P.S. 40 Samuel Huntington School
School Supplies List 2024-2025
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School Name: | P.S. 40 Samuel Huntington School |
Mailing Address: | 109-20 Union Hall St Jamaica, NY 11433 |
School District: | New York City Geographic District #28 |
County: | Queens |
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P.S. 40 Samuel Huntington School New York City Geographic District #28 District Insructional Calendar for 2024-2025 P.S. 40 Samuel Huntington School New York City Geographic District #28 District Insructional Calendar for 2021-2022 P.S. 40 Samuel Huntington School New York City Geographic District #28 District Insructional Calendar for 2020-2021 |
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To update this School Supply List for P.S. 40 Samuel Huntington School please send us an email including a updated supply list to: Thank you!
School Supply Lists in the Post Covid-19 World! |
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P.S. 40 Samuel Huntington School Pre Kindergarten School Supplies List PLEASE SUPPLY YOUR CHILD WITH THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: 2 boxes of Kleenex tissues 2 bottles of anti bacterial hand sanitizer 4 marble composition notebooks 2 packs of baby swipes 1 blanket or sheet 1 extra set of clothing including socks and underwear 2 jumbo sized glue sticks 1 regular sized backpack (no wheels) 1 box of Crayola colored pencils 1 pack of dry erase markers (children will be working on white boards) 12 number 2 pencils 1 box of Ziploc bags (gallon size) 1 container of Clorox or Lysol wipes 2 rolls of paper towels *Please write your child's name on each of their personal items such as sets of clothes and notebooks. All other supplies will be shared. *Please DO NOT allow your child to bring any personal items or toys to school! Thank you in advance. Print P.S. 40 Samuel Huntington School Pre-Kindergarten School Supplies List New York City Geographic District #28 District Calendar 2024-2025 New York City Geographic District #28 District Calendar 2021-2022 New York City Geographic District #28 District Calendar 2020-2021 |
P.S. 40 Samuel Huntington School Kindergarten School Supplies List A. Folders: 1 Yellow, 1 Green, 1 Red, 1 Orange, 1 Blue, 1 Purple ***Note: Folders are to have 2 pockets at the bottom with NO prongs in the middle. NO character folders allowed, ONLY plain folders! B. 4 hard covered composition notebooks (NO spiralnotebooks). If possible have 1 blue, 2 orange, 1 green. ***If not, black marble is fine. C. 7 glue sticks 2 rolls of paper towels 1 Elmer's Glue 2 boxes of tissues 1 pencil box 1 bottle of liquid soap with a pump 1 box of Crayons 1 bottle of hand sanitizer 1 box colored pencils 1 box of Ziploc bags: 1 box markers girls - 1 box sandwich size 3 boxes #2 pencils boys - 1 box snack size 1 box or bag baby wipes 1 container Clorox wipes Please keep the following supplies at home: child safety scissors, glue sticks, crayons, pencils, and markers ***Please send in a pair of pants, underwear, socks, and shirt all labeled with your child's name in permanent marker. Put these items in a Ziploc bag with your child's name on the outside. Print P.S. 40 Samuel Huntington School Kindergarten School Supplies List New York City Geographic District #28 District Calendar 2024-2025 New York City Geographic District #28 District Calendar 2021-2022 New York City Geographic District #28 District Calendar 2020-2021 |
P.S. 40 Samuel Huntington School First Grade School Supplies List (Please write your child's name or initials on all supplies brought to school) 1 pencil case 1 box of crayons 1 box of broad tip markers 1 box of fine line markers (for lettering) 1 dry erase marker 1 box of colored pencils 2 large glue sticks 1 bottle of Elmer's glue 2 packages of pencils* 1 pencil sharpener with a cover 1 large eraser 1 pair of Friskar scissors (safety tip) 1 pack of construction paper 1 plastic pocket folder for homework 5 pocket folders (one red, one blue, one green, one yellow, and one orange) 7 composition notebooks* 1 box of gallon size Ziploc bags 1 bottle of hand soap* 1 bottle of hand sanitizer* 2 rolls of paper towels* 2 boxes of tissues* 1 package of baby swipes *These supplies may need to be replaced as the year progresses Print P.S. 40 Samuel Huntington School First Grade School Supplies List New York City Geographic District #28 Academic Calendar2024-2025 New York City Geographic District #28 Academic Calendar 2021-2022 New York City Geographic District #28 District Calendar 2020-2021 |
