Turner Elementary School
School Supplies List 2024-2025
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School Name: | Turner Elementary School |
Mailing Address: | 9190 Imperial Oak Blvd Tampa, FL 33647-3291 |
School District: | Hillsborough |
County: | Hillsborough |
District Calendar: |
Turner Elementary School Hillsborough District Insructional Calendar for 2022-2023 |
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To update this School Supply List for Turner Elementary School please send us an email including a updated supply list to: Thank you!
School Supply Lists in the Post Covid-19 World! |
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Turner Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List 1 plastic pencil box 1 dozen #2 yellow pencils 2 packs of glue sticks 3 colored plastic folders with pockets & prongs 1 Black & White composition notebook 1 Fiskar scissors (pointed or blunt) 1 pkg. 16 crayons 1 pkg. 8 Crayola markers 1 2-pocket red folder for media center 1 container Clorox wipes 1 package of 3x5 index cards 1 bottle hand sanitizer Girls only: 1 box tissue 1 gallon size Ziploc bag 1 pkg. multicolored star stickers Boys only: 1 bottle hand soap 1 pkg. quart Ziploc bags 1 pkg. baby wipes Print Turner Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List Hillsborough District Calendar 2022-2023 |
Turner Elementary School First Grade School Supplies List 1 plastic pencil box 1 box 24 Crayola crayons 1 Fiskars scissors 1 black & white composition book 1 box tissues 1 hand sanitizer 1 spiral notebook wide-ruled (one subject) 1 dozen yellow #2 pencils 1 2-pocket orange folder for media center 2 Duo Tang 2 pocket plastic folders with prongs 3 large glue sticks 1 box quart size Ziploc bags (boys) 1 box gallon size Ziploc bags (girls) **1 white 1 inch 3-ring binder with pockets only some teachers. Please check with your child's teacher before purchasing. Print Turner Elementary School First Grade School Supplies List Hillsborough Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
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Turner Elementary School Second Grade School Supplies List 1 pack loose leaf paper wide ruled 1 black & white composition book 1 box tissue 1 pack Clorox or Lysol wipes 1 pencil pouch or box 3 spiral notebooks 4 2-pocket plastic folders w/prongs Red, blue, yellow and green 1 2-pocket yellow folder for media center 1 1" 3-ring binder white clear view w/ pockets 1 pack pencils 1 backpack Print Turner Elementary School Second Grade School Supplies List Hillsborough Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
Turner Elementary School Third Grade School Supplies List 1 zippered pencil pouch (no boxes) 2 pkg. #2 yellow pencils 4 glue sticks 5 2-pocket plastic folders with prongs (red, green, yellow, orange and blue) 1 Black & White composition notebook 1 Fiskar scissors 1 box 24 Crayola crayons 2 packs Post-Its 3x3 2 pkg. wide-ruled notebook paper 1 pack dividers (8) 1 colored pen 2 70-count spiral notebooks 2 Mead 5-Star 1 subject wide-ruled notebooks 2 1-inch 3 ring heavy duty binder with clear front pocket 2 packs 3x5 index cards 1 highlighter 1 reusable shopping bag (ex. Publix) 1 container Clorox or Lysol wipes Girls only: 1 anti bacterial soap 1 box tissues Boys only: 1 box tissues 1 pkg. markers Print Turner Elementary School Third Grade School Supplies List Hillsborough Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
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Turner Elementary School Fourth Grade School Supplies List 1 zippered pencil pouch (no boxes) 2 pkg. pencils 2 glue sticks 3 2-pocket plastic folders with prongs (red, yellow and blue) 1 2-pocket blue folder for media center 1 pair scissors 1 eraser 1 pack Post-Its 1 pkg. wide-ruled notebook paper 1 pkg. markers 2 70-count spiral notebooks 5 wide-ruled spiral notebooks 2 yellow highlighters 1 pkg. colored pencils 1 box tissues Girls only: 1 anti-bacterial soap Boys only: 1 hand sanitizer Print Turner Elementary School Fourth Grade School Supplies List Hillsborough Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
Turner Elementary School Fifth Grade School Supplies List 1 pkg. colored pencils 2 pkg. #2 pencils 4 spiral notebooks one subject 8 1/2 x 11- 100 page minimum 3 2-pocket folders w/ prongs (red, blue, purple) 3 pkg. wide-ruled paper 1 pair scissors 1 pencil zipper pouch (no boxes) 1 box tissues (boys) 2 pack Post-It notes 2 highlighters 1 hand sanitizer (girls) not soap 4 large erasers 12 glue sticks 1 3-ring binder 1 inch-clear pocket in front 1 pack dividers (8) 2 black dry erase markers Print Turner Elementary School Fifth Grade School Supplies List Hillsborough Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |