Patronis Elementary School
School Supplies List 2024-2025

Mega Bulk Back to School General Supply Bundle Kit - 70 + Items

Back to School Supply Shopping List for Patronis Elementary School

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School Name: Patronis Elementary School  
Mailing Address: 7400 Patronis Drive Panama City Beach, FL 32408-5740  
School District: Bay  
County: Bay  
Physical Address: 7400 Patronis Dr Panama City Beach, FL 32408-5740  

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Patronis Elementary School
PRE-Kindergarten Supplies List

1 Full Size Backpack
1 Change of clothing
1 Box of Kleenex
1 Anti-Bacterial Foam Hand Soap
1 Clorox Wipes and paper towels

Print Patronis Elementary School
Pre-Kindergarten School Supplies List

Patronis Elementary School
Kindergarten School Supplies List

3 boxes (16 ct.) Crayola Crayons
1 tray of 16 Crayola Washable Watercolors
4 oz .bottle of Elmer's School Glue
4 Elmer's Washable School Glue Sticks
1 pkg. dry erase markers (low odor)
1 marble composition book
1 bottle of hand soap
2 rolls of paper towels
1 box of facial tissues
4 folders with 2 pockets and prongs
2 packages of #2 pencils
Print Patronis Elementary School
Kindergarten School Supplies List

Patronis Elementary School
First Grade School Supplies List

No Trapper-Keepers or three-ring binders
1 Backpack
2 Primary composition notebooks
3 three-prong PAPER plastic notebooks (red, yellow, purple)
2 Three-prong PLASTIC folders with pockets (green, blue)
2 large glue sticks
2 twelve packs of #12 pencils
1 package of PENTEL white erasers
2 yellow highlighters
1 pack regular CRAYOLA markers
1 pack of 12 CRAYOLA colored pencils
2 packs of 24 count crayons
1 4 oz. Elmer's glue
1 pack of unlined colored 3 x 5 index cards
1 reading bag-to be purchased at Patronis (Kelley and Porter)
1 pack EXPO markers (NOT Kelly and Porter)
1 small manual pencil sharpener with cover
$ 5.00 for Weekly student newspaper
$10.00 class t-shirt


Clorox wipes
hand soap
hand sanitizer
paper towels
snack, quart, and Gallon-size Ziplock bags
Pair black Socks (to be used for Dry Eraser boards)

Print Patronis Elementary School
First Grade School Supplies List

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Patronis Elementary School
Second Grade School Supplies List

2 pack #2 pencils with erasers
2 big pink erasers
2 pkgs. Crayola Twistable (colored tall pencils)
1 composition notebook
1 pkg. skinny Crayola markers
Expo markers
1 ream copy paper
3 plastic folders with brads and pockets (any colors)
1 white Elmer's glue
1 Primary Composition notebook stage 3 (primary dotted writing lines over whole page
1 two inch white 3-ring binder


hand soap and sanitizer
band aides

Print Patronis Elementary School
Second Grade School Supplies List

Patronis Elementary School
Third Grade School Supplies List

Continuous supply of #2 Ticonderoga pencils and extra erasers
**Continued at top
Continuous supply of wide-ruled, loose-leaf notebook paper
Five folders (2 pocket/3 prong) red, royal blue, yellow, green, purple
One box of 16 or 24 count crayons
Colored pencils
Red pens
Yellow Highlighter
4 oz. School glue
Glue sticks
Scissors (If your child is left-handed, please make sure the scissors
are for left-handed children)
Ream of copy paper
Ruler Optional: Water bottle (Pop tops; No screw-on caps)
Print Patronis Elementary School
Third Grade School Supplies List

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Patronis Elementary School
Fourth Grade School Supplies List

One pack colored pencils
Small pencil sharpener with lid
2 packs of wide-ruled loose-leaf notebook paper (keep one pack at home)
4 packs #2 pencils with erasers (keep one at home)
Pencil pouch (NO PENCIL BOXES)
Backpack (NO WHEELS)
One pair of children's scissors
One (one subject) spiral notebook
Pack of 4, wide tip dry erase markers (darker colors)
Five vinyl folders with 2 pockets/3prongs Green, red purple, yellow
and blue)
One ruler (To be kept at home for math homework)
Two pens to use for checking work (Any darker color, but black)
Water bottle with lid
One ream of copy paper
One container of Clorox wipes, Kleenex, Band-Aids, hand soap, and hand sanitizer
One package of 4 x 6 index cards
Print Patronis Elementary School
Fourth Grade School Supplies List

Patronis Elementary School
Fifth Grade School Supplies List

1 pack Crayola Magic Markers
4 packs wide ruled notebook paper & 1 pack of graph paper
4 plastic 3-prong folders with pockets (yellow, green, blue, red)
1 24 ct. Crayola colored pencils
2 boxes #2 wood pencils
4 highlighters
2 packs pencil top erasersv 4 large glue sticks
1 bottle rubber cement glue
1 pair of scissors
1 clear protractor and 1 12 in. ruler

Wish List:

Clorox wipes
hand soap and sanitizer
(foam if possible)
Paper towels
colored printer paper
4 reams of copy paper

Print Patronis Elementary School
Fifth Grade School Supplies List

Patronis Elementary School
Additional Information
Physical Education

Quality Band Aids one size only 1" x 3"


One three prong pocket folder (any color)
Two Soprano Recorders (I will place the order for all the students)

Art and Technology

K-1 Crayola Markers
2-3 Crayola Pencils
4-5 Crayola Oil Pastels