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West Hernando Middle School 12th Grade School Supply List 2024-2025

West Hernando Middle School
12th Grade Supply List

West Hernando Middle School - 14325 Ken Austin Pkwy Brooksville, FL 34613-4907

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West Hernando Middle School

12th Grade School Supplies List

This 12th grade supply list is a suggested high school supply list only. We compile the information from the thousands of lists that we review every year and list those items that are most common. This supply list has a few new items that have been added due to the Covid-19 pandemic including masks, personal size hand sanitizers and disinfectant wipes.

Please check with your school and teachers to see if you need any additional supplies.

  • 1 Package of Masks 5 per Pkg
  • 1 Personal Size Hand Sanitizer
  • 1 Package of Disinfectant Wipes
  • 1 Backpack
  • 1 Package of #2 Pencils
  • 1 Supply/Pencil Pouch
  • 1 Pink or White Eraser
  • 1 Hand Held Pencil Sharpener
  • 1 Package of Pens: Red, Blue and Black
  • 1 Package of Colored Pencils
  • 1 Package of Highlighters
  • 1 Package of Markers
  • 1 12 inch Ruler
  • 6 Pocket Folders with Brads Assorted Colors
  • 4 Single Subject Spiral Notebooks (Check with your teacher about number of subjects per notebook)
  • 1 Package of Sticky Notes Assorted Colors
  • 1 Package of Loose Leaf Paper (check with teachers to see if you need wide ruled or college ruled paper)
  • 1 Package of Dividers
  • 1 1 inch 3 Ring Binder
  • 1 Pair of Headphones (kept in ziploc bag)
  • 1 Student Planner
  • 1 USB Flash Drive
  • 1 Pocket Dictionary (Check with your teachers before you purchase this item)
  • 1 Pocket Thesaurus (Check with your teachers before you purchase this item)
  • 1 TI Calculator (Check with your teachers before you purchase this item)

Most schools are asking that supplies are not to be shared and therefore should be labeled with student name. They are also asking that you keep school supplies in a ziploc bag or pencil pouch and take them home with you on a daily basis.

Schools may allow you to keep these supplies in your locker, please check with your school on all new policies due to Covid-19.

West Hernando Middle School Hernando District Insructional Calendar for

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Hernando Coronavirus Information

UPDATE `schoolsupplieslists` SET `Covid` = 'Option 1:

If I plan for my child(ren) to return to a traditional classroom setting when school resumes on August 31, 2020, they will commit to In-School Learning following the safety guidelines outlined below to protect themselves, their peers, and their teachers. I will select this option for my student(s) by July 27th at noon.

What will it look like?


All staff and students will wear masks when on Hernando County School District property.
Classroom set up will maximize distance between students.
Cafeteria procedures to reduce the number of students and adhere to social distancing
requirements will be implemented.
Enhanced safety protocols for cleaning touch points on campus throughout the day.
Student movement will be organized and monitored for safety.
Bus drivers will adhere to daily sanitizing and safety precautions.
Limited access to campus for all visitors.
Outside classes and gatherings will adhere to social distancing requirements.

Parents understand:


I will cooperate with the school and District policies concerning my child’s well-being and safety.
I will check my child’s temperature each morning and assess for symptoms, as the school will not conduct daily temperature screenings.
If my child is ill or has a fever of 100 degrees or higher, I will keep them home from school.
I will provide my child(ren) with a face covering.
I will encourage my child to use hand sanitizer and wear a face covering during the school day.
If I qualify for transportation, I will understand that my child must wear a face covering on the bus.
I will encourage my child to use hand sanitizer as they board the bus and keep their hands to themselves.
If I drive my child to school, I will drop my child off in the car rider area; as parents will not be able to walk students into the school.
I will not be allowed to volunteer or eat lunch with my child until conditions improve.
I understand that school events may be impacted by these new safety protocols.

Students understand:


I will follow my school’s and teacher’s rules.
I will wash my hands, use hand sanitizer and wear my face covering while at school.
If I qualify for transportation, I will follow the rules of the bus driver while riding.
I will bring a water bottle to school, as water fountains will be closed for regular use; water fountains may only be used to refill water bottles throughout the day.
I will socially distance myself whenever possible to protect myself and peers at school.

NEW Option 2:

If I prefer for my child(ren) to start the school year with digital learning at their assigned school, and return to the traditional Digital Home Learning classroom when conditions further improve, I will register for this option online at www.hernandoschools.org by July 27th @ noon. Digital learning will follow the traditional daily schedule with live and recorded sessions by teachers from my school.

What will it look like?


Live and recorded daily lessons by zone/choice school teachers.
Students will work within traditional school day schedule timelines.
Students will have all core subjects and limited specials/electives offered online.
This option will allow for a smooth transition back to In-School Learning when conditions improve.
Students will commit to this option for 9 weeks or obtain administrator approval to return to school.
Lessons will run all throughout the day and include rigorous/standards-based assignments.
Approved devices, provided by parents, will include a microphone, camera, and internet access.

Parents understand:


I will provide an approved device or computer for my child to attend online lessons and complete assignments.
I will provide a quiet place for my child to work in online schooling.
I will abide by attendance policies and ensure my child attends online lessons daily.
I will ensure my child completes online assignments.
I will support my child with online learning.
I understand my child needs to be self-motivated to be successful in online schooling.
I will follow all school and district policies pertaining to online schooling.
I understand that ALL In-School courses may not be available online; including IB and AICE.

Students understand:


I will attend daily online classes and behave according to the Hernando Student Code of Conduct.
I will submit my assignments on time and with maximum effort.
I will give my full attention during lessons and not become distracted by activities in my home.
I am a self-motivated learner who can manage my time effectively.

Option 3:

If I prefer to enroll my child(ren) in Hernando eSchool virtual school for full-time, independent learning for the 2020-2021 school year. I Virtual Learning understand I must commit to this option for a full semester to receive credit. I will register with Hernando eSchool by calling 352-797-7072 or visiting https://eHernando.weebly.com by July 27th at noon.

What will it look like?


Pre-designed lessons taught by Hernando eSchool teachers online.
Schedule is flexible.
Required weekly check-ins.
CANVAS will be the learning platform.
This option requires a full semester completion in order to receive credit and grades before transitioning to another school option.
Approved devices, provided by parents, will include a microphone, camera, and internet access.

Parents understand:


I will provide an approved device or computer for my child to attend online lessons and complete assignments.
I will provide a quiet place for my child to work in online schooling.
I will abide by attendance policies and ensure my child attends online lessons daily.
I will ensure my child completes online assignments.
I will support my child with online learning.
I understand my child needs to be self-motivated to be successful in online schooling.
I will follow all school and district policies pertaining to online schooling.
I understand that ALL In-School courses are not available online; including IB and AICE.

Students understand:


I will attend daily online classes and behave according to the Hernando Code of Conduct.
I will submit my assignments on time and with maximum effort.
I will give my full attention during lessons and not become distracted by activities in my home.
I am a self-motivated learner who can manage my time effectively.

' WHERE `DistrictName` = 'Hernando'
Click on the grade level below to see the other school supply lists for West Hernando Middle School

9th Grade |
10th Grade | 11th Grade | 12th Grade |

To update this 12th Grade School Supply List for West Hernando Middle School please send us an email including the updated list to:


Thank you!

See below to find other Hernando High School
2024-2025 Twelfth Grade School Supply Lists

Central High School Twelfth Grade School Supplies List
Frank W. Springstead High School Twelfth Grade School Supplies List
Hernando High School Twelfth Grade School Supplies List
West Hernando Middle School Twelfth Grade School Supplies List

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