Marjorie K Rawlings-ponte Elementary School
School Supplies List 2024-2025

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School Name: Marjorie K Rawlings-ponte Elementary School  
Mailing Address: 610 Highway A1a N Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082-2746  
School District: ST. Johns  
County: ST. Johns  

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Marjorie K Rawlings-ponte Elementary School
Kindergarten School Supplies List

1 pencil box
1 pair 5 " blunt tip scissors by Fiskars
1 pack Crayola washable thick bright markers
2 packs Crayola washable thick bold markers
4 packs 24-count Crayola crayons
1 set Crayola washable watercolor paints (8 color)
2 bottles white glue
18 glue sticks
1 large t-shirt adult for Art smock
GIRLS- 1 box tissues
1 box quart size zip-lock bags
BOYS - 1 pack of disinfectant wipes
1 box gallon size zip-lock bags

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Kindergarten School Supplies List

Marjorie K Rawlings-ponte Elementary School
First Grade School Supplies List

1 plastic pencil box, approx 5 x 7
24 - #2 Ticonderoga pencils, sharpened
1- 4 oz bottle Elmer's white glue
6 large glue sticks
1 blunt tipped 5 " Fiskars scissors
2 boxes 24 count Crayola crayons
2 boxes washable Crayola thick classic markers
2 - 3 prong plastic folders with pockets - solid color
4 - white "Art Gum" or similar block erasers
1 large pack disinfectant wipes
1 marble Composition book
1 box Kleenex tissues
1 large t-shirt for Art smock (please label)
GIRLS -1 box gallon size slide-lock bags
2 rolls paper towels
BOYS- 1 package baby wipes
1 box snack size slide-lock bags
1 large container hand sanitizer (unscented)

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First Grade School Supplies List

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Marjorie K Rawlings-ponte Elementary School
Second Grade School Supplies List

1 pencil box
1 pack pencil top erasers or block erasers
1 pair of blunt 5 " Fiskars scissors
1 box Crayola washable markers
2 boxes 24 Crayola Crayons
1 highlighter any color
6 large Elmer's glue sticks
1 - 24 pack # 2 wood pencils
1 - 4 oz Elmer's glue
2 black marble Composition books
4 - 3 prong folders with pockets solid colors
Colors: 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 yellow
1 box Kleenex tissues
1 pack disinfectant wipes
1 roll paper towels
1 dry erase marker
1 large t-shirt for Art smock (please label)
GIRLS - 1 box sandwich size zip-lock bags
1 bottle hand sanitizer
BOYS - 1 pack baby wipes
1 box of gallon size zip-lock bags

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Second Grade School Supplies List

Marjorie K Rawlings-ponte Elementary School
Third Grade School Supplies List

1 pack red ink pens
1 - 12 pack colored pencils
1 - 24 ct. crayons
1 - 8 pack broad tip washable markers
1 broad tip black Sharpie marker
48 # 2 wood pencils (sharpened)
2 highlighters - any color
1 pair scissors (metal, pointed tip)
1 pack notebook filler paper
2 Composition books (black marble)
4 spiral notebooks (1 subject)
4 folders, 3 prong (red, yellow, blue, green)
2 dry erase markers (black)
1 pencil box
8 glue sticks
1 ruler (inch and centimeters)
1 ream copy paper
GIRLS- tissue (large)
1 pack of index cards
BOYS- 1 box sandwich size zip lock bags
1 pack of disinfectant wipes

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Third Grade School Supplies List

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Marjorie K Rawlings-ponte Elementary School
Fourth Grade School Supplies List

1 Pencil Box - approx 5" x 8" X 3"
48 (No. 2) Pencils
1 package of Crayola twistable colored pencils
1 package of 8 washable broad tip markers
6-8 pack of broad tip dry erase markers, assorted colors
1 Pin/Thumb/Flash Drive 4GB
2 different color highlighters
2 large glue sticks
1 pair of 7" blunt-tip scissors
1 Ruler (inches and centimeters)
2 packs of white lined 3 x 5 index cards
2 marble Composition notebooks
2 wide ruled spiral notebooks. Single-subject.
2 (250 count) wide - ruled notebook filler paper
1 box of Kleenex tissues
1 pack of disinfectant wipes
1 German fingering Soprano Recorder (sold by Mrs. Suppa)

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Fourth Grade School Supplies List

Marjorie K Rawlings-ponte Elementary School
Fifth Grade School Supplies List

1 pack notebook filler paper (wide-ruled)
2 Composition books
2 (1.5 inch) binders
2 packs dividers (at least 5 in a pack)
5 (3 prong) folders with pockets
1 pack of # 2 pencils
1 pack pencil top erasers
5 Expo broad tip markers
2 glue sticks
2 packs colored pencils
2 packs washable markers
2 black Sharpie Markers (fine tip)
3 highlighters
1 pair 7" scissors
1 ruler (inch and centimeters)
1 protractor
3 packs index cards (3 x 5, lined)
1 box Kleenex
1 roll paper towels
1 pack disinfectant wipes
1 pin/thumb/flash drive (8GB)
1 computer headphones
1 German fingering Soprano Recorder (sold by Mrs. Suppa)

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Fifth Grade School Supplies List