2 boxes #2 Pencils (48 count total)
1 box Crayons (24 pack)
1 box Washable Markers (primary colors)
1 box Colored pencils (24 pack)
1 pack Multi Colored Highlighters
1 4-pack Expo Markers
1 Sharpie Marker
2 pkgs Glue Sticks
1 Pack Loose leaf paper (wide ruled)
1 pair Fiskar scissors
1 1 to 1 1/2inch 3 ring binders w/ pockets (white, clear view, no Trapper Keepers)
3 spiral notebooks (wide ruled, one red, one blue)
1 individual pencil sharpener
3 3 prong folders with pockets ( red, green, yellow)
1 pkg 5 tab dividers
1 Black and white Composition Books
1 pkg. Multi-pack 3x3 Post-It Notes
Family size box of Tissues Hand Sanitizer
Ziploc bags all sizes Index Cards
Clorox wipes
AGP supply list will be given out after the start of school.
1 Water Bottle
K-5 One package HAND wipes per student
Please be aware that teachers have individualized lists, which may include binders, spiral notebooks, or additional folders, that will be sent home on the
first day of school. This is a complied list of the typical student needs for each grade level.
**It may be necessary to replenish some of the items as the school year progresses. These items are those with the greatest tendency to need replacement.
Please keep any extra items at home due to limited space.
Click on the grade level below to see the other school supply lists for Deer Park Elementary
Build a starter kit of third grade school supplies and add to it as needed before the school year begins.
The third grade teachers at Deer Park Elementary will typically update their school supplies list on a yearly basis, we
try to update this list accordingly however we advise you to check with your child's third grade teacher and double check with the school, Deer Park Elementary, to see if there have been any changes to this year's third grade supply list.
A couple of things to keep in mind when ordering your third grade supplies, comsumable school supplies tend to run out long before the school year ends so take advantage of the back to school
offers and stock up on the basic supplies, your child's third grade teacher at Deer Park Elementary will thank you for that, and more importantly, your child's presence is the most important thing, the supplies are third to that and your teacher will
be more than understanding if you are unable to purchase all of the supplies on the list. Have a wonderful, safe and happy school year!
One of the most important pieces of information for you every school year is the Hillsborough District Academic Calendar. There, you will find your child's schedule for the entire school year including holidays, staff development days, half days, testing days, third and last day of school, etc. See the calendar for Hillsborough below.
The School Board voted to approve the Superintendents recommendation that the first day of school for students be moved from August 10th until August 24th.
Teachers and staff will return to schools as planned on July 31st.
The School Board also approved a new student calendar to make up for missed classroom time due to pushing the school start day to August 24. You can find that revised calendar here.
The School Board also voted on a new bell schedule to ensure students have the required amount of time in their courses.
Learning Model Options
What are my choices when sending my child back to school?
Traditional Classroom Instruction:
Students will physically see and interact with their teacher(s) and classmates and follow their class/course schedule each day at their school. This will include health and safety protocols to include social distancing, controlled movement and increased sanitation efforts.
eLearning students will maintain their enrollment status at their brick and mortar schools and will attend school online during regular school hours and follow a standard schedule. All students will be expected to adhere to daily attendance guidelines, log in and attend class during the designated times. eLearning courses will be designed to ensure rigor matches the traditional classroom setting.
Hillsborough Virtual K-12:
It is an independent, fully accredited, and flexible public-school option in the HCPS system. Unlike a traditional classroom or eLearning model, the curriculum and content are designed specifically for a true, virtual format and front-loaded at the beginning of the course. It is available 24/7 online, for which students create a daily work schedule to ensure completion of coursework in a regular semester timeframe.
If I sign up for one option – can I change my mind at any time, or does it have to be after
the semester?
When making a selection, parents are committing to at least one full semester of instruction. Our district will work with families to make accommodations in extenuating circumstances during the first semester.
Click on the grade level below to see the other school supply lists for Deer Park Elementary