P.S. 50 Talfourd Lawn Es
School Supplies List 2024-2025
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School Name: | P.S. 50 Talfourd Lawn Es |
Mailing Address: | 143-26 101st Avenue Jamaica, NY 11435-4632 |
School District: | New York City Geographic District #28 |
County: | Queens |
District Calendar: |
P.S. 50 Talfourd Lawn Es New York City Geographic District #28 District Insructional Calendar for 2024-2025 P.S. 50 Talfourd Lawn Es New York City Geographic District #28 District Insructional Calendar for 2021-2022 P.S. 50 Talfourd Lawn Es New York City Geographic District #28 District Insructional Calendar for 2020-2021 |
Update: |
To update this School Supply List for P.S. 50 Talfourd Lawn Es please send us an email including a updated supply list to: Thank you!
School Supply Lists in the Post Covid-19 World! |
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P.S. 50 Talfourd Lawn Es Kindergarten School Supplies List 2 marble notebooks 2 plastic pocket folders (2 pockets) 6 black dry erase markers 1 dozen pencils/erasers 3 packs of post it notes (3x3) 2 boxes of gallon size zip lock bags 1 box of tissues (Kleenex) 1 roll of paper towels 2 pump containers of hand sanitizer 1 snack box for healthy snack 1 Book Bag (No Rolling Bags Please) Materials for Home (The following supplies should be left at home so that your child can do his/her homework everyday.) 1 Pkg pencils 1 Pair of child safety scissors 1 Bottle of Elmer's glue or white school glue 1 Box crayons (8-16 colors) or colored pencils Please label your child's things with his/her first and last name. Check your child's backpack EVERY day and remove homework that has been checked, notices and papers sent home. Thank you for your cooperation and support. Print P.S. 50 Talfourd Lawn Es Kindergarten School Supplies List New York City Geographic District #28 District Calendar 2024-2025 New York City Geographic District #28 District Calendar 2021-2022 New York City Geographic District #28 District Calendar 2020-2021 |
P.S. 50 Talfourd Lawn Es First Grade School Supplies List 5 marble notebooks 2 packs white 8 1/2 X 11 copy paper 3 plastic pocket folders (2 pockets) 2 packs of pencils 4 black roller ball pens 1 pair of safety scissors 2 glue stick 1 loose-leaf binder 1 pack 4 X 6 index cards 1 box of colored pencils 1 box of 24 crayons 2 packs dry erase markers 3 packs of post it notes 1 box gallon size Ziploc bags 1 box of quart size Ziploc bags 2 rolls of paper towels 1 packs of baby wipes 2 boxes of tissues 2 antibacterial hand gel 1 soft pencil case (hard cases will be sent home) 1 book bag ( No rolling bags please) Print P.S. 50 Talfourd Lawn Es First Grade School Supplies List New York City Geographic District #28 Academic Calendar2024-2025 New York City Geographic District #28 Academic Calendar 2021-2022 New York City Geographic District #28 District Calendar 2020-2021 |
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P.S. 50 Talfourd Lawn Es Second Grade School Supplies List 5 marble notebooks 1 package of construction paper 1 box of crayons 1 box of markers 1 box of colored pencils 5 boxes of black roller ball pens 1 pair of scissors 4 glue sticks (not liquid glue) 3 packages of Post It Notes 2 boxes of tissues 1 roll of paper towels 2 pocket folders, 1 must be red 24 number 2 pencils 1 soft pencil case (hard cases will be sent home) 1 package of dry erase markers 2 boxes of large ziploc bags (gallon size) 2 boxes of baby wipes 1 book bag (no rolling bags) 2 pump bottles of hand sanitizer 2 packages of white copy paper *Please note that some of the items above will become community property and will be shared with the class. Print P.S. 50 Talfourd Lawn Es Second Grade School Supplies List New York City Geographic District #28 Academic Calendar 2024-2025 New York City Geographic District #28 Academic Calendar 2021-2022 New York City Geographic District #28 District Calendar 2020-2021 |
P.S. 50 Talfourd Lawn Es Third Grade School Supplies List 7 composition notebooks (thick, marble cover) 2 boxes of pencils with eraser 1 red pen or pencil 1 highlighter any color 1 pair of scissors 1 container of Elmer's glue and 1 glue stick 7 folders ruler (metric and inches) loose leaf paper NO LOOSE LEAF BINDERS scotch tape markers and crayons 4 packages of Post It's $5.00 for Time For Kids or Weekly Reader 1 box of tissues 1 roll of paper towels liquid soap Pencil case or supply box (that can fit in the desk) Dictionary to use at home 1 package computer paper 1 box of small garbage bags 1 box of gallon size zip lock bags 1 container of antibacterial wipes **Put your name on all supplies. We will label the notebooks and folders in class with you. Print P.S. 50 Talfourd Lawn Es Third Grade School Supplies List New York City Geographic District #28 Academic Calendar 2024-2025 New York City Geographic District #28 Academic Calendar 2021-2022 New York City Geographic District #28 District Calendar 2020-2021 |
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P.S. 50 Talfourd Lawn Es Fourth Grade School Supplies List 8 Marble Composition Notebooks, writers, computer, readers, math journal, social studies, word work, math notes, and science 4 Folders, music, homework and notices, portfolio, and testing Pocket dictionary New York state map Ruler with inches and centimeters Loose leaf paper- store some at home Pencils Fine point markers, colored pencils, crayons, erasers, pencil sharpener, Fiskars scissors, glue sticks, highlighters, post its, and a container to hold all small items 3 dry erase markers,(thick not fine point, blue, red, and black Smock for painting Tissues and paper towels Ream of computer paper Tall kitchen garbage bags Print P.S. 50 Talfourd Lawn Es Fourth Grade School Supplies List New York City Geographic District #28 Academic Calendar 2024-2025 New York City Geographic District #28 Academic Calendar 2021-2022 New York City Geographic District #28 District Calendar 2020-2021 |
P.S. 50 Talfourd Lawn Es Fifth Grade School Supplies List 1 Agenda (You will receive one in school!) $1 for your Math Journal or buy a "steno" notebook. 1 Pkg Wide Ruled Loose leaf paper 6 marble composition books 1 Pkg Regular or Erasable Pens- Blue or Black 1 Red pen 1 Pkg No.2 Pencils Wooden or Mechanical 1 Highlighter- any color, any thickness 1 Pkg Graph paper- "Quad Ruled", 4 boxes per inch - loose, spiral, pad or marble book 1 Pkg Post-it (sticky) notes, any color, any size Coloring tools- markers or crayons or colored pencils or all 3! 1 Ruler with inches and centimeters (6" or 12") 1 Bottle of Glue 7 folders 1 Box of Gallon size Ziploc or slide loc bags (3) 1 Roll of paper towels 1 Box of facial tissue 1 Bottle of liquid soap 1 Package of white copy paper 1 Box of garbage bags Optional Supplies: Supply box or pouch covered pencil sharpener book covers small scissors blank CD-R Water bottles with sports tops are preferred Print P.S. 50 Talfourd Lawn Es Fifth Grade School Supplies List New York City Geographic District #28 Academic Calendar 2024-2025 New York City Geographic District #28 Academic Calendar 2021-2022 New York City Geographic District #28 District Calendar 2020-2021 |