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P.S. 40 Samuel Huntington School Second Grade School Supplies List 7 COMPOSITION NOTEBOOKS 1 PACK OF M MARKERS 1 BOX OF CRAYONS 1 BOTTLE OF GLUE 1 PACKAGE OF CONSTRUCTION PAPER 1 PAIR OF SCISSORS *1 BOX OF TISSUE *1 ROLL OF PAPER TOWELS 2 SHARPENED PENCILS EACH DAY 1 PACK OF INDEX CARDS 1 PENCIL SHARPENER WITH COVER 2 RED PENCILS 1 OLD MAGAZINE 2 BOXES OF ZIPLOC BAGGIES (GALLON SIZE & SANDWICH) ACCESS TO A LIBRARY CARD & DICTIONARY 1 PENCIL CASE 1 PACKAGE OF BABY WIPES 1 SOCK AND DRY ERASE MARKER 1 PICTURE OF STUDENT HAND SANITIZER Print P.S. 40 Samuel Huntington School Second Grade School Supplies List New York City Geographic District #28 Academic Calendar 2024-2025 New York City Geographic District #28 Academic Calendar 2021-2022 New York City Geographic District #28 District Calendar 2020-2021 |
P.S. 40 Samuel Huntington School Third Grade School Supplies List The following supplies will be kept in the classroom. Please label all materials, with your name, before the first day of school. Label all materials using a pen/permanent marker, except the folders. (The teacher will label the folders.) 10 hard-cover Composition notebooks. (Math Log, Reader's Workshop, Writer's Workshop, Social Studies,Science, Homework, & Cluster Classes.) 1 bottle Elmer’s glue 2 packages of loose-leaf papers 1 double-pocket homework folder (durable and sturdy- plastic is great!) 6 double-pocket folders (red, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple.) 1 in/cm ruler 1 measuring tape (inches) 1 box Crayola crayons 1 pack colored pencils 1 pair of scissors (kid-friendly) 1 pack dry-erase markers. 1 pack multi-colored construction paper 1 basic function calculator 1 pencil case 3 sharpened pencils. (On a daily basis, please) Supplies that should be kept at home 1 dictionary (very important) 1 ruler 1 pack crayons. 1 bottle glue Lots of pencils, and a sharpener Be prepared!!! Print P.S. 40 Samuel Huntington School Third Grade School Supplies List New York City Geographic District #28 Academic Calendar 2024-2025 New York City Geographic District #28 Academic Calendar 2021-2022 New York City Geographic District #28 District Calendar 2020-2021 |
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P.S. 40 Samuel Huntington School Fourth Grade School Supplies List 1 Book bag 10 composition notebooks 2 packages of loose leaf paper 50 sharpened pencils for the year 4 erasable black or blue pens Pocket folders (2 of each color) - red/orange/blue/green/yellow/white 1 package of markers 1 package of colored pencils 2 covered pencil sharpeners 1 ruler (centimeter & inches) 1 box of crayons 1 pack of erasers 1 protractor Webster's Pocket Dictionary Thesaurus Stapler and staples Pencil case 2 highlighters 2 glue sticks 2 rolls of paper towels 1 box of Kleenex tissues 1 bottle of hand sanitizer 1 box of zip-lock bag (1 gallon size) 1 box of baby wipes Print P.S. 40 Samuel Huntington School Fourth Grade School Supplies List New York City Geographic District #28 Academic Calendar 2024-2025 New York City Geographic District #28 Academic Calendar 2021-2022 New York City Geographic District #28 District Calendar 2020-2021 |
P.S. 40 Samuel Huntington School Fifth Grade School Supplies List General Classroom Supplies (Please recycle any useable school supply from previous years) 1 Dictionary 1 Thesaurus 8 Pocket Folders - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, and black. 10 Black& White Marble notebooks - math, reading, writing, math journals, reader's response journal, science, social studies, homework, and prep classes. 2 packages of #2 pencils with erasers 2 large pencil erasers (not pencil top type) 1 pencil sharpener(with shavings holder) 1 pack of blue pens 1 pack of black pens 2 highlighters 2 boxes of Kleenex 2 packages of baby wipes 2 bottles of hand sanitizer 1 knapsack (to be used daily to and from school) 1 USB Flash Drive - 256MB or higher 2 packs of loose leaf paper (wide ruled) 1 package of graph paper (quad 4" to 1" sheets) Supplies for at home use for projects and homework 1 large glue stick 1 small bottle of white glue 1 pair kid safety scissors (labeled) 1 roll of clear tape 1 highlighter 1 box washable markers 1 12 inch ruler 1 protractor 1 package of pencil crayons Uniform 1 pair navy blue slacks/skirt/jumper 1 white collared polo shirt/button up shirt 1 pair of black rubber soled shoes Gym 1 pair running shoes (for indoor and gym use - laces preferred, NO Skate Shoes) Print P.S. 40 Samuel Huntington School Fifth Grade School Supplies List New York City Geographic District #28 Academic Calendar 2024-2025 New York City Geographic District #28 Academic Calendar 2021-2022 New York City Geographic District #28 District Calendar 2020-2021 |