North Elementary
School Supplies List 2024-2025

Mega Bulk Back to School General Supply Bundle Kit - 70 + Items

Back to School Supply Shopping List for North Elementary

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School Name: North Elementary  
Mailing Address: 2875 Holly DR. Tracy, CA 95376-2134  
School District: Tracy Joint Unified  
County: San Joaquin  
Physical Address: 2820 Holly DR. Tracy, CA 95376-2134  

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North Elementary

Kindergarten School Supplies List

Supply List (Please do not label):

  • 3 Boxes of 24 Count Crayola Crayons Reuglar Size "Crayola" Brand
  • 1 Box of Jumbo "Crayola" brand crayons (pack of 8)
  • 1 Pack of 2 Ticonderoga "My First" tri-write pencils or
  • 1 Pack (2) of Ticonderoga "My First" pencils
  • 6 Regular glue sticks - Elmer's brand
  • 3 Jumbo glue sticks - Elmer's rand
  • 2 Packs of 25 r 1 pack of 50 count heavy duty sheet protectors
  • 6 pack of Black fine tip EXPO (low odor) Dry Erase markers
  • 1 pack of Black Chisel tip EXPO Dry Erase Markers
  • 3 Boxes of Kleenex
  • 2 Packs of Baby Wipes
  • 1 Box each of these sizes: snack, sandwich, quart and gallon Ziploc baggies

Supply List (Please label with your child's name):
  • 2 ench three ring binder with clear cover (child's name on the inside cover)
  • 1 Clear plastic pencil box
  • 1 Pair of Headphones that fit your child - no ear buds
  • 1 Reusable water bottle with your child's name on it
  • 1 Back pack (regular size, non rolling, big enough to fit their binder and their lunch, extra clostes, etc.

Every day each child should have in their backpack an extra set of clothes (underwear, shirt, pants and socks). They can keep it in a large Ziploc bag with their name on it.

Thank you very much.

You are not required to purchase or donate school supplies or money. These lists are given as a reference for supplies that will be used in the classroom. These supplies are suggested, not mandatory.

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Kindergarten School Supplies List

North Elementary

First Grade School Supplies List

  • 1 Pkg of pink erasers 3/pk
  • 1 inch binder hard cover
  • 2 spiral notebooks
  • 1 pkg of black sharpies 2pk
  • 1 Manila Folder
  • 1 Box of Ziploc Bags
  • 1 Pkg of Wipes
  • 1 Box of Kleenex
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First Grade School Supplies List

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North Elementary

Second Grade School Supplies List

  • 1 Pair of headphones
  • 2 Black sharpie markers
  • 1 pkg of Expo markers, Black only 6 Broad Tip
  • 1 Box of crayons, no color pencils, no markers
  • 1 Pkg of copy paper (2 package of white, 1 package of color of your choice
  • 3 Boxes of Tissues
  • 2 Packages of baby wipes for cleaning surfaces
  • 1 pkg of large erasers (no pencil top erasers)
  • 4 or more Ticonderoga beginner's "My First Pencil" Fat ones
  • 1 Regular Pencil
  • 1 Plastic Pencil Box

We are looking forward to a great school year.

North School Second Grade Team

You are not required to purchase or donate school supplies or money. These lists are given as a reference for supplies that will be used in the classroom. These supplies are suggested, not mandatory.

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Second Grade School Supplies List

North Elementary

Third Grade School Supplies List

  • $5 for 2 AR book bags, classroom folder and notebook
  • 2 Boxes of 24 crayons (not any bigger please, they need to fit in the pencil box)
  • 1 Pack of skinny markers
  • 1 Pack of thick markers
  • 1 Pack of 12 colored pencils
  • 1 3 x 5 pencils box/spacemaker
  • 1 Pencil sharpener with container for shavings
  • 3 Sets of earbuds or headphones to keep at school
  • 2 highlighters (yellow and pink)
  • 2 Black dry erase markers (regular sized, not skinny)
  • 1 Backpack (Please no wheels)
  • a big supply of pencils to last the year (Students will keep their pencil supply in their cubby)

Note about pencils: Students are expected to have at least 3 sharpened pencils in their pencil box at all times. We will give them twice a day to sharpen them with their own self enclosed sharpener. It is the expectation that students will NOT use their sharpener again for the rest of the day.

For classroom use:
  • 2 or more boxes of kleenex
  • Stickers - Students each have a "Sticker Book" and we give away lots of them!
  • Little lollipops like "Dum Dums" or "Charms"
  • Puzzles
  • Playing Cards
  • Dominoes
  • Books
  • Class Rewards like pencils, candy, little prizes, etc.

You are not required to purchase or donate school supplies or money. These lists are given as a reference for supplies that will be used in the classroom. These supplies are suggested, not mandatory.

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Third Grade School Supplies List

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North Elementary

Fourth Grade School Supplies List

  • 1 Pair of headphones (style: over the ears for comfort; please prepare to relace when broken)
  • 1 Breakaway Lanyard (hold school ID, ID scans at lunch/library; shows school spirit)
  • 2 Plastic folders that hold paper - 1 yellow, and blue
  • 3 Wide Ruled spiral notebooks - different colors (70 pages each / kept at school)
  • 1 1/2 2 inch Binder (3 ring) we will give an agenda that goes in this binder/backpack
  • 1 Pencil pouch with holes for binder (3 ring) (student keeps in binder/backpack)
  • 1 Package of No. 2 pencils (keep a supply all year)
  • 1 Correcting pen (no gel pens please student keeps in pencil pouch)

Music class recommend students buy their own "recorder" with case/pouch; students will not share recoders; the prices range are $5.00 to $15.00. Available at Main Street music last year's best price; found online at Amazon or Walmart.

