Pine Haven Elementary School
School Supplies List 2024-2025

Mega Bulk Back to School General Supply Bundle Kit - 70 + Items

Back to School Supply Shopping List for Pine Haven Elementary School

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School Name: Pine Haven Elementary School  
Mailing Address: 500 Pine Haven Road Bauxite, AR 72011-9332  
School District: Bauxite School District  
County: Saline  
Physical Address: 500 Pine Haven Rd Bauxite, AR 72011-9332  

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Pine Haven Elementary School
Kindergarten School Supplies List

1 Backpack (No backpacks on wheels. Students will not be required to transport heavy books or materials.)
1 package #2 Yellow pencils - presharpened (Do not label)
4 boxes of 8-count Crayons
4 Dry-erase markers
1 Watercolor set
1 Blunt-tip scissors (Fiskars brand)
4 Bottles Elmer's School Glue (not paste)
1 can of Playdoh (Playdoh brand only)
Vinyl rest mat
Plastic school box
2 Large boxes of Kleenex
2 Vinyl folders with prongs and pockets

Please label things before they are sent. Tape will work fine.

(It helps to print their name on each crayon.)


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Kindergarten School Supplies List

Pine Haven Elementary School
First Grade School Supplies List


1 pkg. Dry Erase markers (2 or more)
4 pkgs. (10 ct.) of yellow pencils
3 Heavy plastic folders
3 Large boxes of Kleenex
1 Bottle of hand sanitizer
1 Pair of clean, white socks
1 40 ct. pkg. of cap erasers


1 Backpack (No backpacks on wheels. Students will not be required to transport heavy books or materials.
4 boxes of crayons (16 ct. or more)
1 coloring book
2 First grade tablets. (Grades 1-2)
1 pair pointed scissors (Fiskar brand)
2 large bottles of Elmer's white school glue
1 Small School box (plastic)
1 3 Ring zipper pouch for binder

Ink pens, mechanical pencils or Trapper Keepers are not allowed in first grade.

Students will be expected to have enough supplies to work with at all times.

Print Pine Haven Elementary School
First Grade School Supplies List

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Pine Haven Elementary School
Second Grade School Supplies List

1 Backpack (No backpacks on wheels.)
5 Packages of pencils
4 Boxes of crayons (Crayola brand 24 ct. or larger)
1 Clipboard (Standard paper size)
1 Pair sharp pointed scissors (Fiskars brand only)
6 Glue sticks
2 Bottles of Elmer's glue
3 boxes of Kleenex
1 Package of colored pencils
4 pocket folders (NO prongs and not plastic) 2 red, 1 yellow and 1 green
2 Spiral notebooks WIDE-RULED
BOYS: Anti-Bacterial wipes (ex. Clorox) NO baby wipes
GIRLS: Dry-Erase Multi-Pack assorted color markers

Baker, Parrish Thompson & S. Watson

Pencil box ( size 5 x 8) no bags or pouches

Print Pine Haven Elementary School
Second Grade School Supplies List

Pine Haven Elementary School
Third Grade School Supplies List

1 Backpack (No backpacks on wheels. Students will not be required to transport heavy materials.)
3 Packages of 10 (or more) #2 pencils
1 24-count box of Crayons (Crayola Brand)
1 Package colored markers (Crayola brand - basic colors, no neon, glittery, etc.)
1 Box of watercolors with brush
1 Package of notebook paper (Wide-ruled only!)
4 Spiral notebooks
Index cards (spiral wire bound)
1 Clipboard (no plastic)
1 Pair of pointed Fiskar brand scissors (plastic handle)
8 Elmer's Glue Sticks
1 Plastic supply box - to hold crayons and markers only!

(Must fit in desk)

3 large boxes of Kleenex
1 Box of colored pencils
Cochran and Harrington's Room:

1 disposable camera


Any money brought the first day of school must be labeled and put in an envelope telling what the money is for.

Please put your child's name on all items.

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Third Grade School Supplies List

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Pine Haven Elementary School
Fourth Grade School Supplies List

1 Trapper Keeper with zipper
5 Trapper Keeper folders (3 - hole folders)
2 pkgs. Of #2 pencils (No automatic pencils)
1 3-hole large pencil bag with zipper to go inside Trapper
1 box of colored markers (not neon)
3 pkgs. Wide ruled notebook paper
1 pair of large plastic-coated handle scissors
2 glue sticks
1 set black DRY erase markers
3 large boxes of Kleenex
2 boxes of 24 ct. crayons
1 Backpack (no backpacks on wheels)
1 pkg. of cap erasers
1 pkg. centimeter graph paper
2 pkgs. Colored pencils
Tube of Clorox wipes (not baby wipes)
$5.00 Literacy fund
Homeroom teachers may ask for additional supplies.

Students are expected to have enough supplies to work with at all times.

Print Pine Haven Elementary School
Fourth Grade School Supplies List

Pine Haven Elementary School
Print Pine Haven Elementary School
Fifth Grade School Supplies List