Ward Elementary School
School Supplies List 2024-2025
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Ward Elementary School Pre Kindergarten School Supplies List 2 Boxes regular crayons (8 count) 2 4 oz. bottles Glue and 2 glue sticks 2 Plastic Pocket Folders AM-Red; PM Blue 2 Large boxes of Kleenex 1 Fiskar Blunt Nose scissors 1 Change of clothes (seasonal) 1 Set of watercolor paints 1 Pkg. Thick markers (8 count) 1 Pkg. Ziplock bags AM - Sandwich Size; PM-Gallon Size 1 Spiral notebook - 60-100 pages 1 Full Size Backpack Print Ward Elementary School Pre-Kindergarten School Supplies List Northside Isd District Calendar 2024-2025 Northside Isd District Calendar 2023-2024 Northside Isd District Calendar 2022-2023 Northside Isd District Calendar 2021-2022 Northside Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Northside Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Northside Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Northside Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Northside Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Northside Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
Ward Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List 1 pair of Fiskar metal-edged scissors 2 boxes Crayola crayons (24 count, regular) 1 box of Crayola Markers (8 count, chubby, classic colors, washable) 4 bottles white Elmer's School Glue (4 oz.) 12 pencils (regular, yellow. #2) 2 erasers (large) 2 plastic folders (any solid color with brads and pockets) 2 spiral notebook (70 page, solid color, wide-ruled) 1 spiral sketch diary (no lines, 8 l/2 " X 11") 1 small plastic school box (8" X 4") 2 large boxes of Kleenex 1 box of Ziploc bags (Zip-slider) (Boys- 1 gallon size, Girls-quart size) 1 large backpack (labeled) 1 change of clothing in a labeled gallon size Ziploc bag 1 towel for napping (please no beach towels, mats, pillows or toys) Print Ward Elementary School Kindergarten School Supplies List Northside Isd District Calendar 2024-2025 Northside Isd District Calendar 2023-2024 Northside Isd District Calendar 2022-2023 Northside Isd District Calendar 2021-2022 Northside Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Northside Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Northside Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Northside Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Northside Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Northside Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
Ward Elementary School First Grade School Supplies List 1 Pair of Fiskar Metal Pointed Scissors 1 Set of Watercolor paints 2 Boxes of Crayons (24 count) 1 Set of washable markers 2 Bottles of White Glue (8 oz.) 24 Pencils (no mechanical pencils) 2 Large Pink Erasers 3 Spiral notebooks - (60-100 pages, lined; 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 blue) 1 Mead composition journal 3 plastic Folders with pockets and brads (1 red, 1 yellow, 1 blue) 1 Plastic School Box (4" x 8") 2 Large boxes of Kleenex 2 Dry Erase Markers 1 Box Ziplock bags (girls-quart size; boys-gallon size) Print Ward Elementary School First Grade School Supplies List Northside Isd Academic Calendar2024-2025 Northside Isd Academic Calendar2023-2024 Northside Isd Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Northside Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Northside Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Northside Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Northside Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Northside Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Northside Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Northside Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
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Ward Elementary School Second Grade School Supplies List 1 Pair of Pointed Scissors 1 Pkg. Wide ruled Notebook paper 1 Clipboard 2 Boxes crayons (24 count) 1 Set of markers 1 Expo dry erase marker 1 Elmer's Glue (8 oz) and 2 glue sticks 24 Pencils (no mechanical pencils) 2 Erasers 1 red pen 4 Spiral notebooks - 60-100 wide-ruled pages (2 red, 1 blue, 1 green) 1 Mead composition journal 3 Folders with Pockets and Brads (1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green) 1 vinyl Folders with pockets and brads (blue) 1 Container for supplies (4"x8") 2 Large boxes of Kleenex 1 Box Ziplock bags (boys-gallon size; girls quart size) Print Ward Elementary School Second Grade School Supplies List Northside Isd Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Northside Isd Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Northside Isd Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Northside Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Northside Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Northside Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Northside Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Northside Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Northside Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Northside Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
Ward Elementary School Third Grade School Supplies List 1 Scissors 1 1 1/2" Three Ring (clear covered) Binder 2 Pkg. Notebook paper 1 Pkg of dividers 1 Boxes crayons (24 count) 1 Set of Crayola Markers (8 count) 1 Set of Colored Pencils 1 Bottle of White non-washable Glue (8 oz) 2 Glue sticks 12 Pencils (no mechanical pencils) 2 Red pens 2 Large erasers 1 Wooden Ruler (Metric and Standard) 3 Spiral notebooks - (wide lined—1 blue, 1 red, 1 green) 5 Folders with Pockets and Brads (red, blue, green, yellow & orange) 1 Hand held pencil sharpener with a lid 1 Small Container for Supplies 2 Large boxes of Kleenex 3 composition notebooks 1 Box of Ziplock freezer bags- Quart size (girls) 1 Package if 3x5 index cards (boys) 1 Academic Planner (available for $5 at Ward Elementary) Print Ward Elementary School Third Grade School Supplies List Northside Isd Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Northside Isd Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Northside Isd Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Northside Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Northside Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Northside Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Northside Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Northside Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Northside Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Northside Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
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Ward Elementary School Fourth Grade School Supplies List 1 Scissors 2 Pkgs. Notebook paper (200 sheets, wide - ruled) 1 Box Crayons (24 count) 1 Set markers (non-washable) (8 count) 1 Set of map pencils 1 Glue (8 oz) and 1 glue stick 12 Pencils #2 (no mechanical pencils) 2 Hi Liters 2 Red pens 2 large pink Erasers 1 Wooden Ruler, Metric & Standard (no bendable rulers) 4 Spiral notebooks (60-100 pages) 6 Folders with pockets & brads (solid colors, non-decorative) 1 Composition Notebook 1 Container for supplies - 4" x 8" 2 Large boxes of Kleenex 1 Box Ziplock bags (girls-gallon size; boys quart size) 1 Pack 3x5 lined index cards 1 Academic Planner (available for $5 at Ward Elementary) Print Ward Elementary School Fourth Grade School Supplies List Northside Isd Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Northside Isd Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Northside Isd Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Northside Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Northside Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Northside Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Northside Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Northside Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Northside Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Northside Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
Ward Elementary School Fifth Grade School Supplies List 1 Pair of Scissors 2 Pkg. Notebook paper 1 Box of Crayola Crayons (24 count) 1 Set of Crayola Markers (8 count) 1 Set of map pencils 2 Bottles of glue (NO blue gel) 24 Pencils (no mechanical pencils) 2 Hi Liters 2 Red pens 2 Large Pink Erasers 1 Ruler (metric and standard) 4 Spiral notebooks - (2-3 subjects, lined) 1 Mead composition journal 6 Folders with pockets & brads (assorted colors) 1 Zipper Pencil Pouch 2 Large boxes of Kleenex 2 Packs of Index Cards 1 Small Container for Supplies 1 Box Ziplock bags (girls-gallon size; boys quart size) 1 Academic Planner (available for $5 at Ward Elementary) Print Ward Elementary School Fifth Grade School Supplies List Northside Isd Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Northside Isd Academic Calendar 2023-2024 Northside Isd Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Northside Isd Academic Calendar 2021-2022 Northside Isd District Calendar 2020-2021 Northside Isd District Calendar 2019-2020 Northside Isd District Calendar 2018-2019 Northside Isd District Calendar 2017-2018 Northside Isd District Calendar 2016-2017 Northside Isd District Calendar 2015-2016 |
Ward Elementary School Additional Information Some items may need to be replaced during the school year. |