Shared by class

  • 2 packages of Wide Ruled binder paper (class shares)
  • Reems of White Paper for copies
  • 1 Box of Crayons 24/pk (class shares)
  • 1 12 count box of colored pencils(class shares)
  • 1 box of color markers(class shares)
  • 5 highlighters (different colors if possible - Green, Blue, Orange, Yellow and Purple(class shares)
  • 3 Back Dry Erase Markers(class shares)
  • 2 Glue Sticks(class shares)

For Shared Learning:
  • 1 Box of Kleenex
  • Reams of White Paper
  • Extra items from above list
  • Staples (standard)
  • Tape (any size, any type)
  • Computer mouses
  • Extra headphones
  • Pencils

You are not required to purchase or donate school supplies or money. These lists are given as a reference for supplies that will be used in the classroom. These supplies are suggested, not mandatory.

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Fourth Grade School Supplies List

North Elementary

Fifth Grade School Supplies List

  • 1 3 inch binder
  • 8 divider tabs (dividers with folder pouches are better)
  • 4 plastic folders
  • 1 big spiral notebook with 3 dividers (wide ruled)
  • 24 colored pncils
  • 4 highlighters
  • pencils
  • markers
  • pencils pouch
  • Dry Erase Expo markers
  • Dry Eraser/cloth for whiteboards
  • Scissors
  • Binder Paper
  • 4 Glue Sticks
  • Liquid Glue
  • Ruler
  • Blue or Black pens
  • Red pens
  • Headphones
  • 4 erasers

You are not required to purchase or donate school supplies or money. These lists are given as a reference for supplies that will be used in the classroom. These supplies are suggested, not mandatory.

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Fifth Grade School Supplies List

North Elementary

Sixth Grade School Supplies List

  • 5 College ruled notebooks minimum of 100 sheets of paper
  • 1 4 pack of dry erase markers
  • 1 pack of college ruled lined paper
  • 1 box of number 2 pencils (no mechanical pencils allowed)
  • 1 pack of blue or black ink pens
  • 1 pack of minimum of 3 paster highlighters (different colors)
  • 1 pack of extra erasers
  • 1 pack of glue sticks
  • If in AVID minimum of a 3 in a bigger binder
  • If in AVID A 5 pack of dividers
  • 1 Pack of full size sticky notes
  • 1 Box of tissue paper
  • 5 2 pocket folders
  • 1 pack of 10 of sheet protectors
  • 1 dozen red correction pens
  • 1 pencil pouch
  • 1 calculator
  • 1 Hand held sharpener (with lid)
  • 1 bottle of hand sanitizer
  • 1 pair of headphones

You are not required to purchase or donate school supplies or money. These lists are given as a reference for supplies that will be used in the classroom. These supplies are suggested, not mandatory.

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Sixth Grade School Supplies List

North Elementary

Seventh Grade School Supplies List

  • 4 College Ruled Notebooks (if possible, RED for ELA, Green for Science, Blue for Math, Yellow for History)
  • 4 Folders (if possible, Red for ELA, Green for Science, Blue for Math, Yellow for History)
  • 1 Binder plus binder paper
  • 1 Pair of personal headphones
  • 1 Basic Calculator
  • 1 Pkg of Dividers for Binder
  • 1 Ruler
  • 1 Pair of Scissors
  • Pencils (if mechanical, you need lead too)
  • Eraser
  • Pencil Sharpener (covered)
  • Pens (red, blue, black)
  • Glue Stick
  • Crayons
  • Markers
  • Colored Pencils
  • White Board Markers

You are not required to purchase or donate school supplies or money. These lists are given as a reference for supplies that will be used in the classroom. These supplies are suggested, not mandatory.

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Seventh Grade School Supplies List

North Elementary

Eighth Grade School Supplies List

The 8th grade team is in need of supplies for the classrooms. A donation of any of the following supplies would be appreciated. These supplies will help our students succeed in school and would be greatly appreciated.

  • 1 pkg of copy paper
  • 1 pkg of binder paper
  • 1 dry erase marker/eraser
  • glue sticks
  • Kleenex
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Highlighters
  • No. 2 Pencils
  • Black or Blue Ball point pens

Any help parents can give will make a big difference in the classroom. These supplies help create a comfortable and productive learning environment for your children. Thank you for contributing to our classrooms!

Your student is strongly encourage to have the following items to be successful in their 8th grade classes:

  • 2 - 3 pencils at all times
  • if you buy mechanical pencils buy some extra lead as well (seems like we're always in need)
  • Black/blue pens (no gel pens please)
  • Pencil sharpener (Be sure it has a case to collect the shavings)
  • 3 Ring binder with dividers and/or pocket folders (5-6 of them)
  • Clear protractor
  • Ruler
  • Colored pencils
  • Binder Paper (at least 1 ream per trimester)
  • 2-3 notebooks (preferably ones that have a clean edge when you tear out the pages)
  • Science will need a notebook dedicated specifically for the topic. (As many pages as you can get. They'll be used throughout the year.)

You are not required to purchase or donate school supplies or money. These lists are given as a reference for supplies that will be used in the classroom. These supplies are suggested, not mandatory.

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Eighth Grade School Supplies List