Maria Moreno Elementary School
School Supplies List 2024-2025
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Maria Moreno Elementary School Pre Kindergarten School Supplies List 24 #2 pencils 24 #2 pencils 1 Box of crayons - 8 ct. 1 Box of crayons - 24 ct. 2 Box Crayola washable markers 1 8 ct. set Prang water colors 1 Safety scissors 2 4 oz. Bottle Elmer's white glue 4 Glue sticks 2 Pkgs. assorted construction paper (12 X 18) 50 ct. 2 Pkgs. assorted manila paper (12 X 18) 50 ct. 3 Pocket folders - assorted colors - NO BRADS 1 Supply box with snap closure 2 Boxes of Kleenex 150/175 ct. 1 Box Ziploc baggies - qt. size (boys only) 1 Box Ziploc baggies - gallon size (girls only) 1 Container wet wipes 1 Container play dough 1 Dallas Public Library Card Print Maria Moreno Elementary School Pre-Kindergarten School Supplies List Dallas Isd District Calendar 2024-2025 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2023-2024 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2022-2023 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2021-2022 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
Maria Moreno Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List 24 #2 pencils 24 #2 pencils 1 Box of crayons - 8 ct. 2 Box of crayons - 24 ct. 1 Box Crayola washable markers 1 8 ct. set Prang water colors 1 Pair Fiskar 5" blunt scissors 6 Glue sticks 2 Pkgs. assorted construction paper (12 X 18) 50 ct. 2 Pkgs. assorted manila paper (12 X 18) 50 ct. 3 Pocket folders - assorted colors - NO BRADS 1 Spiral Notebook - 70 pages (wide-ruled) 1 Primary manuscript lined writing tablet 2 Boxes of Kleenex 150/175 ct. 1 Clipboard 1 Supply box with snap closure 2 Boxes of Kleenex 150/175 ct. 1 Box Ziploc baggies - qt. size (boys only) 1 Box Ziploc baggies - gallon size (girls only) 1 Container wet wipes 1 Container play dough 1 Dallas Public Library Card Print Maria Moreno Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List Dallas Isd District Calendar 2024-2025 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2023-2024 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2022-2023 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2021-2022 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
Maria Moreno Elementary School 1st Grade School Supplies List 24 #2 pencils 2 Art gum erasers 2 Box of crayons - 24 ct. 1 Box Crayola washable markers 1 8 ct. set Prang water colors 1 Pair Fiskar 5" blunt scissors 2 4 oz. Bottle Elmer's white glue 1 Yellow highlighter 1 Pkg. assorted construction paper (12 X 18) 50 ct. 1 Pkg. assorted construction paper (9 X 12) 50 ct. 1 Primary manuscript lined writing tablet 1 Pkg. manila paper (9 X 12) 50 ct. 1 Pkg. manila paper (12 X 18) 50 ct. 3 Pocket folders - assorted colors - NO BRADS 1 Black & white composition notebook for science 3 Spirals - 70 pages (wide-ruled) 1 Supply box with snap closure 1 Pkg. Index cards (100 ct) 2 Boxes of Kleenex 150/175 ct. 1 Box Ziploc baggies - qt. size - 55ct. (boys only) 1 Box Ziploc baggies - gallon size - 55 ct. (girls only) 1 Container wet wipes 1 Container play dough 1 Dallas Public Library Card Print Maria Moreno Elementary School First Grade School Supplies List Dallas Isd Academic Calendar2024-2025 Dallas Isd Academic Calendar2023-2024 Dallas Isd Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Dallas Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
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Maria Moreno Elementary School 2nd Grade School Supplies List 24 #2 pencils 2 Art gum erasers 2 Box of crayons - 24ct. 1 Box Crayola washable markers 1 8 ct. set Prang water colors 1 Pair Fiskar 5" blunt scissors 2 4 oz. Bottle Elmer's white glue 1 Yellow highlighter 1 Pkg. manila paper (12 X 18) 50 ct. 1 Pkg. assorted construction paper (9 X 12) 50 ct. 1 Pkg. assorted construction paper (12 X 18) 50 ct. 5 Pocket folders - assorted colors - w/brads 1 Pkg. manila paper (9 X 12) 50 ct. 3 Spiral Notebook - 70 pages (wide-ruled) 1 Black & white composition notebook for science 1 1 1/2" pkg. loose leaf notebook paper (wideruled) 1 Primary manuscript lined writing tablet 1 Pkg. Index cards (100 ct) 1 Clipboard 1 2" - 3" ring binder 1 Supply box with snap closure 2 Boxes of Kleenex 150/175 ct. 1 Box Ziploc baggies - qt. size - 55 ct. (boys only) 1 Box Ziploc baggies - gallon size - 55 ct. (girls only) 1 Container wet wipes 1 Dallas Public Library Card Print Maria Moreno Elementary School Second Grade School Supplies List Dallas Isd Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Dallas Isd Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Dallas Isd Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Dallas Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
