Northshore Elementary
School Supplies List 2024-2025

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School Name: Northshore Elementary  
Mailing Address: 110 Northshore Parkway Brandon, MS 39047  
School District: Rankin Co School Dist  
County: Rankin  

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Northshore Elementary
Kindergarten School Supplies List

4 Boxes Crayola crayons (24 count)
8 Large glue sticks
24 Wooden pencils
2 Pkg manila paper 12x18
8 Dry erase markers (black preferred)
2 Packs Crayola markers (8 count, classic colors)
1 Pair blunt scissors (Fiskars preferred)
2 Large bottles of glue
4 Plastic folders with brads and pockets (red, yellow, blue, green preferred)
1 Nylon 3 ring pencil zipper pouch
1 Pack pink bar erasers
1 Pack assorted construction paper

$15.00 Supply Fee:

This fee is used for consumable math, science, and art supplies.


Baby wipes
Hand sanitizer
Ziploc bags quart or gallon
Clorox wipes
Mr Clean Magic Eraser
Antibacterial soap (liquid)
Band Aids

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Kindergarten School Supplies List

Northshore Elementary
First Grade School Supplies List

1 Pair blunt scissors (Fiskars preferred)
2 Boxes Crayola crayons (24 count)
24 Wooden pencils
4 Plastic folders with brads and pockets (red, yellow, green, blue preferred)
3 Packages of manila paper 12x18
8 Large glue sticks
3 Pink bar erasers
1 Box Crayola markers (classic colors)
8 Dry erase markers (black preferred)
1 Primary journal (mead, stage 3)
1 Pkg index cards (3x5)
2 Writing tablets (1/2 in. ruled)
1 Pack assorted construction paper

$15.00 Supply Fee:

This fee is used for consumable math, science, and art supplies.


Lysol spray
Paper towels
Ziploc bags (quart or gallon)

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First Grade School Supplies List

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Northshore Elementary
Second Grade School Supplies List

1 Pair scissors (Fiskars preferred)
2 Pks wide ruled notebook paper
48 Wooden pencils
1 1 in. binder (black preferred)
1 Pkg manila paper 12x18
4 Large glue sticks or 8 small glue sticks
2 Boxes Crayola crayons (24 count)
2 Boxes of Crayola markers (8 count, classic colors)
2 Bar erasers
2 Spiral notebooks (wide ruled 70 count)
2 Dry erase markers (black preferred)
4 Plastic folders with brads and pockets (red, blue, green, yellow preferred)
2 Pkg of index cards
1 Pkg of tab binder dividers
1 Pencil zipper bag clear with 3 holes for binder
1 Pack assorted construction paper

$15.00 Supply Fee:

This fee is used for handwriting workbooks, consumable math materials, and science supplies, etc.


Hand Sanitizer
Disinfectant wipes
Magic Erasers
Post-it Notes
Paper towels
Print Northshore Elementary
Second Grade School Supplies List

Northshore Elementary
Third Grade School Supplies List

48 Wooden pencils
4 Pks notebook paper (wide ruled)
12 Plastic pocket folders with pockets and brads (2 each- red, blue, green, orange, purple, yellow preferred)
1 Pkg manila paper 12x18
5 Dry erase markers (black preferred)
1 Pair blunt tip scissors (Fiskars preferred)
4 Large glue sticks
2 Pks Crayola crayons (24 count)
2 Highlighters
2 Red pens
1 Pkg pencil top erasers
2 Black marble composition notebooks
2 Pkg Post-it notes
1 Nylon zippered pencil pouch
1 Pack assorted construction paper

$15.00 Supply Fee:

This fee is used for handwriting workbooks, consumable math materials, and science supplies, etc.


Paper towels
Disinfectant/ Baby wipes
Ziploc bags (gallon or quart)
Mr. Clean Magic Erasers
Disinfectant spray
Index cards 3x5 or 5x8
File folders
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Third Grade School Supplies List

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Northshore Elementary
Fourth Grade School Supplies List

1 1 in. 3 ring binder (view front)
1 2 in. 3 ring binder (view front)
4 Pkg wide ruled notebook paper
48 Wooden pencils
4 Plastic folders with brads and pockets (red, green, yellow, blue preferred)
8 Notebook dividers with pockets
1 Spiral notebook (1 subject)
4 Dry erase markers
2 Highlighters
1 Box Crayola crayons (24 count)
1 Box Crayola markers (Classic colors)
1 Box Crayola colored pencils
1 Pkg pencil top erasers
1 Pair scissors (Fiskars preferred)
1 Pk Post-it notes
2 Large glue sticks
1 Pack assorted construction paper

$15.00 Supply Fee:

This fee is used for workbooks, consumable math materials, and science supplies, etc.


Paper Towels
Clorox wipes
Ziploc bags
Mr. Clean Magic Erasers
Index cards
Graph paper

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Fourth Grade School Supplies List

Northshore Elementary
Fifth Grade School Supplies List

48 Wooden pencils
4 Pkg notebook paper (wide ruled)
1 2 inch 3 ring binder (view front)
8 Notebook dividers with pockets
4 Highlighters (assorted colors)
2 Dry erase markers (black preferred)
1 Zippered pencil pouch with 3 holes for binder
2 Large glue sticks
4 Plastic folders with pockets and brads (yellow, blue, red, green preferred)
1 Spiral notebook (1 subject)
1 Black and white composition notebook
1 Pair scissors (Fiskars preferred)
1 Box Crayola markers (classic colors)
1 Box Crayola crayons- (24 count)
2 Pens (red, purple, or blue)
1 Pk pencil top erasers
1 Pkg manila paper 12x18
2 Pkg index cards
4 Pkg of Post-it notes
1 Pack assorted construction paper

$15.00 Supply Fee:

This fee is used for workbooks, consumable math materials, and science supplies, etc.


Hand Sanitizer
Clorox wipes
Paper towels
Ziploc bags (quart or gallon)
Mr. Clean Magic Erasers

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Fifth Grade School Supplies List