Terry Elementary School
School Supplies List 2024-2025
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School Name: | Terry Elementary School |
Mailing Address: | 10800 Mara Lynn Dr Little Rock, AR 72211-2604 |
School District: | Little Rock School District |
County: | Pulaski |
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To update this School Supply List for Terry Elementary School please send us an email including a updated supply list to: Thank you!
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Terry Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List 4 Crayola crayons 24 count 1 dozen #2 wooden yellow pencils (NO “Designer Pencils”) 20 Elmer’s glue sticks 8 dry erase markers 3 large boxes of Kleenex 1 back pack (No Wheels/Please Label) 2 bottles of sanitizer 2 reams copy papers 1 fiskar scissors 1 plastic school box 1 quarter zip-locks 1 paper plates 1 Clorox clean up wipes Boys – bottle pump liquid soap Girls – gallon Ziploc bags 1 complete change of clothes (school uniform, socks, & underwear) 1 Blue Communication Folder*** PTA Membership ** Items with asterisks are required!! Print Terry Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List |
Terry Elementary School 1st Grade School Supplies List 2 Crayola crayons (16 count) 1 box water based markers 4 “J” spiral notebooks 1 dozen #2 wooden pencils 8 Elmer’s glue sticks 1 fiskar scissors 2 large boxes of Kleenex 4 black Expo dry erase markers 2 reams of copy paper 1 package post it notes 2 bottles of hand sanitizer Boys – 1 box gallon Ziploc bags Girls – 1 box sandwich Ziploc bags 1 box Clorox wipes 1 small school box 1 backpack (no wheels) 1 Academic Planner*** PTA membership 1 Blue Communications Folder*** ** Items with asterisks are required!! Print Terry Elementary School First Grade School Supplies List |
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Terry Elementary School 2nd Grade School Supplies List 2 dozen #2 wooden yellow pencils (Ticonderoga, Eagle, or Papermate) 3 packages of cap easers 2 24 count Crayola Crayons 1 box Crayola colored pencils 1 yellow highlighter 1 Elmer’s glue bottle 1 package Elmer’s glue sticks (5) 2 black Expo markers 1 marbled composition notebook (black/white) 1 zipper pencil pouch labeled 2 large boxes of Kleenex 1 red pocket folder with prongs 1 blue pocket folder with prongs 3 reams copy paper 1 pair fiskar’s scissors 1 backpack (No Wheels/Please Label) 2 bottles hand sanitizer 1 Clorox clean up wipes 1 box of Gallon Ziploc bags 1 box of quart Ziploc bags PTA membership No Pencil Boxes 1 Academic Planner*** 1 Blue Communication Folder***** ** Items with asterisks are required!! Print Terry Elementary School Second Grade School Supplies List |
Terry Elementary School 3rd Grade School Supplies List 1 24 count crayola crayons 1 box colored pencils 2 Elmer’s glue stick 2 dozen #2 wooden yellow pencils 1 package of cap erasers 1 yellow highlighter 3 packages wide-ruled notebook paper 5 composition notebooks (wide ruled) 1 pencil box 1 wooden ruler 2 large boxes of Kleenex 1 pair scissors 2 reams of copy paper Boys – Hand sanitizer Girls – Clorox wipes 1 backpack (No Wheels/Please Label) 1 Academic Planner*** PTA Membership ** Items with asterisks are required!! Print Terry Elementary School Third Grade School Supplies List |
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Terry Elementary School 4th Grade School Supplies 1 24 count crayola crayons 1 box colored pencils 5 package of wide-ruled notebook paper 3 dozen #2 wooden pencils 3 packages of cap erasers 2 large box Kleenex 8 Elmer’s glue sticks 1 pair of scissors 1 wooden ruler 1 box washable markers 1 yellow highlighter 2 package 3x5 index cards 1 package post it notes 1 water bottle 2 of each of the following folders with pockets & prongs: Blue, red, yellow, purple, green, and orange 2 reams of copy paper 1 backpack 1 bottle hand sanitizer & 1 box quart Ziploc bags Clorox wipes & 1 roll paper towel 1 blue communication folder 1 Academic Planner*** PTA membership ** Items with asterisks are required!! Print Terry Elementary School Fourth Grade School Supplies List |
Terry Elementary School 5th Grade School Supplies 3 dozen #2 wooden pencils 1 box of colored pencils 1 package of cap erasers 1 pencil pouch (no box) 1 hand-held pencil sharpener 1 black sharpie 2 yellow highlighters 1 box water based markers -8 color set 1 3-ring binder 1 ½ inch with transparent front pocket holder 1 set of (5) tab dividers 5 packages wide-ruled notebook paper 2 reams of copy paper 2 Elmer’s glue sticks 3 packages of post-it notes 1 pair fiskar scissor 1 composition book (graph paper style for math) 1 back pack (no wheels) Boys – 1 box quart Ziploc bags and 1 large hand sanitizer Girls – 1 roll paper towels and Clorox wipes 1 blue communication folder*** 1Academic planner*** PTA Membership ** Items with asterisks are required!! Print Terry Elementary School Fifth Grade School Supplies List |