Troutville Elementary School
School Supplies List 2024-2025
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School Name: | Troutville Elementary School |
Mailing Address: | 12 Barron Dr Troutville, VA 24175-3721 |
School District: | Botetourt Co Pblc Schs |
County: | Botetourt |
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Troutville Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List 2 White School Glue (Elmers preferred) 1 Blunt Safety Scissors (Fiskars preferred) 1 Wide Rule Spiral Notebook (70 sheets) 1 Large box of Tissues 2 Boxes - 8 Count Crayola or Rose Art Crayons 1 Small 8x4 Plastic Storage box for Supplies 1 Towel for resting (no mat) Print Troutville Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List |
Troutville Elementary School 1st Grade School Supplies List 2 Large boxes of tissues 2 Large erasers 1 Safety Scissors 1 Box washable markers (8 or 10) 2 Folders w/ pockets 12 #2 Yellow Pencils 8" x 5" Box for supplies 1 Ziplock Bags - Boys (gallon) Girls (quart) 1 Crayons (24) 2 Glue sticks 1 set of inexpensive ear phones for computer use (not earbuds ) 2 One- subject spiral notebook Print Troutville Elementary School First Grade School Supplies List |
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Troutville Elementary School 2nd Grade School Supplies List 1 pkg. pencils 4 glue sticks 2 erasers 1 pkg colored pencils 1 box of crayons (24 count) 2 highlighters (no markers please) 1 small pencil sharpener 1 scissors 1 Large (11 1/2" X 7") Supply Box 1 clipboard 4 2 pocket folders (any color, any design) 1 2 pocket folder with prongs 1 3 subject notebook 2 wide ruled spiral or composition notebooks 70-100 sheets of paper (please check: No perforations for pages to tear out) 1 composition notebook 1 large box of tissues 1 Ziplock bags - Boys (sandwich size) Girls (gallon size) Print Troutville Elementary School Second Grade School Supplies List |
Troutville Elementary School 3rd Grade School Supplies List 2 boxes of tissues 8 plastic pocket folders WITH PRONGS 2 green, 2 red, 1 yellow, 1 orange, 1 purple, 1 white 1 pocket folder (any design) 1 pkg #2 pencils 1 box crayons 1 box erasable color pencils 2 or more highlighters 1 scissors 2 or more glue sticks 3 1 subject notebooks 1 Ruler (shows inches and centimeters) 1 Ziplock Bags - boys (quart size) girls (gallon size) 2 or more dry erase markers 1 (black & white) marble composition book 1 Pencil pouch (NO pencil boxes please!) Do Not Send: pencil sharpeners, liquid glue, pens, or markers Print Troutville Elementary School Third Grade School Supplies List |
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Troutville Elementary School 4th Grade School Supplies List 1 box of tissues 1 pkg Loose leaf paper 1 plastic folder with pockets any color 2 folders with pockets -1 orange, 1 red 3 three subject notebooks - red(math) yellow(social studies) green(science) 1 (black & white) marable composition book 1 one subject notebook (any color for language arts) 1 pkg. #2 pencils (mechanical pencils will be sent home) 1 Pencil pouch (NO pencil boxes please!) 1 Pink eraser 1 pkg Colored pencils 1 Scissors (label with student name) 2 highlighters (any color) 2 large glue sticks 1 box-Ziploc baggies -girls (sandwich) boys (gallon) Optional Items: Individual pencil sharpener Print Troutville Elementary School Fourth Grade School Supplies List |
Troutville Elementary School 5th Grade School Supplies List 5 two pocket folders with holes to fit in binder 1 two inch fabric zipper binder 2 glue sticks 1 large pencil pouch with holes to fit into binder 1 pkg Erasable colored pencils 1 pkg #2 pencils w/erasers 1 small enclosed pencil sharpener 1 Scissors 4 five subject spiral notebooks (green, blue, yellow, red) 1 pkg Wide rule notebook paper 1 box of tissues 2 highlighters 4 Dry erase markers - dark colors 1 box of gallon-sized ziplock bags 1 Index cards with lines 1 Index cards without lines Print Troutville Elementary School Fifth Grade School Supplies List |
Troutville Elementary School Additional Information PLEASE EXPECT TO REPLENISH SUPPLIES DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR. All Students No Trapper Keeper style notebooks grades K - 4 No book bags with wheels in K - 2 / Strongly Discouraged in grades 3 - 5 Label all student supplies and clothing items with your child's name (First and Last) Girls need to bring shorts to wear for Physical Education if they wear dresses Tennis Shoes are required everyday for student safety and use on the gym floor and outside - send an extra pair to leave at school if your child does not wear tennis shoes everyday PLEASE NOTE OUR DRESS CODE WHEN PURCHASING SCHOOL CLOTHES INFORMATION WILL BE AVAILABLE ON THE SCHOOL WEBSITE |