Ohio Avenue Elementary School
School Supplies List 2024-2025

Mega Bulk Back to School General Supply Bundle Kit - 70 + Items

Back to School Supply Shopping List for Ohio Avenue Elementary School

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School Name: Ohio Avenue Elementary School  
Mailing Address: 1414 Gault St Columbus, OH 43205-2933  
School District: Columbus City  
County: Franklin  
District Calendar: Ohio Avenue Elementary School Columbus City District Insructional Calendar for 2024-2025
Ohio Avenue Elementary School Columbus City District Insructional Calendar for 2023-2024

To update this School Supply List for Ohio Avenue Elementary School please send us an email including a updated supply list to:

[email protected]

Thank you!

School Supply Lists in the Post Covid-19 World!
Clean, Label, and Store - No Sharing! Mask Up!


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Ohio Avenue Elementary School
Kindergarten School Supplies List

glue stick
#2 pencils
box of tissues

Print Ohio Avenue Elementary School
Kindergarten School Supplies List

Columbus City District Calendar 2024-2025
Columbus City District Calendar 2023-2024

Ohio Avenue Elementary School
First Grade School Supplies List

glue stick
#2 pencils
box of tissues
scissors (blunt)
pocket folders
pink eraser
wide ruled notebook paper

Print Ohio Avenue Elementary School
First Grade School Supplies List

Columbus City Academic Calendar2024-2025
Columbus City Academic Calendar2023-2024

Sponsored Links

Ohio Avenue Elementary School
Second Grade School Supplies List

glue stick
#2 pencils
box of tissues
scissors (blunt)
pocket folders
pink eraser
wide ruled notebook paper

Print Ohio Avenue Elementary School
Second Grade School Supplies List

Columbus City Academic Calendar 2024-2025
Columbus City Academic Calendar 2023-2024

Ohio Avenue Elementary School
Third Grade School Supplies List

glue stick
#2 pencils
box of tissues
scissors (blunt)
pocket folders
pink eraser
wide ruled notebook paper

Print Ohio Avenue Elementary School
Third Grade School Supplies List

Columbus City Academic Calendar 2024-2025
Columbus City Academic Calendar 2023-2024

Sponsored Links

Ohio Avenue Elementary School
Fourth Grade School Supplies List

glue stick
#2 pencils
pocket folders
notebook paper
box of tissues

Print Ohio Avenue Elementary School
Fourth Grade School Supplies List

Columbus City Academic Calendar 2024-2025
Columbus City Academic Calendar 2023-2024

Ohio Avenue Elementary School
Fifth Grade School Supplies List

glue stick
#2 pencils
pocket folders
notebook paper
box of tissues

Print Ohio Avenue Elementary School
Fifth Grade School Supplies List

Columbus City Academic Calendar 2024-2025
Columbus City Academic Calendar 2023-2024

Ohio Avenue Elementary School
Additional Information
This list has been compiled by the Columbus City Schools District to offer suggestions of general school supplies for student's parents and guardians.

At the beginning of the school year, teachers and/or individual schools will send a supply list home with the students.

Have a great school year!