Longleaf Elementary School
School Supplies List 2024-2025
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Back to School Supply Shopping List for Longleaf Elementary School
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School Name: | Longleaf Elementary School |
Mailing Address: | 4290 N Wickham Road Melbourne, FL 32935-2476 |
School District: | Brevard |
County: | Brevard |
Physical Address: | 4290 N Wickham Rd Melbourne, FL 32935-2476 |
District Calendar: |
Longleaf Elementary School Brevard District Insructional Calendar for 2022-2023 |
Update: |
To update this School Supply List for Longleaf Elementary School please send us an email including a updated supply list to: Thank you!
School Supply Lists in the Post Covid-19 World! |
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Longleaf Elementary SchoolPre Kindergarten School Supplies List
1 Large water bottle each day labeled with your child's name. Please bring in a plastic storage bin 12 quart or larger for the classroom. (Please do not put your child's name on the container.) Snack donations are welcome on the first of each month, boxes, bags or individual snacks are appreciated. **A VPK provider may request a parent or child to voluntarily purchase or bring items to the VPK program, but may not require a parent or child to bring these items. Print Longleaf Elementary School Pre-Kindergarten School Supplies List Brevard District Calendar 2022-2023 |
Longleaf Elementary SchoolKindergarten School Supplies ListBelow is a list of materials your child will use in Kindergarten. Your donations help us meet your child's supply needs. By purchasing all of the items on the list, you will ensure your child will have enough supplies to last throughout the year. Please do not write your child's name on any items unless specified.
Optional additional supplies for Kindergarten classrooms:
Kindergarten School Supplies List Brevard District Calendar 2022-2023 |
Longleaf Elementary SchoolFirst Grade School Supplies ListBelow is the list of materials your child will utilize this school year. Your donations help us meet your child's supply needs. Thank you!
First Grade School Supplies List Brevard Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
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Longleaf Elementary SchoolSecond Grade School Supplies List48 sharpened pencils 12 glue sticks 2 plastic folders with bottom pocket 2 boxes of crayons 1 primary marbled composition book 2 highlighters 1 pair of scissors 1 large box of tissues 1 ream of white copy paper 4 dry erase markers any color 1 set of markers 1 pencil box 1 pack of eraser tops 1 pack of wide ruled notebook paper 1 bottle of Elmer's glue 1 ruler Boys: gallon bags box of bandaids Girls: quart sized plastic bags paper plates $3.00 for Second Grade Planner **Additional supplies may be requested by each teacher Print Longleaf Elementary School Second Grade School Supplies List Brevard Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
Longleaf Elementary SchoolThird Grade School Supplies List1 three ring, 1 inch binder with pockets (white with clear overlay) 4 pocket folders with clasp - 1 each of the following colors: red, blue, green, yellow 3 composition books - No spirals, please. 2 (1500 count) packages of wide ruled lined paper 48 sharpened pencils in Ziploc bag - No pencil boxes, please. 4 dry erase markers for student use 1 highlighter 1 box of 12 colored pencils 1 box of 24 crayons 1 pair of scissors 1 ruler (with standard and metric) 3 glue sticks 1 bottle of glue 1 box of multiplication cards (012's) 2 boxes of facial tissues 1 ream of copy paper (8 1/2 x11) 10 plastic sheet protectors 1 package 3x3 Post it notes for student use Boys: 1 box of gallon size Ziploc bags 1 package of paper plates Girls: 1 box of sandwich size Ziploc bags 1 box of band aids At Registration, individual classroom teachers may ask for additional items. Also, some items, such as crayons or glue sticks, may need to be replenished during the second semester. Please remember to purchase a Longleaf Planner during Registration. Print Longleaf Elementary School Third Grade School Supplies List Brevard Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
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Longleaf Elementary SchoolFourth Grade School Supplies List1 pkg. Cap Erasers 1 pkg Pencils-24 sharpened 1 pkg Colored pencils-12 count sharpened 1 box Crayons-24 count only 4 Glue Sticks 1 pkg Lined paper-300 sheets wide-ruled 1 Highlighter-one yellow 1 pair of Scissors-Fiskar large sized 1 1/2 inch 3 ring binder (plain with inside pockets, not zip up) 4 Dry Erase Markers (black, red, blue, or green only) 1 Box of Tissues 2 packs 3" square post-its 1 ream of white copy paper 1 box band-aids Boys-1 box Ziploc baggies (any size) Girls-1 container cleaning wipes Students will also need money for a homework planner. This is a basic supply list for all fourth grade students. Individual teachers will send home information concerning additional supplies needed during the first week of school. Print Longleaf Elementary School Fourth Grade School Supplies List Brevard Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
Longleaf Elementary SchoolFifth Grade School Supplies List1 set of colored pencils 2 Scotch tape (2 rolls) 4 glue sticks 3 packs of 200 count wide ruled notebook paper 1 Fiskar pointed scissors 2 Clear or see through rulers with both metric and standard measurements (one for school, one for home) 1 Clipboard labeled with name on back 2 large boxes of oresharpened pencils 1 package of 2 7/8 X 2 7/8 (regular size) PostIt Notes 1 box of Kleenex 1 ream of copy paper white 1 Pkg Highlighters 2 colored pens for marking 2 5 subject spiral notebooks, preferably with pockets 1 inch pocketed 3 ring binder 3 2 pocket folders with prongs, durable 1 pack or box of crayons 3 bound composition books (usually black and white) Girls: 1 pkg. of baby wipes 50 pack of paper plates Hand sanitizer Boys: 1 box of plastic bags snack size, quart, or gal 1 box of BanddAids 1 pkg dry erase markers Longleaf will provide a uniform assignment planner for each child during the first week of school for $2.00 Individual teachers may ask for additional supplies the first week of school via the Thursday folder. Please send those items as soon as possible. BE PREPARED! Mastery and rapid recall of multiplication facts is critical for 5th grade math success starting the first week of school. Print Longleaf Elementary School Fifth Grade School Supplies List Brevard Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
Longleaf Elementary School Sixth Grade School Supplies List 2 packages of wideruled notebook paper 4 70 pg wideruledspiral notebooks 3 composition notebook 1 highlighter 2 4 pack dry erase markers 1 dry erase eraser or old "clean" sock 1 pack tip erasers 2 dozen #2 pencils 1 ream of white copy paper 1 clipboard 1 1 and 1/2 inch binder with interior pockets 1 five pack of pocket dividers with tabs 2 black felt tip pens (NOT permanent markers) 1 black sharpie (fine point) 12 glue sticks 1 pack of 3X5 index cards 1 pair of Earbuds or small headphones 1 pkg Colored pencils 1 box Crayons - 24 count box (no larger due to space) 1 pair of Scissors 1 Zippered Pencil Pouch large 1 box of Tissues (large box) Boys: disinfectant wipes Girls: Ziploc Bags - quart or gallon size August Registration Assignment Books will be on sale. Uniform books are used across the grade level. Individual teacher supply lists may be picked up this day. Thank you! Print Longleaf Elementary School Sixth Grade School Supplies List Brevard Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
Longleaf Elementary School Print Longleaf Elementary School Seventh Grade School Supplies List Brevard Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
Longleaf Elementary School Print Longleaf Elementary School Eighth Grade School Supplies List Brevard Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |