 Three-ring pencil pouch for notebook/binder 1 pkg Loose leaf notebook paper-replenish as necessary 1 box of one dozen (12) sharpened #2 pencils-replenish as necessary NO MECHANICAL PENCILS 1 Grading pen for self-grading 4 composition notebooks NO SPIRAL NOTEBOOKS 1 Box of tissues (without lotion) 1 bottle of hand sanitizer for the classroom 1 Backpack 2 pocket folders with brads $20 supply fee (this Fall fee will pay for a 5th grade class T-shirt, a year subscription to Time For Kids, and perks party supplies) Print Lawton M. Chiles Elementary School Fifth Grade School Supplies List |