Northshore Elementary
School Supplies List 2024-2025
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School Name: | Northshore Elementary |
Mailing Address: | 110 Northshore Parkway Brandon, MS 39047 |
School District: | Rankin Co School Dist |
County: | Rankin |
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Northshore Elementary Kindergarten School Supplies List 4 Boxes Crayola crayons (24 count) 8 Large glue sticks 24 Wooden pencils 2 Pkg manila paper 12x18 8 Dry erase markers (black preferred) 2 Packs Crayola markers (8 count, classic colors) 1 Pair blunt scissors (Fiskars preferred) 2 Large bottles of glue 4 Plastic folders with brads and pockets (red, yellow, blue, green preferred) 1 Nylon 3 ring pencil zipper pouch 1 Pack pink bar erasers 1 Pack assorted construction paper $15.00 Supply Fee: This fee is used for consumable math, science, and art supplies. WishList: Kleenex Baby wipes Hand sanitizer Ziploc bags quart or gallon Clorox wipes Mr Clean Magic Eraser Antibacterial soap (liquid) Band Aids Print Northshore Elementary Kindergarten School Supplies List |
Northshore Elementary First Grade School Supplies List 1 Pair blunt scissors (Fiskars preferred) 2 Boxes Crayola crayons (24 count) 24 Wooden pencils 4 Plastic folders with brads and pockets (red, yellow, green, blue preferred) 3 Packages of manila paper 12x18 8 Large glue sticks 3 Pink bar erasers 1 Box Crayola markers (classic colors) 8 Dry erase markers (black preferred) 1 Primary journal (mead, stage 3) 1 Pkg index cards (3x5) 2 Writing tablets (1/2 in. ruled) 1 Pack assorted construction paper $15.00 Supply Fee: This fee is used for consumable math, science, and art supplies. WishList: Germ-X Band-Aids Kleenex Lysol spray Paper towels Wipes Ziploc bags (quart or gallon) Print Northshore Elementary First Grade School Supplies List |
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Northshore Elementary Second Grade School Supplies List 1 Pair scissors (Fiskars preferred) 2 Pks wide ruled notebook paper 48 Wooden pencils 1 1 in. binder (black preferred) 1 Pkg manila paper 12x18 4 Large glue sticks or 8 small glue sticks 2 Boxes Crayola crayons (24 count) 2 Boxes of Crayola markers (8 count, classic colors) 2 Bar erasers 2 Spiral notebooks (wide ruled 70 count) 2 Dry erase markers (black preferred) 4 Plastic folders with brads and pockets (red, blue, green, yellow preferred) 2 Pkg of index cards 1 Pkg of tab binder dividers 1 Pencil zipper bag clear with 3 holes for binder 1 Pack assorted construction paper $15.00 Supply Fee: This fee is used for handwriting workbooks, consumable math materials, and science supplies, etc. WishList: Kleenex Hand Sanitizer Disinfectant wipes Band-Aids Magic Erasers Sharpies Post-it Notes Paper towels Print Northshore Elementary Second Grade School Supplies List |
Northshore Elementary Third Grade School Supplies List 48 Wooden pencils 4 Pks notebook paper (wide ruled) 12 Plastic pocket folders with pockets and brads (2 each- red, blue, green, orange, purple, yellow preferred) 1 Pkg manila paper 12x18 5 Dry erase markers (black preferred) 1 Pair blunt tip scissors (Fiskars preferred) 4 Large glue sticks 2 Pks Crayola crayons (24 count) 2 Highlighters 2 Red pens 1 Pkg pencil top erasers 2 Black marble composition notebooks 2 Pkg Post-it notes 1 Nylon zippered pencil pouch 1 Pack assorted construction paper $15.00 Supply Fee: This fee is used for handwriting workbooks, consumable math materials, and science supplies, etc. WishList: Kleenex Paper towels Germ-x Disinfectant/ Baby wipes Ziploc bags (gallon or quart) Band-Aids Mr. Clean Magic Erasers Disinfectant spray Index cards 3x5 or 5x8 File folders Print Northshore Elementary Third Grade School Supplies List |
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Northshore Elementary Fourth Grade School Supplies List 1 1 in. 3 ring binder (view front) 1 2 in. 3 ring binder (view front) 4 Pkg wide ruled notebook paper 48 Wooden pencils 4 Plastic folders with brads and pockets (red, green, yellow, blue preferred) 8 Notebook dividers with pockets 1 Spiral notebook (1 subject) 4 Dry erase markers 2 Highlighters 1 Box Crayola crayons (24 count) 1 Box Crayola markers (Classic colors) 1 Box Crayola colored pencils 1 Pkg pencil top erasers 1 Pair scissors (Fiskars preferred) 1 Pk Post-it notes 2 Large glue sticks 1 Pack assorted construction paper $15.00 Supply Fee: This fee is used for workbooks, consumable math materials, and science supplies, etc. WishList: Kleenex Paper Towels Clorox wipes Ziploc bags Mr. Clean Magic Erasers Band-Aids Index cards Germ-X Graph paper Print Northshore Elementary Fourth Grade School Supplies List |
Northshore Elementary Fifth Grade School Supplies List 48 Wooden pencils 4 Pkg notebook paper (wide ruled) 1 2 inch 3 ring binder (view front) 8 Notebook dividers with pockets 4 Highlighters (assorted colors) 2 Dry erase markers (black preferred) 1 Zippered pencil pouch with 3 holes for binder 2 Large glue sticks 4 Plastic folders with pockets and brads (yellow, blue, red, green preferred) 1 Spiral notebook (1 subject) 1 Black and white composition notebook 1 Pair scissors (Fiskars preferred) 1 Box Crayola markers (classic colors) 1 Box Crayola crayons- (24 count) 2 Pens (red, purple, or blue) 1 Pk pencil top erasers 1 Pkg manila paper 12x18 2 Pkg index cards 4 Pkg of Post-it notes 1 Pack assorted construction paper $15.00 Supply Fee: This fee is used for workbooks, consumable math materials, and science supplies, etc. WishList: Hand Sanitizer Kleenex Band-Aids Clorox wipes Paper towels Sharpies Ziploc bags (quart or gallon) Mr. Clean Magic Erasers Print Northshore Elementary Fifth Grade School Supplies List |