Maria Moreno Elementary School 3rd Grade School Supplies List 36 #2 pencils 1 Eraser pencil cap erasers 2 Box of crayons - 24 ct. 1 Box Crayola washable markers 1 Box map colors 1 Red pen 1 Ruler 1 Pair Fiskar 5" sharp scissors 1 4 oz. Bottle Elmer's white glue 3 glue sticks 1 Yellow highlighter 1 Pkg. assorted construction paper (12 X 18) 50 ct. 1 Pkg. manila paper (12 X 18) 50 ct. 2 Mead writing tablet 1 cursive writing tablet 1 Black & white composition notebook for science 1 Pkg. lined index cards 3X5 5 Pocket folders - assorted colors - w/brads 3 Pkgs. Notebook paper - 200 ct. (wide-ruled) 3 Spiral Notebook - 70 pages (wideruled) 1 Heavy duty zipper pouch 1 1 1/2" loose leaf notebook 2 Boxes of Kleenex 150/175 ct. 1 Post-it Notes - 2X2 1 Box Ziploc baggies - qt. size (boys only) 1 Box Ziploc baggies - gallon size (girls only) 1 Container wet wipes 1 Clipboard 1 Dallas Public Library Card Print Maria Moreno Elementary School Third Grade School Supplies List Dallas Isd Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Dallas Isd Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Dallas Isd Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Dallas Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
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Maria Moreno Elementary School 4th Grade School Supplies List 36 #2 pencils 1 Eraser pencil cap erasers 1 Box of crayons - 24ct. 1 Box Crayola washable markers 1 Box map colors 1 Red pen 1 Ruler 1 Pair Fiskar 5" sharp scissors 1 4 oz. Bottle Elmer's white glue 2 glue sticks 2 Yellow highlighters 1 Pkg. assorted construction paper (9 X 12) 50 ct. 1 Pkg. manila paper (9 X 12) 50 ct. 4 Spiral Notebook - 70 pages (wide-ruled) 5 Pocket folders - assorted colors - w/brads 1 Black & white composition notebook for science 1 Pkg. lined index cards 3X5 1 Post-it Notes - 2X2 4 Pkgs. notebook paper - 200 ct. (wide-ruled) 1 1 1/2" pkg. loose leaf notebook 2 Pkgs. notebook dividers - 5 tabs 1 Heavy duty zipper pouch 1 Clipboard 2 Yellow highlighters 2 Boxes of Kleenex 150/175 ct. 1 Box Ziploc baggies - qt. size (boys only) 1 Box Ziploc baggies - gallon size (girls only) 1 Container wet wipes 1 Dallas Public Library Card Print Maria Moreno Elementary School Fourth Grade School Supplies List Dallas Isd Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Dallas Isd Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Dallas Isd Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Dallas Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
Maria Moreno Elementary School 5th Grade School Supplies List 36 #2 pencils 2 Erasers 1 package pencil cap erasers 1 Pkg. blue or black pen 2 Box of crayons - 24 c 1 Box Crayola washable markers 1 Box map colors - 24 ct. 1 Red pen 2 Yellow highlighters 1 Ruler (metric & standard) 1 Pair Fiskar 5" sharp scissors 2 Glue sticks 2 Yellow highlighters 1 Pkg. assorted construction paper (9X12) 50 ct. 1 Pkg. manila paper (9 X 12) 50 ct. 2 Pkgs. notebook dividers - 5 tabs 1 Black & white composition notebook for science 2 Pkg. lined index cards 1 Post-it Notes - 2X2 6 Pocket folders - assorted colors - w/brads 4 Pkgs. Notebook paper - 200 ct. (wideruled) 5 Spiral Notebook - 70 pages (wide-ruled) 1 Pkg. graph paper 1 Heavy duty zipper pouch 1 1 1/2" pkg. loose leaf notebook 1 2" - 3-ring binder 2 Boxes of Kleenex 150/175 ct. 1 Box Ziploc baggies - qt. size (boys only) 1 Box Ziploc baggies - gallon size (girls only) 1 Dallas Public Library Card Print Maria Moreno Elementary School Fifth Grade School Supplies List Dallas Isd Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Dallas Isd Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Dallas Isd Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Dallas Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Dallas Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |