Northlake Park Community School
School Supplies List 2024-2025
Back to School Supply Shopping List for Northlake Park Community School
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School Name: | Northlake Park Community School |
Mailing Address: | 9055 North Lake Parkway Orlando, FL 32827-5706 |
School District: | Orange |
County: | Orange |
Physical Address: | 9055 N Lake Pkwy Orlando, FL 32827-5706 |
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Northlake Park Community School Orange District Insructional Calendar for 2022-2023 |
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To update this School Supply List for Northlake Park Community School please send us an email including a updated supply list to: Thank you!
School Supply Lists in the Post Covid-19 World! |
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Northlake Park Community School Kindergarten School Supplies List Please label these supplies with your child's name: 1 school box 1 backpack (without wheels please) (not included in the final total) 1 pair of Fiskar scissors Please do not label these supplies: 1 one inch white with a clear view insert- 3 ring binder 4 boxes of Crayola 24 count crayons 24 Elmer's glue sticks 1 pack of blank 3" x 5" index cards 2 folders (1 red, 1 blue both with pockets, NO prongs) 2 containers of baby wipes (can be refills) 1 bottles of hand sanitizer 2 packages of googly eyes 1 bottle of Elmer's liquid glue 1 primary composition notebook (pages are half blank and half lined) Girls 1 package of #2 pencils 1package of small white cheap paper plates 1 box gallon size Zip-lock bags Boys 1 pack of pink pearl erasers 1 box of sandwich size zip-lock bags 1 box of facial tissues TOTAL: $21.40 per child *prices based on average "Back to School" sales* Wish list: colored copy paper,dry erase markers, Sharpies, overhead markers, puzzles, bubbles, , sentence strips, colored tissue paper, pipe cleaners, clothespins, clip boards, yarn, card stock, glitter, buttons, pom poms, feathers, felt, craft foam, stickers, Avery printer labels, Velcro, magnet tape, sheet protectors. ***Please note that any of the above items are always needed and welcome any time of the year! Many of the wish list items can be found at the local dollar stores. Thanks so much for your help and support! Print Northlake Park Community School Kindergarten School Supplies List Orange District Calendar 2022-2023 |
Northlake Park Community School First Grade School Supplies List Please label with your child's name: 1 Backpack (for safety reasons, no rolling backpacks) 1 Pair of children's safety scissors (take out of the package and label the scissors) 2 Plain spiral notebooks- plastic covers last longer than cardboard (wide ruled single subject) Do not label: 1 3 Ring Binder 1-inch, white with clear pocket (Except Mrs. Tyre and Mrs. Bearns) 10-15 Glue sticks 2 Dozen #2 pencils Please sharpen them at home. 1 Pack of wedge erasers (Magic rub works best) 3 Boxes of Crayola crayons, 24 count (Please no Rose Art not true primary colors) 1 Box of baby wipes (used to clean hand and tables) 1 Bottle of hand sanitizer (12 oz size) 1 3 prong YELLOW folder Boys: 1 Box of gallon size Zip-lock bags 1 Box of band aids Girls: 1 Box of quart Zip-lock bags 2 Boxes of tissues Total= Approximate $15.00 Teacher's Wish List: Any donations of the following items would be greatly appreciated if you are able: Sharpie magic markers plastic cutlery Expo (low odor) dry erase markers Lysol disinfectant spray snack/sandwich bags Clorox wipes large index cards Elmer's liquid bottle glue small stickers color copy paper paper plates treasure box items If for any reason purchasing these items would create a hardship on your family, please let us know so that we can work together to obtain your child's school supplies. Print Northlake Park Community School First Grade School Supplies List Orange Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
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Northlake Park Community School Second Grade School Supplies List Please label these supplies with your child's name: 1 backpack(NO WHEELS) 1 pencil box 1 pair of Fiskars scissors Please DO NOT label these supplies: 2 boxes of Crayola crayons- 24 count 10 Elmer's school glue sticks 24 #2 pencils (please sharpen) 2 packs of pencil top erasers 2 reams of Wide Ruled notebook paper 1 box of tissues 1 bottle of hand sanitizer 12oz or larger Boys: 1 box of Band-Aids Girls: Lysol Wipes This is a basic supply list for all of second grade. Your teacher(s) will give you a specific list that meets the needs of her/their classroom at Meet the Teacher. Print Northlake Park Community School Second Grade School Supplies List Orange Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
Northlake Park Community School Third Grade School Supplies List Necessary Items: 2 1 1/2 inch white binders (Clear View) 1 box of Crayola Colored Pencils 1 pack of 8 dividers 2 glue sticks 1 pack of notebook paper- wide ruled 1 bottle of unscented hand sanitizer 3 packs of #2 pencils (Ticonderoga Only) 2 Large boxes of tissues 1 box of Crayola Crayons- 24 count 1 pair of scissors (labeled with name) 5 folders with pockets and fasteners 1 package of pencil top erasers (blue, red, yellow, purple, green) No designs! 1 pencil pouch with 3 holes for binder. 2 spiral notebooks (single subject, solid colors) 1 highlighter- any color Estimated Cost- $20 or less if you shop sales and reuse scissors from last year. Very Needed Donations- (please choose 2 items from the appropriate list to bring in) Girls: Gallon sized Zip-lock Bags Lysol Wipes Band Aids Baby wipes Plastic Silverware (especially spoons) Boys: Sandwich sized Zip-lock Bags Extra Hand Sanitizer Index Cards Dry Erase Markers Ream of Colored or white copier paper Roll of paper towels stickers Recommended for home: these items are HIGHLY recommended for use at home to help your child learn. Flashcards- addition, subtraction, multiplication and division Wrap-Ups- multiplication (can be purchased online or at Lakeshore Learning) Please Note!!!! Individual teachers may also have individual class supply needs. List will be available at Meet the Teacher. Print Northlake Park Community School Third Grade School Supplies List Orange Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
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Northlake Park Community School Fourth Grade School Supplies List Description: 1 2 inch Clearview 3 ring binder for Destination College ($3.00) 1 1 1/2 inch Clearview 3 ring binder for writing (white with clear plastic on the front cover - $2.50) 6 pocket folders with the 3 prongs (colors: red, blue, yellow, green, orange, and purple $1.00 - vinyl holds up better. Paper folders may need to be replaced half way through the year) 15 Dividers - with tabs numbered 1-15 for writing binder, (Avery Brand Ready Index Table of Contents Dividers $3.00) or 16 insertable tabbed dividers ($2.00) 1 box of 12-colored pencils ($.50) 1 zipped pencil pouch to keep in binder ($2.00) 1 package of four Expo markers ($3.00) 1 large bottle (12 ounces) unscented hand sanitizer ($2.00) 1 package of 2 glue sticks ($.50) 1 package of reinforcement labels (small round stickers for papers in binders $2.00) 1 large box of tissue ($1.00) 1 spiral notebook ($0.50) 2 packages of wide-ruled notebook paper ($1.00) 48 pencils (Ticonderoga brand preferred $5.00) 1 Multiplication Wrap Up ($8.00 - available online or at teacher stores such as Miller's School Supply, Lakeshore Learning, or Hobby Lobby) Estimated costs: $35 including Multiplication Wrap-Up Wish List: Paper towels; Lysol/Clorox disinfecting wipes; plastic utensils; napkins; electric pencil sharpener; white copy paper; ream of colored copy paper (single color); 3-hole punch;Ziploc bags (any size), paper plates, paper bowls, plastic cups Several items can be purchased at the dollar store; however, if specific brands and sizes are listed above please try and purchase those brands. These brands seem to have the best results. Individual teachers may have additional items to fit the needs of their class. If other supplies are needed, the teacher will have information for you at Meet the Teacher. Print Northlake Park Community School Fourth Grade School Supplies List Orange Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
Northlake Park Community School Fifth Grade School Supplies List Individual Use Items, These items will be kept by the student: Please label with your child's name. 1 2" Binder (clear view binder) 1 black Sharpie permanent marker 1 Box of crayons 1 Box of markers 1 Pack of subject dividers (at least 5 dividers in the pack) 1 Pencil pouch (with three hole punch to include inside the binder) 1 Pencil plastic box for supplies 1 Basic calculator 1 6 in. plastic protractor, clear, no attachments. 4 Different colored folders (with prongs) 1 Highlighter 1 pair of did Scissors Items for Classroom Use. These items will be kept by the teacher to use as needed. 4 Dozen #2 pencils 2 Black, blue, green or red EXPO Dry Erase markers 2 Glue sticks 2 Packs of pencil top erasers 4 Packs of notebook paper 2 Regular size bottles of Hand Sanitizer (about 12 oz.) 2 Boxes of tissue (minimum!) Wish list for the classroom: Girls - Quart or sandwich size Zip bags, Boys - Gallon size Zip bags. Pack of sheet protectors, pack of graph paper, 1 Ream of Copy Paper, Black and Colored (not red) pens, Expo Dry Erase Markers (any color), electric pencil sharpeners, plastic cups, paper plates, napkins, utensils, Lysol wipes, blow pops, wrapped candy, extra box of tissues. Print Northlake Park Community School Fifth Grade School Supplies List Orange Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |