Meadow Park Elementary School
School Supplies List 2024-2025

Mega Bulk Back to School General Supply Bundle Kit - 70 + Items

Back to School Supply Shopping List for Meadow Park Elementary School

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School Name: Meadow Park Elementary School  
Mailing Address: 400 Eureka Gardens Road North Little Rock, AR 72117-3529  
School District: N. Little Rock School District  
County: Pulaski  
District Calendar:  

To update this School Supply List for Meadow Park Elementary School please send us an email including a updated supply list to:

[email protected]

Thank you!

School Supply Lists in the Post Covid-19 World!
Clean, Label, and Store - No Sharing! Mask Up!


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Meadow Park Elementary School
Kindergarten School Supplies List

2 Boxes of Crayola crayons (16 count)*
1 Pair of Fiskars scissors (blunt)*
2 Glue sticks*
3 Large boxes of Kleenex (250 count)
1 Backpack (clear or mesh)
1 Box of Ziploc bags (Girls-quart size)
1 Box of Ziploc bags (Boys-gallon size)
3 8oz. bottles of hand sanitizer (not soap)
2 Kindergarten Handwriting Tablets*
4 Spiral Notebooks*
20 #2 Pencils*
1 Large Bottle of Glue*
2 Packages of cap erasers or pink eraser
1 Package of notebook paper (wide ruled)*
1 Container of Clorox Pull-up Wipes
Print Meadow Park Elementary School
Kindergarten School Supplies List

Meadow Park Elementary School
1st Grade School Supplies List

1 Backpack (clear or mesh)
2 Large boxes of Kleenex (250 count)
8 Glue sticks*
2 Boxes of Crayola Crayons (24 count)*
24 #2 pencils* (No Mechanical Pencils)
2 Block erasers
1 School box
1 Pair of Fiskars scissors*
2 8oz. bottles of hand sanitizer (not soap)
1 Package of notebook paper (wide ruled)*
2 Packages of Cap Erasers
8 Composition Notebooks* (No Spirals Please)
1 Container of Clorox Pull-up Wipes
1 Box of Ziploc bags (quart size)
18 Pocket Folders With Brads (3 red, 3 blue, 3 purple, 3 green, 3 orange, & 3 yellow)
Print Meadow Park Elementary School
First Grade School Supplies List

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Meadow Park Elementary School
2nd Grade School Supplies List

18 Pocket folders (with brads, 3 red, 3 blue, 3 purple, 3 green, 3 orange & 3 yellow)*
24 #2 pencils* (No Mechanical Pencils)
2 70 page wide ruled spiral notebooks*
2 Boxes of Crayola crayons (24 count)*
2 Large boxes of Kleenex (250 count)
1 Pair of Fiskars scissors*
3 Packages of notebook paper (wide ruled)*
1 School Box
1 Backpack (clear or mesh)
2 8oz. bottles of hand sanitizer (not soap)
8 Composition Notebooks* (No Spirals Please)
1 Wooden Ruler (inch and metric)
4 Glue Sticks*
1 Package of Markers
1 Box of Ziploc bags (gallon & quart size)
2 packs of Cap erasers
1 Container of Clorox Wipes
Print Meadow Park Elementary School
Second Grade School Supplies List

Meadow Park Elementary School
3rd Grade School Supplies List

12 Pocket folders (with brads, 2 red, 2 blue, 2 purple, 2 green, 2 orange & 2 yellow)*
24 #2 pencils*
1 Glue stick or Large Bottle of Glue*
1 Box of Crayola crayons (24 count)*
1 Large box of Kleenex (250 count)
1 Pair of Fiskars scissors*
3 Packages of notebook paper (wide ruled)*
1 Package of cap erasers
1 Backpack (clear or mesh)
1 School box
1 Wooden Ruler (inch and metric)
1 Package of 3"x5" index cards (white)*
4 Ink pens (2 red & 2 black)
1 8oz. bottles of hand sanitizer (not soap)
1 Block eraser
2 Boxes of Ziploc Bags (gallon & quart size)
1 Package of Color Pencils
1 1" binder
2 Packages of dividers with pockets for the binder
7 Composition Notebooks* (No Spirals Please)
Print Meadow Park Elementary School
Third Grade School Supplies List

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Meadow Park Elementary School
4th Grade School Supplies

12 Pocket folders (with brads, 2 red, 2 blue, 2 purple, 2 green, 2 orange & 2 yellow)*
4 Packages of #2 pencils*
1 Set of colored pencils
2 Glue sticks*
1 Box of Crayola crayons (24 count)*
2 Large boxes of Kleenex (250 count)
1 Pair of Fiskars scissors*
3 Packages of notebook paper (wide ruled)*
1 Box of Ziploc Bags (gallon or quart size)
1 Backpack (clear or mesh)
1 8oz. bottle of hand sanitizer (not soap)
1 Package of Markers
1 Wooden Ruler (inch and metric)
2 Red Ink Pens
1 Package of Cap Erasers
1 Package of 4" x 6" ruled index cards (white)*
1 Package of small Sticky Notes
7 Composition books* (No Spirals Please)
Print Meadow Park Elementary School
Fourth Grade School Supplies List

Meadow Park Elementary School
5th Grade School Supplies

12 Pocket folders (with brads, 2 red, 2 blue, 2 purple, 2 green, 2 orange and 2 yellow)*
6 Packages of #2 pencils*
1 12" ruler with metric measurements*
2 Glue sticks*
3 Composition Notebooks* ( No spirals please)
1 Box of Crayons* or Colored Pencils
1 Large box of Kleenex (250 count)
1 Pair of Fiskars scissors*
4 Packages of notebook paper (wide ruled)*
1 Backpack (clear or mesh)
1 Supply pouch (pencil pouch)
1 8oz. bottle of hand sanitizer (not soap)
1 Package of 3"x5" index cards (white)*
1 Roll of Paper Towels
1 Pencil Sharpener (with lid)
2 Highlighters*
3 Red Ink Pens
Print Meadow Park Elementary School
Fifth Grade School Supplies List

Meadow Park Elementary School
Additional Information

Please bring all supplies in a large sack with your child's name on the outside. Label all supplies(except folders) with child's name. Teachers will keep the extra supplies to pass out to your child as needed. * Items may be purchased in the school bookstore. NO Trapper Keepers, large binders, pens or mechanical pencils (unless they are required on the supply list)